Victory Results:
 0 %
Record a victory for BOTTOM ARMY  100 %
Total plays 4 - Last reported by mk20336 on 2022-01-21 00:07:37

East of Mount Nangu, Asano Yukinaga, hearing the sound of battle, charged his eastern samurai forward. They struck home on Natsuka Masaie's position, which surprised the other western commanders, who for the most part just watched as the fight unfolded. Yukinaga was quickly gaining the upper hand, while the sizable forces of Masaie allies, Mori Hidemoto and Chosokabe Morichika, instead of joining the battle, choose to remain passive and just watch. This situation of loyalty of the western clans unfortunately would surface throughout the battle.
The stage is set, the battle lines are drawn, and you are in command. Can you change history?


Forest Hill
10 4


Army of the West (Red)
Command Card Command Card Command Card Command Card Command Card
Dragon Card Dragon Card Dragon Card
Honour & Fortune Honour & Fortune Honour & Fortune Honour & Fortune

Ashigaru Yari Ashigaru Bowmen Ashigaru Arquebus Samurai Spearmen Samurai Spearmen Cavalry Infantry Leader Cavalry Leader
5 2 1 3 1 3 1

Army of the East (Blue)
Move First
Command Card Command Card Command Card Command Card Command Card Command Card
Dragon Card Dragon Card Dragon Card
Honour & Fortune Honour & Fortune Honour & Fortune Honour & Fortune Honour & Fortune

Ashigaru Yari Ashigaru Bowmen Ashigaru Arquebus Samurai Spearmen Samurai Spearmen Cavalry Infantry Leader Cavalry Leader
3 2 1 4 1 3 1

5 Banners
* 1 Victory Banner for each unit or leader eliminated.
* Both players can gain 1 Victory Banner each turn that there are no enemy units in a section of the battlefield. Hexes with a dotted line in this case are considered center section hexes.

Special Rules
* A Mori unit may only be given an order to move off its baseline, when playing an "Order One Unit Left" Command card. Once the Mori unit has been ordered, it may be ordered as normal.
* A Chosokabe unit may only be given an order to move off its baseline, when playing an "Order One Unit Right" Command card. Once the Chosokabe unit has been ordered, it may be ordered as normal.


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Mark-McG replied the topic:
2 years 11 months ago
Official answers

• Once a unit is order by the play of an "Order One Unit" Command card, the unit can be ordered as normal on the following turns.
• If one of these units is attacked the unit may battle back. Note: A unit does not have to be order to battle back, therefore it is not yet considered ordered and the unit can NOT be ordered as normal on the following turns.
• Until one of these units is ordered by the play of an "Order One Unit" Command card, the unit can NOT be ordered to move or battle.
• Until a leader with one of these units is ordered by the play of an "Order One Unit" Command card, the leader can NOT be ordered to separate and move.
Mark-McG replied the topic:
2 years 11 months ago
So my understanding of the Special rule is that the Mori are the 3 RED units on the baseline on the Left, and the Chosokabe are the 2 RED units on the baseline on the Right.
Some BGG questions and my answers

a) move, but are moved along the baseline, or pushed back onto the baseline? My view is once released, they stay released, but their passivity might be rectivated by a setback
A1: Once released, stays released

b) are attacked on the baseline before being activated? Do they become active? If not, can they battleback?
A2: If attacked may battle back, but are not released

c) the wording of the rule is a bit cryptic, "given an order to move off the baseline" , so can they be given an order to combat, or to move along the baseline?
A3: Can be ordered to battle normally, but not move at all. The no movement restriction is primarily to keep the Command card release instructions sensible.

d) May the Mori and Chosokabe leaders be ordered to detach from their units and move independently to join/support allied units?
A4: Yes, with an Order 1 card.