Victory Results:
 79 %
Record a victory for BOTTOM ARMY  21 %
Total plays 76 - Last reported by wirbi on 2024-11-21 07:51:13

Zornoza - 31 October 1808

Historical Background
The first French invasion of Spain had ended in failure, but the Spanish, without a functioning high command, failed to coordinate an advance by the closest Spanish armies to take advantage of the temporary weakness of the French position behind the Ebro River. French Marshals Bessières, Victor and Ney, knowing that Napoleon was on his way, chose not to act. Marshal Lefebvre, hungry for glory, observed that Blake’s Spanish ‘Army of the Left’ was vulnerable to attack.
On October 31st Lefebvre launched a ferocious three-pronged attack on Blake’s army as it was drawn up in front of Zornoza on a range of low hills. At first the entire Spanish line retreated to the heights of San Martín, but soon afterward, the Spanish center disintegrated. Blake reacted quickly, and ordered his two wings to retire and cover his center. Blake’s army then retreated in good order.
Lefebvre’s premature attack at Zornoza, coupled with Blake’s rapid retreat, compromised the northern part of Napoleon’s plan for a grand double envelopment of the Spanish armies.
The stage is set. The battle lines are drawn and you are in command. Can you change history?


Set-Up Order

Forest 6
Hill 29
River 4
RiverBend 5
RiverBendBridge 1


Battle Notes

Spanish Army
• Commander: Blake
• 4 Command Cards
• Optional 3 Tactician Cards

Line Infantry Light Infantry Grenadier Infantry Foot Artillery Leader
9 3 2 1 4

French Army
• Commander: Lefebvre
• 5 Command Cards
• Optional 4 Tactician Cards
• Move First

Line Infantry Foot Artillery Leader
14 2 3


6 Banners

Special Rules
• Ordered Spanish units may move off the Spanish edge of the battlefield. After three ordered Spanish units have moved off, the Spanish player will gain one Victory Banner for each additional ordered Spanish unit that moves off the Spanish edge of the battlefield. Spanish Leaders that are ordered and are moved off the Spanish edge of the battlefield will not count as a Victory Banner for the Spanish player, but their exit may prevent the French player from gaining banners for their elimination if they remain on the battlefield.

• The Spanish Guerrilla Action rule is in effect. The Spanish player does not start the battle with any Guerrilla counters.

• The entire river is fordable.

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miketodd replied the topic:
1 year 1 month ago
Spanish (played by J this time) successfully evacuate but French line units chase the rest down. French take it 6-3.
Riclev replied the topic:
1 year 7 months ago
This more balanced than is at first apparent - two games with each side winning 6-5. More than most scenarios, this one hinges on the cards drawn (can the Spanish retreat or do they have to stand and get slaughtered; can the French get their line infantry up the map in time) and the number of flags rolled by the French during their attacks. In our second game, LGM enabled the French to have the Spanish centre at their mercy, only for them all to escape off the map with an opportune forced march. And the French lost only 4 blocks, with all Spanish banners coming from exited units. So, tense and enjoyable provided both sides get reasonable cards.
airjudden replied the topic:
2 years 9 months ago
There are four Spanish leaders, not three.
Pevans replied the topic:
3 years 10 months ago
At first glance it isn't obvious why this scenario is so one-sided. Yes, the Spanish win victory banners for getting units off the board, but only from the fourth one onwards. Anyway, nephew Tom and I thought we'd try it and I took the French to start with.
The French centre moved forward quickly to attack the advanced Spanish units opposite and eliminated one of the three. However, the other two retreated at speed! And Tom's own actions were to pull back the Spanish left wing, quickly getting three units off the board.
With the Spanish right not moving, I was able to attack it, removing another line infantry despite its position on the hill. However, Tom took another two units off to make the score 2:2.
A Leadership card let the Spanish exit two more units and counter-attack on their right, removing the advanced French line infantry. 2:5.
With three units lined up on the back row, the next Spanish turn finished it 2:6 after half an hour and with most of the French units not having moved.
From the Spanish side it didn't look so simple. The French attacked in the centre again, but lost a unit in destroying a Spanish one. However, the next French attack killed another Spanish infantry and General Rey. 1:3
A Forced march saw the Spanish left beginning to leave the battlefield while the French continued to press forward in the centre. 2:3
Some good musketry gave the French another banner, but Grande Manoeuvre started the Spanish exit in earnest. 4:4 but quickly 6:4. 8:10 to Tom on aggregate.
LARS replied the topic:
4 years 1 week ago
Blake decided to fight hard at Zornoza. Lefebvre went straight at the Spanish center and Sebastiani lost heavily. Villatte came up on the French left and finally took the Ridge line, but at huge cost. Blake retreated his center and the day ends with another French defeat. S-6 F-4.
sharpe1812 replied the topic:
7 years 7 months ago
I have played 4 games with Sp banners for each unit exited after 4. Right now, 2-2 with a total of 19 total banners each.

If you are looking for a "fair and balanced" scenario, this may be it. Be advised that cards like Force March, Bayonet, and La Grande Manuever will impact this scenario more than most.

Strange that the Spanish have 4 leaders to the French 3.
sharpe1812 replied the topic:
7 years 7 months ago
I played with Bayern's SP victories start to accumulate after 4 exited units. Fr won first game 6-2 but lost 2nd 5-6.

Love the tension between The French being too aggressive and having their "heads chopped off" and the Spanish caught between exiting units or staying in formation to kill advancing French columns.
sharpe1812 replied the topic:
7 years 7 months ago
Thanks Mark G for your notes as well.
sharpe1812 replied the topic:
7 years 7 months ago
Thanks for the notes Bayernkini on this scenario.

Great if you publish your Sp Win versus Br win.
Bayernkini replied the topic:
9 years 9 months ago
Just started with a friend, to revise all outbalanced scenarios.
The intention is, to change only less and small things, if possible.
So this scenario is the first, we played today a lot of time.
We kept the original setup and the only small change was, to get the spanish Exit VP after the 4th unit, instead after the 3rd.
And it worked very well.

• Ordered Spanish units may move off the Spanish edge of the battlefield.
After four ordered Spanish units have moved off,
the Spanish player will gain one Victory Banner for each additional ordered Spanish unit that moves off the Spanish edge of
the battlefield. Spanish Leaders that are ordered and are moved off the Spanish edge of the battlefield will not count as a
Victory Banner for the Spanish player, but their exit may prevent the French player from gaining banners for their elimination
if they remain on the battlefield.

Here are 2 pics of one of our game, which was a really nice and funny situation at the standing of 5:5.
The spanish had only 1 block LT left on board and his next 2move would been his victory.
On the other side, the french had no card to order and battle the near units.
So the french had fortunately a LGM card, which allowed to block all escape paths of the spanish LT, so the spanish couldn´t use his next order to move this unit from board and the french could destroy this last block vor victory.

Mark-McG replied the topic:
9 years 9 months ago
So my current view on this scenario is that to get close to balanced;
Spanish exit requirement is 6 units before they start counting as banners
the French can substitute 1 LT for an LN in the Centre and the Left.
This corresponds to the French divisional compositions.

Lefebvre's IV Corps included three infantry divisions and 36 cannon. Major-General Horace Sébastiani's 1st Division contained the 28th Light and 75th Line (3 battalions) and the 32nd and 58th Line (2 bns.). Maj-Gen Leval's 2nd Division was made up of the Dutch brigade and 2 bns. each of the 2nd Nassau, 4th Baden and Hesse-Darmstadt Gross-und-Erbprinz Regiments, and the Paris National Guard and Frankfurt battalions. Maj-Gen Eugene-Casimir Villatte's 3rd Division included 3 bns. each of the 27th Light, 63rd, 94th and 95th Line.
Mark-McG replied the topic:
12 years 4 months ago
I have to think the fix to this scenario involves French cavalry. Even Light Infantry would be better. Pursuit with Line Infantry is just not feasible.

Maybe upping the Spanish exit requirement to 5 before the units start to count might work too.
Mark-McG replied the topic:
12 years 10 months ago
this is one of the suckiest C&C scenarios I've played. Spanish march off the map, French pursue with Line Infantry. Every banner puts the Spanish closer to the edge.
Hawkmoon replied the topic:
12 years 11 months ago
No, like in others games from Richard, the unit has to be ordered to quit the board as it is said in the Victory conditions.
Hawkmoon replied the topic:
12 years 11 months ago
Played this afternoon :
2 french victories (6/1 ; 6/5)
The 1st was in only one way (cards and dices for the same guy : me ! So my opponent stayed very disappointed).
Spanish player has to take a maximum of flags to make his troops evade (spanish can't afford the "Furia Francese" from the Line Infantry which is completely present (14 units !)
Bayernkini replied the topic:
12 years 11 months ago

Ordered Spanish units may move off the Spanish edge of the battlefield. After three ordered Spanish units have
moved off, the Spanish player will gain one Victory Banner for each additional ordered Spanish unit that moves off
the Spanish edge of the battlefield. Spanish Leaders that are ordered and are moved off the Spanish edge of the
battlefield will not count as a Victory Banner for the Spanish player, but their exit may prevent the French player from
gaining banners for their elimination if they remain on the battlefield.

Q: If the spanish MUST retreat because of a result of a range or Close
combat, count These units also to this rule above?

A: No, only ordered units, which leave during movement phase the board,
counts as VP.