Victory Results:
 25 %
Record a victory for BOTTOM ARMY  75 %
Total plays 69 - Last reported by GG on 2024-09-20 22:20:09

Albuera - 16 May 1811

Historical Background
The Fortress of Badajoz dominated the southern invasion route from Portugal into Spain. The British had invested the fortress, but had few engineers and no siege train to speak of. The French were not idle. Marshal Soult set out toward Badajoz with a relieving force. Beresford, the temporary army commander, marched a force larger than Soult’s to the small town of Albuera to meet the French. Beresford placed his army on the ridge behind Albuera, expecting to receive a frontal assault to split his army. Soult, however, formed most of his army behind the high ground opposite the Spanish on the right flank.
On the morning of May 16th, General Godinot’s brigade attacked Albuera as a diversion, while Soult’s main force moved unobserved across the Albuera River and delivered a flank attack upon Blake’s Spanish contingent. The first Spanish unit attacked was Zayas’s division, a veteran unit under a good commander. Though pounded by superior French forces, the Spaniards held until Stewart’s British division arrived. Stewart threw Colborne’s British brigade at the French flank and checked French progress, but none of Colborne’ regiments were in square. French cavalry charged and virtually destroyed three of the four regiments. The rest of Stewart’s division went into line behind the embattled Spaniards. The French made a fatal pause to allow a fresh division to come forward. Zayas’s survivors drew off under no pressure. Now a solid line of British muskets awaited the French columns that had been successful against Zayas. As the fresh French and British formations met, both did fearful execution to each other at close range, British line fire prevailed, causing the battered columns to retreat. French reserves (Werle’s division) advanced toward Stewart’s remnants, but help was coming. Sensing disaster, General Cole advanced his British division without orders. His action won the battle, as British line fire triumphed over the French columns, but again at a high cost in British casualties. Soult could see Harvey’s fresh Portuguese division advancing, and with no more fresh troops available, ordered a French retreat.
Although considered a British victory, when Wellington heard he had lost almost 6,000 irreplaceable British soldiers, he was reported to have said, “Another such battle will ruin us."
The stage is set. The battle lines are drawn and you are in command. Can you change history?


Set-Up Order

Forest 3
Hill 14
River 5
RiverBend 4
RiverBendFord 2
RiverBridge 1
RiverFord 2
Town 2


Battle Notes

British Army
• Commander: Beresford
• 5 Command Cards
• Optional 3 Tactician Cards


Line Infantry Light Infantry Grenadier Infantry Light Cavalry Leader   Line Infantry Light Infantry Heavy Cavalry Foot Artillery Horse Artillery Leader   Line Infantry Light Infantry Light Cavalry Leader
3 1 1 1 1   5 2 1 1 1 2   2 1 1 1

French Army
• Commander: Soult
• 5 Command Cards
• Optional 5 Tactician Cards
• Move First

Line Infantry Light Infantry Grenadier Infantry Light Cavalry Cuirassier Cavalry Heavy Cavalry Foot Artillery Leader
8 3 1 1 1 1 2 4


8 Banners

Special Rules
• Albuera town hexes are Victory Banner objective hexes for the French player. If a French unit occupies either town hex at the start of the French player’s turn, the French player gains one Victory Banner. As long as the French unit remains on the objective hex, the French player retains the Victory Banner. If it moves or retreats off or is eliminated, the banner is lost. The French player can gain or lose this Victory Banner more than once
(Temporary Victory Banner Turn Start)

• The Spanish Guerrilla Action rule is in effect. The British player does not start the battle with any Guerrilla counters.

• The entire Albuera River is fordable. In addition, at all ford hexes, a unit or leader’s movement is not stopped.

• Stewart’s Folly. If the French player plays a Cavalry Charge command card, and the card is not negated by a Spanish Guerilla counter, during the French player’s turn the British player may not form square, nor may he play a First Strike command card if he has that card in his hand.

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TheMeltyMan replied the topic:
7 months 5 hours ago
Our group played this battle yesterday and although the French won the most victory points (8 to 4) the Allies held the field at the end, with a strong left flank and centre. The French had no right flank other than a single unit of Light Infantry which had been reduced by half and their centre was practically eliminated.

We all thought that this result mirrored the actual battle extremely accurately. The Allies were left in a very strong position and commanded the field but at a great cost.

It just goes to show that numbers alone don't always reflect who is victorious. Wellington's comment on the actual battle ran true for ours as well.

An excellent scenario, which was highly enjoyable.
Richards replied the topic:
2 years 1 week ago
Albuera – 16 May 1811

First time we tried the Tacticians Deck.

Turn 1: The French and General Girard waste no time! Girard Takes Command on the French left and traps a Spanish infantry regiment between sharpshooting Voltigeurs and a heavy cavalry unit. The Spanish regiment is destroyed. The Spanish reply with musket fire and a light cavalry attack against the overextended French heavy horsemen. The French cavalry suffer 25% casualties. French 1, Allies 0.
Turn 2: French continue to attack the Spanish right: Spanish and French cavalry clash; the Spanish light equestrians take a beating. The French Voltigeurs push back another Spanish infantry regiment.
Turn 3: French shift additional units on their left o further press the Allied right. French 1, Allies 0.
Turn 4: French Grenadiers storm over the bridge toward Albuera, but suffer ghastly 75% casualties and fail to move the British light troops in the town. On the Spanish right, another Iberian infantry regiment is routed off the field. Meanwhile, British infantry and artillery in the center Fire and Hold against General Girard’s infantry near the Allied right ridgeline. The British fire is devastating, and Girard loses his regiment and barely escapes with his life. French 2, Allies 1.
Turn 5: The struggle over Albuera continues… General Godinot captures half of the town. But the Grenadiers are shot to pieces by the well protected British light infantry. All tied at two banners.
Turn 7: The British infantry in Albuera are finally forced to retreat from the town. French gain a temporary victory banner. French 3, Allies 2.
Turn 9: Persistent Portuguese musket and rifle fire eliminates one of Godinot’s infantry units in Albuera. The town is a kill zone… All tied at three banners.
Turn 10: French Leadership along the front eliminates a Spanish infantry unit in the center and a Portuguese light infantry unit on the Allied left. French 5, Allies 3.
Turn 12: Spanish Guerrilla Action prevents the French from executing an attack on the right flank. A British attack to re-take Albuera is foiled by Battlefield Smoke!
Turn 13: French follow through with a Fire and Hold order and eliminate a British line regiment. Allies perform a Bayonet Charge on their right and shatter Girard’s exhausted Voltigeurs and cause a French light cavalry squadron to retire. French 7, Allies 4.
Turn 15: British General Stewart urges his Brits to Give Them [the French] the Cold Steel, but the French General Werle has his Infantry Combat First Tactician Card ruin the British plan. Indeed, lo and behold, the British infantry unit attempting to offer up some Cold Steel is eliminated before they can strike! This earns the French the 8th and game winning banner! French 8, Allies 4. The Tactician Deck is a game changer!
LARS replied the topic:
3 years 11 months ago
The Spanish have fled the field, Stewart’s counterattack was much too slow but did damage to Werle. Godinot artfully blunted Harvey’s assault on the French right. Soult prevails 8-4.
Bayernkini replied the topic:
8 years 1 day ago
Answer is here.

The rules apply still as written, also if the First Strike is now a Tactician card.
For simplicity no other official adjustments (to other Tactician Cards) are neccessary.

But depending on how players wish to play, the Tactician cards (e.g. “Artillery Canister” and “Infantry Combat First") could also be added, but this can and should be determined by the players only.

Richard Borg,
2017 - 01 - 15

So as i said, we should always play first straightforward as the written rules state. Only if this is not (more) possible because of new rules,
we need official rule changes.

And never forget the originally spirit of the "CC system", keep the rules simple and abstract for fast playing fun (if i compare it with other more complex boardgames)
Bangla replied the topic:
8 years 3 days ago
I think the intention of the special rule is to replicate the actions of Latour-Maubourg's cavalry against Colbourne's brigade of Stewart's 2nd division. If so, then I would expect ANY square-forming or retaliatory first strike/infantry combat first/etc TC should similarly be disallowed in these circumstances.

To be strictly historical, this rule should only apply against BRITISH troops, not Spanish, but that's a level of detail too much here. Also missing is the British firing on Zayas troops, who nevertheless held and performed very well. I don't think there are any special rules anywhere in C&C to depict cases of friendly fire :)
Bayernkini replied the topic:
8 years 3 days ago
I see the circumstances with other similar FS cards in the TC deck.
For simplicity i would say/prefer, the rules remain exact as written.

But maybe the Richard see this also different and i add his answer soon here :)
Tarheel replied the topic:
8 years 3 days ago
Of course this applies to the first strike card in the tactician deck, but if we are literal, then exactly as written would mean the Folly special rule would not exclude play of a charge if charged, infantry melee first, etc. is that what you are saying? The spirit of the rule would seem to not allow these cards eiher.
Bayernkini replied the topic:
8 years 3 days ago

so, how are rules changed with tactician dck? Does the Folley rule apply to cards similar to FS? For example, charge if charged, infantry melee first, etc?

Nothing changed in the scenario rules. All rules apply exact as written with the Tactician Deck too.
Tarheel replied the topic:
8 years 3 days ago
first turn cav charge is nasty
Tarheel replied the topic:
8 years 4 days ago
so, how are rules changed with tactician dck? Does the Folley rule apply to cards similar to FS? For example, charge if charged, infantry melee first, etc?
Bayernkini replied the topic:
10 years 7 months ago
I agree with you, and we played it so far this way.
Nevertheless we will check the rules by a request to GMT ;)
Nimitstexan replied the topic:
10 years 7 months ago
The way I read it, the French only get a single flag for the town, even if they manage to occupy both town hexes at the same time, correct?
alecrespi replied the topic:
10 years 10 months ago
Just fixed it.
Thank you
Mark-McG replied the topic:
10 years 10 months ago
this scenario should be tagged 'unbalanced' based on the 81% French victory results record