Movement A unit or leader entering a fordable waterway must stop. Gaining ground remains possible.
Combat •    A unit that moves onto a ford terrain hex, may still battle that turn.
•    A unit on a ford hex, battles with a maximum of 2 dice.
•    A unit on a ford hex, battles with a maximum of 1 die in ranged combat.
•    A unit attacking an enemy unit on a ford hex battles with a maximum of 2 dice.
Line of Sight A ford hex does not block line of sight.



When the battle notes state an entire stream is fordable, apply rules for fords to all hexes that form the stream.
In addition, any ford hexes that are a part of the fordable steam are considered very shallow and do not have any battle or movement restrictions.


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pmiranda-samurai replied the topic:
2 years 2 weeks ago
"Gaining ground remains possible". Does that mean that you can move into a fordable river, melee, gain ground after melee (and get out of the river), then bonus close combat if eligible? I seem to remember such was not the case in other games in the series.
Mark-McG replied the topic:
2 years 7 months ago
Literal reading indicates it affects both ranged and melee attacks.
In practice this will only limit Samurai Bowmen
pmiranda-samurai replied the topic:
2 years 7 months ago
"A unit attacking an enemy unit on a fordable hex battles with a maximum of 2 dice". I assume the intent here is that this only applies to melee?
isabellkiral550 replied the topic:
3 years 7 months ago
Your information about ford and fordable stream is perfect and helpful for readers, and they are satisfied because they can solve their issues easily about this topic. Dissertation writing services
don replied the topic:
3 years 8 months ago
In attacking an enemy who is in a fordable stream perhaps the rational is everybody's going to get wet. These are hand-to-hand actions. The rules do not penalize ranged combat against the enemy units in stream. They, in turn, are heavily penalized, with a 1 die roll for ranged action. Having thrashed this out, without getting wet, it's all good ... I i yo.
Freeloading Phill replied the topic:
3 years 8 months ago
I would say it's that it is harder to bring your full force to bear on the enemy unit.
don replied the topic:
3 years 8 months ago
Love the game. It may be the best of the C&Cs. In countless board games units hampered by water are penalized. Attackers of these units are normal or have a further combat advantage. Samurai Battles punishes both. What's the rationale here?