With Evert recovered from his brush with Covid-19, we resumed our play-through of the base game scenarios with Salamanca (Attack on the French Right). I suggested Evert took the British as he prefers to attack.
Given the distance between the two armies, it was no surprise that it took some time for them to engage. The British moved into the Pela Gracia River with a solid line of troops across their centre and left. The French were racing to take the high ground - the hills in front of the British forces.
Two British Line infantry under General Campbell moved on the central hills while the Rifles under General Allen occupied the chapel under the hills on their left. The French responded by marching a Foot artillery and Line infantry onto the central hill. First blood to the French as their infantry pushed back one of the British Line, inflicting casualties.
These two advanced French units needed support, but were immediately attacked by British Line units backed by Foot artillery. The French artillery survived, but the infantry took a thumping [down to one block] and were pushed off the hill - though they dealt some damage on the way.
As the battered French infantry retired into Calvarisa de Ariba, another Line unit advanced and wiped out the damaged British Line. [Opening the scoring 1:0 to the French] The Light infantry alongside (on the right-flank hills) opened up on the Rifles in the Chapel, all but eliminating them [one block left]. The survivors, including Gen Allen, retired rapidly. [That was an "Elan" card from me.]
The French artillery was now very exposed on the central hill and was quickly taken out by British Line units, one of which moved onto the hill. [And the score's now 1:1.]
More French infantry marched up onto the central hills, pushing the now-damaged British back. But my troops weren't expecting the British Guards units! Both materialised right in front of them while, on the British left flank, their Horse artillery sprang onto the hills and Heavy cavalry got up close and personal with the French Light cavalry. [Evert used a "Grande Manoeuvre" card to good effect.]
French Line infantry volleyed to soften up the enemy Heavy cavalry for the Lights to tackle, but the Brits ran away from the musketry before the cavalry fight could start. Similarly, the British Horse artillery pulled back under heavy fire from the French Light infantry. In the centre, the Guards annihilated the hapless French Line unit in front of them. [1:2]
Time for the British cavalry led by General Brock (on their left flank) to attack, sweeping around the chapel to hit two French infantry units. Both cavalry took a hit from the resulting infantry squares.
The French cavalry inflicted a bit more damage on their British counterparts. But the British infantry swept into the centre in force, wiping out one of the squares and battering a French Line that had retired into the town. [A "Forced March" from Evert takes the score to 1:3.]
Then one of the Guards ran out of ammo and went looking for some more. ["Short Supply" got them out of the fight.] Only one Guards unit was needed to finish off what was left of the French Line in Calvarisa de Ariba, while the remaining French square took damage from the British Horse artillery but finished off the British Heavy cavalry, Gen Brock escaping. [2:4]
Artillery fire finished off the remaining French square. [2:5]
French musketry caused a few more casualties, but the Guards wrapped things up by eliminating the original damaged French Line unit in the town. [2:6]
A resounding victory for Evert's British, crushing the French centre and beginning to roll up their right wing. The French left wing did nothing all game. When I finally got some (two) left section cards, they were promptly taken away by my infantry forming square. I definitely felt I had worse cards than Evert, but the British superiority in numbers allowed him to get damaged units out of the way and attack with fresh ones. But what can I do with my turn as British?