Victory Results:
 58 %
Record a victory for BOTTOM ARMY  42 %
Total plays 85 - Last reported by reways on 2024-02-05 02:54:56

Borodino - 7 September 1812
(Raevski Redoubt)

Historical Background
Despite Marshal Davout’s suggestion of a maneuver to outflank the weak Russian left, Napoleon instead ordered Davout to move forward toward the Russian fleches (small redoubts), while the flanking maneuver was left to Prince Poniatowski.
Three Russian Corps met Davout’s initial advance and even when part of Ney’s and Junot’s Corps were sent to his aid, the Russians refused to give ground. By late morning the fight for the fleches and Semyanovskaya had become a grinding struggle of attrition. A second French assault was being turned back, until Murat’s cavalry charged forward and took the fleches. The Russian right flank commander, Barclay, sent his reserves on his own initiative to retrieve the situation. A full-scale attack against the Raevski (Grand) redoubt was also launched around 2:00 PM, after Eugene had stabilized his right flank. The Russians squandered their advantage in artillery with fully half of their guns unengaged. The French, however, formed a grand battery that rained destruction upon massed Russian formations. Accounts by Russians advancing to counterattack spoke of walking into hell. The French infantry moved to engage the redoubt from the front, while the cavalry swung around to its rear. Kutusov counterattacked with his Guard reserves to stabilize the line, but they in turn were decimated. The Russians were spent, but Napoleon would not release the Imperial Guard infantry and cavalry to destroy the disorganized Russian left wing. With no fresh troops committed to decide the issue, both sides ceased fighting out of mutual exhaustion. In spite of losing some areas in the battlefield, the battered Russian army did not collapse. During the night, Kutusov ordered a retreat.
The stage is set. The battle lines are drawn and you are in command. Can you change history?


Set-Up Order

Forest 10
Hill 6
HillEntrenchments2 2
HillEntrenchments 3
River 8
RiverBend 5
RiverEnd 1
Town 1


Battle Notes

Russian Army
• Commander: Kutuzov
• 5 Command Cards
• 4 Tactician Cards

Line Infantry Light Infantry Grenadier Infantry Guard Grenadier Infantry Light Cavalry Cuirassier Heavy Cavalry Guard Heavy Cavalry Foot Artillery Guard Foot Artillery Leader
5 4 1 1 3 1 1 4 1 3

French Army
• Commander: Napoleon
• 6 Command Cards
• 6 Tactician Cards
• Move First

Line Infantry Light Infantry Old Guard Infantry Light Cavalry Cuirassier Cavalry Heavy Cavalry Foot Artillery Guard Foot Artillery Leader
9 5 2 3 1 1 3 1 4


10 Banners

Special Rules
• Semyanovskaya is a Temporary Victory Banner worth one banner for the side that occupies it at the start of its turn (Temporary Victory Banner Turn Start)

• The French gain one Temporary Victory Banner for each field works hex that the Russians do not occupied at the start of the French turn (Temporary Victory Banner Turn Start)

• The Semenovka Stream is fordable stream. The stream does not stop infantry movement nor does it cause any battle restrictions for infantry units.

• Pre-Battle Mother Russia Roll rule is in effect. Saber and cavalry rolls have no effect.

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Pevans replied the topic:
1 year 2 months ago
The start of June was my return match with Evert at this scenario as we working our way through the Russian expansion. It was my turn to play the French and all those fieldworks were discouraging - though only having to get the Russians out might be an advantage. As the Russian player, Evert's first job was the Mother Russia roll. In this case he added an extra block to the forward Line infantry on the right and the three Line behind and beside Semenovka in the centre. (I'm using left and right as in the set-up picture, rather than according to each army's viewpoint.)

Initial skirmishing was followed by a French attack on the left (a "Force March" card), crossing the river to attack the Russians on the hills. This didn't work out well: I lost a Light infantry and a Line infantry while the almost-dead Russian Light cavalry retreated out of harm's way. That means the score is 0:3 as Evert has a banner for the town.

However, I got lucky with my next card, an "Elan". On the right side of the battlefield French artillery eliminated a Russian artillery unit, leaving a fieldworks empty. (Evert was not happy that three dice all came up on the 'artillery' side - a 1/216 chance!) This makes the score 1:3 and 2:3 when Evert chose not to re-occupy the fieldworks.

I continued to push forward on the left, throwing the Cuirassiers into the fray and taking out a Light infantry and another artillery. That's another fieldworks vacant - though Evert filled this one - and takes the score to 4:3.

My next move was a "Bombard" card to bring three French artillery units together centre-right. The fourth one opened up on Semenovka, driving out the Russian Light infantry. However, the Russian artillery was more effective, eliminating a French Light infantry centre-left while muskets took out another on the right edge. And that's 4:4 as Evert's no longer holding the town.

With the focus in the centre, a French Line infantry had been working its way along the left edge of the battlefield and now finished off the battered Light cavalry hiding there: 6:4 as there is a second empty fieldworks. Evert promptly sent his Cuirassiers to force the infantry into square (cunningly depriving me of my other left section card).

Time for some action on the right with the fieldworks on the right edge changing hands a couple of times: the French lost a Light infantry, the Russians a Line - 7:5.

A rash attack by the Russian cavalry was beaten off and I responded with a "Cavalry Charge", taking out Russian Light cavalry on the right and a Line infantry from the fieldworks on the left: 9:5

In a final flurry, Evert came back with a "Counter-attack", re-taking Semenovka and one of the fieldworks and eliminating the Old Guard, but losing a Line infantry in exchange: 9:7. I pushed the Russians back out of the town and a fieldworks. Evert couldn't re-take either fieldworks, so another banner came my way at the start of the next French turn: 10:7 and a win by the same score I achieved as the Russians.
Pevans replied the topic:
1 year 3 months ago
Yes, Evert and I have reached this scenario. Looking at the set-up, my conclusion was that this is the heart of the battle, with the previous scenarios being skirmishing on the flanks. I play the Russians first and was encouraged by having those fieldworks to counter the massed French army. However, my first job is the Mother Russia roll. This let me add an extra block to the Light infantry in and beside Semenovka and the one on the left edge of the board.
The action started when Evert played a "Grande Manoeuvre" card to give the French a position in the centre. (For the third game in a row!) However, my "Force March" drove the French back, taking out a Line infantry unit. First blood to me and the score is 2:0 (the Russians hold Semenovka).
The action then shifted to the right where the French pushed forward, eliminating a Russian Line and an artillery to empty two of the fieldworks (thanks to some luck with the dice). Re-occupying one with Russian Grenadiers just led to their loss as well - though they did take down a French Line unit. A second French Line fell to the Russian Light cavalry before that unit was blown away by French fire. Phew! This takes the score to 4:6 in favour of the French.
By now Evert had his artillery massed in the centre - as happened historically - while I hadn't got much use from my guns - also historical. The artillery finished off a Russian Light infantry on the right, taking the score to 4:7 and leaving me with just the Guard Heavy cavalry on the right. With 10 banners needed for the win, things were looking bad.
Then there was some action on the left as the Russian guns finally fired, killing a French Line infantry. This was followed by a "Cavalry Charge". The Russian Cuirassiers hurtled into the river to destroy the French Light infantry in the woods on the extreme left (my turn for some luck with the dice) while the Guard Heavies hit the French on the right and removed the Heavy cavalry there. That's 7:7 and all to play for.
A second "Cavalry Charge" saw the Russian Cuirassiers and Light cavalry eliminate a French Line on the left while the Guard Heavies continued to lay into the French cavalry on the right, killing Marshal Murat. (Yes, I got lucky with a leader check, while Evert's luck had deserted him and his battle backs were not damaging my horsemen as much as they should - it's 9:7.)
The coup de grâce was my third (!) "Cavalry Charge" that saw the battered Guard Heavies finish off the French Light cavalry previously commanded by Murat.
From 4:7 to 10:7 is quite a comeback. I'd been wanting to get the Guard Heavy cavalry into action from the start and having three "Cavalry Charge" cards allowed me to let rip with them (and the Cuirassiers). Evert's massed artillery in the centre was quite effective initially (he had a "Bombard"), but then fell silent as he ran out of centre cards. And he was disappointed not to have got the French Cuirassiers - his favourite - into the action. It was a slightly longer game than most of ours, running to 30 turns (15 each), though 2.5 hours is not unusual.
LARS replied the topic:
3 years 7 months ago
The main attack at Borodino.... A crushing defeat as Morand, Gerard, Broussier and Grouchy are obliterated by Docturov. Napoleon decides to turn away from Moscow. A 10-4 victory. Block losses: French 42! Russian: 21.
g1ul10 replied the topic:
4 years 4 months ago
French victory 10-5. This time the French had the cards to maneuver on the left and they essentially played the whole game on that side, capturing two redoubts, pushing the Russians back. The Russian player sent reinforcements from the central section, but they were insufficient in strength and numbers.
g1ul10 replied the topic:
4 years 5 months ago
Russian victory 7-10. The French lacked the cards to maneuver on the right. A bayonet assault against the Russian artillery on the left flank ended in a bloodbath for the French infantry.
Bayernkini replied the topic:
5 years 9 months ago

The stream does not stop infantry movement nor does it cause any battle restrictions for infantry units."

The short and better understandable sentence/answer is
"Infantry treats the fordable stream as "open ground"
Mark-McG replied the topic:
5 years 9 months ago
I've understood "battle restrictions" to include die modifiers, but I grant it isn't actually defined.

The Ligny FAQ has a similar case, and whilst a battle restriction of taking ground is discussed (and allowed), die modifiers aren't referenced.

So in short, I don't know for sure.
Bangla replied the topic:
5 years 9 months ago
"The Semenovka Stream is fordable stream. The stream does not stop infantry movement nor does it cause any battle restrictions for infantry units."

Does this mean that infantry still receive the -1 battle dice MODIFIERS for combat into/out of the stream, or is this also negated? We always played that the combat modifiers still held, but in Paris everyone was playing that there would be no minuses to the battle dice for infantry.

Methinks folks were getting their modifications and restrictions intertwined.
Achtung Panzer replied the topic:
8 years 7 months ago
The new Tacticians cards can have quite an impact on this scenario
Hawkmoon replied the topic:
10 years 9 months ago
We've been plaing it last friday.
So the limitations (move and battle) occured for CAV and ART.
Mark-McG replied the topic:
10 years 10 months ago
The Semenovka Stream is fordable stream. The stream does not stop infantry movement nor does it cause any battle restrictions for infantry units.

this should be carefully read as;

The Semenovka Stream is fordable RIVER. The Stream does not stop infantry movement nor does it cause any battle restrictions for infantry units.