Victory Results:
 55 %
Record a victory for BOTTOM ARMY  45 %
Total plays 31 - Last reported by SimSportPlyr on 2023-03-01 18:04:41

Historical Background
Gnaeus Scipio had lost the advantage of numbers with the desertion of the mercenaries. Although unaware of Publius Scipio's fate, Gnaeus decided to withdraw towards northern Iberia after Mago and Hasdrubal Gisco arrived with their armies. The Romans moved out of their camp leaving his camp fires burning and made for Ebro at night. The Numidians located them the following day, their attacks forcing the Romans to take position on a hilltop for the night near Ilorca. The main Carthaginian army arrived the during the night, now made up of the forces of Hasdrubal Barca, Hasdrubal Gisco and Mago. In desperation, the Romans tried to create a defensive wall with baggages and saddles, as the ground was too stoney for digging. The Carthaginians easily overran this, and Gnaeus was killed in the fighting, most of his army was destroyed.
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The stage is set. The battle lines are drawn and you are in command. The rest is history.

War Council

Carthaginian Army
Leaders: Hasdrubal Barca, Mago Barca, Hasdrubal Gisco
Take 5 Command Cards      
Move First

Roman Army
Leader: Gnaeus Scipio
Take 4 Command Cards     

6 Banners

Special Rules


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Mark-McG replied the topic:
4 years 7 months ago
Played 28 times in 2020 Open
Carthage won 14 times
Romans won 14 times
g1ul10 replied the topic:
4 years 10 months ago
Played twice today. A 6-1 Carthaginian victory and a 6-3 Roman victory. I enjoyed it. This scenario forces the players to use all the array of their units. Aux are good on hills so here they are a valuable asset.
Mark-McG replied the topic:
7 years 8 months ago
This scenario was Round 3 of the 2017 Open Tournament
8 Roman and 12 Carthaginian wins
Mark-McG replied the topic:
7 years 8 months ago
This scenario was Round 3 of the 2017 Open Tournament
8 Roman and 12 Carthaginian wins