110 Tamames, Round 3, Game 1
Jaboskov (French) - 3
Gileforn (Allies) - 8
That was a hard game for French troops with guerilla attack at the beginning and coping of a 2-2-2 order. FA was allocated with tactic card from the baseline, but cavalry attack rushed it at once. All was done by Spanish was done with cavalry and arty, also infantry helped a little.
P.S. have drawn a guerilla token after full using of scouts, because mashed up in 4.2 version and forfot a little bit about drawing, and can't find a way to bring it back. Anyway haven't used it in this case, becasue really I haven't it, just answer for some question why it is marked in the hand.
110 Tamames, Round 3, Game 1
Jaboskov (Allies) - 7
Gileforn (French) - 8
That was a really difficult battle, where Spanish army had a very good chance. Strong attacks on French positions on the left and on the right, very good arty working, a fortress in the towns with light troops inside. Only luck gave some chances to French troops to win. Spanish center was broken and last banners received. Also there was 1/6 chance to Spanish to get last banner with leader hitting, but all was good for French.
Big thanks to Joe for the good play.
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