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VASSAL Tournament

8 years 11 months ago #144 by Mark-McG
Replied by Mark-McG on topic VASSAL Tournament

Imagawa (Red/ScottK) Player: 0 Banners won, 11 figures lost
Oda (Yellow/Mark McG) Player: 5 Banners won, 6 figures lost

Oda swiftly moved in on the Command tent, and whittled it down over several attacks. The Imagawa cavalry came to rescue their commander, but the Practice of Aikido thwarted them.

Oda then moved Serpentine to complete the capture of the tent (3 banners), Yashimoto committed Seppuku, and the Oda leader (Oda Noname) proceeded to finish off a maimed Ashigaru (4th banner) and in a Legendary Combat, finish off Imagawa Noname and his little horse too (5th banner). All over in 3 Oda turns.

Few notes on the figures lost. It includes the 3 bodyguards, the seppuku commander, and the nameless leader.

In retrospect, rushing the Ashigaru from the Imagawa right might be the best hope of defence, but with just 2 Command cards, it is mere chance.

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File Name: SBVT2R4Sco...McG.vlog
File Size:59 KB

“I dreamt of worldly success once.”
― Miyamoto Musashi

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8 years 11 months ago #146 by goshublue
Replied by goshublue on topic VASSAL Tournament
Round 5 - Heights of Komatsuyama

BrentS (Osaka/Red) Banners 6 (Blocks lost 9)
Theimann (Tokugawa/Yellow) Banners 0 (Blocks lost 15)

Bizarre game. An early White Dragon gave the Osaka army desperately needed command parity (almost). The Tokugawa left charged the hills and two dead leaders later their plans and army were in tatters. Close combat is brutal on leaders in this game!


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8 years 11 months ago - 8 years 11 months ago #147 by toddrew
Replied by toddrew on topic VASSAL Tournament
012 Battle of Okehazama (1560) - Dengakuhazama Gorge

Imagawa Samurai Army (Red/BrentS) 2 Banners won, 17 figures lost
Oda Samurai Army (Yellow/toddrew) 5 Banners won, 13 figures lost

The Oda intended for this battle to go much as Mark and Scott's, but the initial play of Serpent Command was blunted by White Fox Spirit, only enabling a solitary Naginata unit to advance within striking distance of the Command Tent. Imagawa may have had few cards, but they were the proper ones early, as Crane's wing allowed the spearmen to back off and the Mounted units to move over to protect the camp as archers on the right picked off a figure from the Oda spearmen there. The Oda play of outflanked allowed the spearmen to close the distance to the archers, but not attack, while the advanced Naginata commenced the assault on the Command Tent. The 5d hit once, but the 3d coming back hit twice, leaving the Naginata standing out in the open to take the Mounted Charge of the Imagawa forces. Although the odds were well in hand, it was with trepidation that a Personal Challenge was issued by Nobunga to the unnamed Mounted Leader of the Imagawa army - 8 dice to 3 dice. The trepidation proved warranted, as Nobunga lost the challenge, soon followed by losing the Naginata unit.

Rattled, but unassuaged, Tiger Tail Right was played to both advance toward the camp and try to run down the archers on the right. Two hits but no flags and the archers stood. The Oda archers in the center did clip the Heavy Cavlary hovering around the camp. On Imagawa's next turn, the tables were turned on the Oda Spearmen, as the archers backed off and fired, while the other Heavy Mounted engaged in combat - a draw as each unit took a hit.

And here is where the game turned: with an order two in the center, the same Oda Spearmen moved adjacent to the 2 figure archers, but could not attack. The Naginata, however, had reached the camp - this time the 5d brought down the Command unit, forcing a leader evade, and gaining three banners while satisfying one of the victory conditions. Oda did not feel confident enough to take a swing at the Heavy Cavalry, and remained removed from further action.

Instead of responding as Oda had anticipated, Imagawa chose to move the weakened archer forward along with the heavy cavalry in order to surround the spearmen, first firing at them with a single die from an arquebus and another archer unit. The Practice of Aikido allowed the spearmen to remain at two figures, while doing some damage to the archers they had been chasing, now at 1 figure after the battle back.

Card attrition was beginning to take its toll on both sides, as the Oda could only muster a single order in the center, but it was enough to bring down the archers. The price was immediately paid on the next turn, as they in turn were finished off by the Imagawa Heavy Cavalry. The battle then shifted to the Oda left/Imagawa right, as the Oda advanced their Naginata and fired with the Arquebus, zeroing in on the Imagawa Spearmen in the hills. The cards allowed Imagawa to re-position to get the spearmen further from danger, but Oda kept pressing, and was able to end up pinning the other spearmen. Though at full strength, they faced a total of 13d, and were not able to hold up.
Last edit: 8 years 11 months ago by toddrew.

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8 years 11 months ago #148 by toddrew
Replied by toddrew on topic VASSAL Tournament
Correction to the earlier report of the game Scott and I played: Incorrectly reported that Scott had only won two banners, when it was 3. Osaka did hold the hills the entire game, but we never awarded the banner for that.

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8 years 11 months ago #149 by Cavie
Replied by Cavie on topic VASSAL Tournament
010 2nd BATTLE OF AZUKI-ZAKA (1548) (Round 2 game for Dan & Tom)

Imagawa (Red/Dan) Player: 6 Banners won, 9 figures lost
Oda (Yellow/Tom) Player: 1 Banner won, 27 figures lost

The Imagawa Army started the game with it's ranged units taking some shots while the Oda army returned their attack by rushing into center of the battle field.

Both armies took some huge losses in honor and fortune making for some interesting situations. The Oda army played Panic early and forced Sessai to retreat 2 hexes causing the Imagawa army a huge 4 honor & fortune loss. In addition to losing some honor and fortune on a couple of other rolls the honor and fortune supply was depleted. A Lack of Honor roll resulted in one light unit being lost.

Next turn the honor & fortune continued to disappear and this time the Oda army also had to take Lack of Honor losses. As the game continued the Honor & Fortune started to come back into supply but the leaders began to fall. An Insult to Nobuhide kept him out of the fray but a leader on each side took a fatal blow.

There were 3 different Lack of Honor rolls in this game. I had not experienced that in any game until this one. In addition, the 2 leaders falling made it for a very interesting game. Each time I play I'm learning a little more and really discovering there is quite a bit of different strategies and approaches that can be taken.

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8 years 11 months ago #151 by toddrew
Replied by toddrew on topic VASSAL Tournament

Cavie wrote: Each time I play I'm learning a little more and really discovering there is quite a bit of different strategies and approaches that can be taken.

I really like how retreats come at a cost in this game. In general I spend the early turns gathering up a healthy amount of honor & fortune before initiating an offensive where I would want to inspire as many rolls as possible, while still having something left for a dragon card play or two, yet also allow for potential strategic retreats offered by the dice (let alone unwanted retreats forced by the dice/dragon cards). I start to get nervous at 4 hf :)

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8 years 11 months ago #152 by Scottk2
Replied by Scottk2 on topic VASSAL Tournament
Hi Gang - A quick note to ToddC and Ben to try and stir up our match for this tourney,
I'm available and flexible today (Monday 8/10), Wednesday, Friday, or Sunday for a game.
My time zone is "West Coast time" minus one hour.

Also -- would be delighted to get in a "non-tourney" game with any of you as well !!



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8 years 11 months ago #154 by Mark-McG
Replied by Mark-McG on topic VASSAL Tournament
010 2nd BATTLE OF AZUKI-ZAKA (1548)

Imagawa (Red/Squatting Monkey) Player: 1 Banner won, 23 figures lost
Oda (Yellow/Mark McG) Player: 6 Banners won, 6 figures lost

Still haven't won a Personal Challenge this tournament, but the Ninja Assassin did me proud.
Experience won the day, with Oda cavalry doing all the work until they met their match.

File Attachment:

File Name: SBVT2R2Tra...McG.vlog
File Size:87 KB

“I dreamt of worldly success once.”
― Miyamoto Musashi

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8 years 11 months ago - 8 years 11 months ago #155 by plainscape
Replied by plainscape on topic VASSAL Tournament
007 Domyoji

Round Five

Osaka (Red/Squatting Money): 3 and 27 blocks lost
Tokugawa (Yellow/plainscape): 5 and 13 blocks lost

Tokugawa began the battle by trying to move his own units out of fire while heavily bombarding the hills, weakening the Osaka's line. When the time was right, he then charged the hill on his left flank once an opening was made. Osaka was pushed back, but what really did him in was that Masamuna entered into single combat with Goto and Kaimio and won both battles, eliminating Tokugawa's logistic flexibility. Some men who fled the battle were said to be consumed by the dragon of the river itself. What is sure is that Tadamasa's calvary then assailed the center of the hill which a charge, temporarily seizing the hill. Osaka was not defeated yet and mounted a counter offensive to retake the hill despite being down in soldiers. Both Masamuna's and Tadamasa's men did not survive the battle and the hill was lost. Arrows were then exchanged and Katsushiga made one last valiant effort to break the Osaka army, winning glory for the Tokugawa clan (despite their masterful aikido).
Last edit: 8 years 11 months ago by plainscape.

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8 years 11 months ago #156 by plainscape
Replied by plainscape on topic VASSAL Tournament
Round 2

Imagawa (Red/scottk2): 5 Banners and 26 blocks lost
Oda (Yellow/plainscape): 6 Banners and 25 blocks lost

This was a very fun and very tough game for both sides. I felt like the mouse in the cat and mouse game almost the whole time. But, thanks to many spoiling card players, I eked a victory through. I think this is the most fun that I have had with this system. So, here's how it happened.

First, Imagawa sent their assassins to kill Nobuhide and they succeeded (on the first card!). I knew this would be a tough battle, but that made it all the tougher. (Btw, we interpreted "eliminate" as "delete the leader from the game," like how it is used on the card, "Personal Challenge." Should we have counted him as a banner? If so, then the score should be a little different and I'll adjust it if people can give me an authoritative ruling.) Oda then responded with a Rice Famine and by firing into the oncoming attackers, depleting their line. The Imagawa armies continue to line up in front of the Oda and the Oda moved in for the attack. But the Imagawa counter attack was delayed by the White Fox spirit which distracted all but one unit. (That one unit still killed the first unit of the game though!) But, nothing could stop the Imagawa army from taking unit after unit and leader after leader until there was nearly no hope. At this point the Imagawa had 5 Banners and the Oda had none. So, what turned it around? The blue spearmen of the Oda moved in and destroyed their attackers! Even the Cavalry that charged into a one block spearman died at his hands. After two more turns it was 4-5. The Oda should have still been able to easily win victory at this point, but a well played insult card spoiled another attack which then left another Imagawa blue unit hanging for a battle back. Then, on the last play, the Oda calvary charged into the what I assume was a fleeing blue spearman, putting him out of his misery and leaving the army demoralized. Somehow the Imagawa let victory slip from their fingers and there was much rejoicing in the Oda camp that night.

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