Victory Results:
 0 %
Record a victory for BOTTOM ARMY  100 %
Total plays 2 - Last reported by Hawkmoon on 2023-11-05 11:34:20

The War of the Oranges was a brief conflict in 1801 in which Spanish forces invaded Portugal. The Spanish attack to Portugal started on the early morning of the 20 May, and 
focused on the Portuguese border region that included the main Garrison Town and Fortifications of Elvas and the smaller fortified towns of Campo Maior, Olivença and Juromenha. The main force of the Spanish Army advanced to Elvas, while two divisions advanced to Campo Maior and another division advanced to Olivença and Juromenha.

The Portuguese garrison of Campo Maior - under the command of Lieutenant-Colonel Dias  Azevedo - resisted the assault for 17 days, forcing the Spanish to maintain two entire divisions in its siege. 

Battle Notes

Portuguese Army
Commander: Lieutenant-Colonel Dias Azevedo
4 Command Cards
Option: 2 Tactician Cards
Spanish Army
5 Command Cards
Option: 2 Tactician Cards
Move first


4 Banners

Special Rules

• The Spanish Guerrilla rule is not in effect.
• The Stream is fordable.
• Portuguese artillery in the castle may not move, and suffers no battle reduction for the Castle
• The Castle is worth 2 Permanent Banners to the Spanish if occupied
• The church of Campo Maior is worth 1 Temporary banner for the side that occupies it at the start of his turn. Portuguese start with 1 Victory Banner

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RiverWanderer replied the topic:
1 year 3 months ago

We have one question :
Can we play a "Leader orders a fall back" when the opponent declares a "Artillery Cannister" ?

I would allow it. Per my question and g1ul10 's reply on this old  thread .
Hawkmoon replied the topic:
1 year 3 months ago
Played on Friday evening.
1st game : Guillaume who played the Spanish side had made a perfect offensive in the center joining the 2 Artilleries and adding a Line Infantry to make a combined attack on the fortress using a Sapeurs card and scoring 4 points on 2 dice rolls. The Portuguese Art was destroyed, Dias Azevedo, who was with it, was killed in action and then the Spanish Line entered into the castle. 4/1 for the Spanish side.
2nd game : Guillaume launched a fierce counterattack on the Portuguese left and i n the center after. He was close to victory loosing 4/3.
We have one question :
Can we play a "Leader orders a fall back" when the opponent declares a "Artillery Cannister" ?
Hawkmoon replied the topic:
1 year 3 months ago
Hi, we're gonna play it tonight at home (I'm wounded) with my comrade Guillaume "Borodino's Butcher" Ambroise.
Mark-McG replied the topic:
1 year 5 months ago
The artillery cannot move, so cannot be Short Supplied.
Hawkmoon replied the topic:
1 year 5 months ago
I suppose that the Portuguese Art can not be sent to its back-line by using a "Ammo Supply" tactical card.
Mark-McG replied the topic:
1 year 8 months ago
under the Artillery is a Castle
under the LN without a leader is a Church
under Azevedo is a Town with a fieldwork directions 2 & 3
Hawkmoon replied the topic:
1 year 8 months ago
Hi Mark,
Very interested of playing this scenario.
Can you tell us the hex under the units based in Campo Maior, please ? It's hard to see on the mapboard.