Victory Results:
 44 %
Record a victory for BOTTOM ARMY  56 %
Total plays 9 - Last reported by GG on 2024-02-15 02:20:13

Historical Background
The Battle of Austerlitz, also known as the Battle of the Three Emperors, was one of Napoleon's greatest victories, where the French Empire effectively crushed the Third Coalition. On 2 December 1805 (20 November Old Style, 11 Frimaire An XIV, in the French Republican Calendar), a French army, commanded by Emperor Napoleon I, decisively defeated a Russo-Austrian army, commanded by Tsar Alexander I and Holy Roman Emperor Francis II, after nearly nine hours of difficult fighting. The battle took place near Austerlitz (Slavkov u Brna) about 10 km (6.2 mi) south-east of Brno in Moravia, at that time in the Austrian Empire (present day Czech Republic). The battle is often regarded as a tactical masterpiece.
The stage is set. The battle lines are drawn and you are in command. Can you change history?



Battle Notes

• Commander: Alexander I and Kutuzov
• 5 Command Cards
• "optional" 2 Tactician cards (If 6 players: Tactician cards for both sides Right/Center/Left: 2/2/2)
• Move First


French Army
• Commander: Napoleon
• 5 Command Cards
• "optional" 2 Tactician cards (If 6 players: Tactician cards for both sides Right/Center/Left: 2/2/2)


18 Banners

Special Rules 

(This scenario is a lighter and balanced version of the official LGB01 Austerlitz)

  • The 6 hexes of Pratzen Heights form a Temporary Majority Victory Banner (turn start) worth 2 banners for any side.
  • The 5 hexes of Stare Vinohrady form a Temporary Majority Victory Banner (turn start) worth 2 banners for any side.
  • The 6 town hexes of, Bosnitz, Blasowitz, Pratzen, the Walled Farm, Sokolnitz and Telnitz, are Temporary Victory Banner (turn start) worth 1 banner for any side.
  • The Allies start with a total of 5 Victory Banners and the French with a total of 4 Victory Banners.
  • All the rivers are fordable. The two frozen lakes are both impassable.
  • Pre-Battle Mother Russia Roll is in effect. Saber rolls have no effect.
  • Mother Russia per section (Right/Center/Left): 3/1/3.
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bartok replied the topic:
3 months 1 week ago
What about the distribution of the Corps Commander Commands cards? 
Allies Corps Commanders
Command R_ C_ L_

French Corps Commanders:
Command Right_ Center_ Left_

Fencer replied the topic:
10 months 1 week ago
Please explain how to use “Mother Russia”? Optional, either 5 or 3/1/3? Or 5 for the entire field, and 3/1/3 additionally for the sections?
Eugen82 replied the topic:
11 months 7 hours ago
Russians should roll Mother Russia x2 in Epic and LGB. Rules should reflect that maps and armies are much bigger. Cool scenario :)