Dürenstein - 11 November 1805
Historical Background
At Dürenstein, a combined force of Russian and Austrian troops trapped a French division commanded by Théodore Maxime Gazan. The French division was part of the newly created
VIII Corps, the so-called Corps Mortier, under command of Édouard Mortier. In pursuing the Austrian retreat from Bavaria, Mortier had over-extended his three divisions along the north bank of the Danube. Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov, commander of the Coalition force, enticed Mortier to send Gazan's division into a trap and French troops were caught in a valley between two Russian columns. Kutuzov split his forces such that one part would engage head on, pretending to be a rear guard near Stein while two other elements would come through the mountain passes and hit the French from the other side. Unfortuately, the plan was too complex, and weather, together with unfettered Russian looting in the mountain passes, delayed the timing of the plan, and French resistance was unexpectedly fierce.
The French were rescued by the timely arrival of a second division, under command of Pierre Dupont de l'Étang. The battle extended well into the night. Both sides claimed victory. The French lost more than a third of their participants, and Gazan's division experienced over 40 percent losses.
The stage is set. The battle lines are drawn and you are in command. Can you change history?
Set-Up Order
Battle Notes
Russian Army:
Leaders Kutuzov
5 Command cards
(4 Tactician cards)
Move First
7 | 3 | 4 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
French Army
Leader: Mortier
5 Command Cards
(2 Tactician cards)
6 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 4 |
7 Banners
Special Rules
The towns of Unterloiben, Oberloiben Rothenhof, and the adjacent orchard represent a French Majority Temporary Group Victory Banner objective
and will give 2 victory banners to the French if they occupy an absolute majority at turn start. The French player starts with 2 victory banners.
Dürenstein is a Temporary Victory Banner objective for both sides and is worth 1 victory banner at turn start.
The Allies receive one temporary victory banner immediately if no French unit occupies either of the right or left sections at any time
The allied player chooses 3 LN and 1 LT unit to make paper strength after reviewing his opening hand of command cards.
The time pressure objective rule is in effect against the Allies.
The creek dividing the map has no effect on movement but units battling out or into will have -1 die.
The Danube hex is impassable to all.