Game 1
Giulio (Allies) 7 Banners
Gonzo (French) 8 Banners
Very tight. Decision down to last roll. Range fire in center/French left trading hits. Cav attacks back and forth on French right. French take town and do damage in center. Came down to a 4 range fire attack on Spanish 1 pt Cav for the final banner. Spanish never got a scout.
Game 2
Gonzo (Allies) 8 Banners
Giulio (French) 6 Banners
Another tight game. Spanish only drew one Scout. Artillery duels between art in center/French right, trading units incl one Spanish art with leader. Spanish right advance, play guerilla and do much damage. Other gueri9lla prevented Cav charge. Spanish Bayonet charge and elan, sweep French left from field and lucky shot at end decides game. Several 4 hit rolls, mostly for Spanish.
Exciting match, thanks to Guilio.