Victory Results:
 47 %
Record a victory for BOTTOM ARMY  53 %
Total plays 371 - Last reported by LtCol_Theodora_Fusilier on 2024-07-10 18:59:15

Historical Background
After landing unopposed at Mondego Bay, Sir Arthur Wellesley led a Portuguese/British army of some 15,000 men south towards Lisbon. Opposing him was General Henri Delaborde, with a force consisting only of some 5000 infantry, 500 cavalry and 5 field pieces. Delaborde resolved to fight a delaying action against Wellesley’s advance while awaiting reinforcements from Generals Junot and Loison.
Delaborde chose his first defensive position in the hills just northwest of the village of Rolica. Wellesley advanced in three columns against the French, ordering the Portuguese troops under Colonel Trant on the right and Fergusson’s column on the left to turn the enemy’s flanks, while the artillery and infantry in his center were to engage the enemy in the front and hold them in position.
The British attack was underway by seven o’clock in the morning on the 17th. Although the French were hotly engaged all morning, Delaborde’s outnumbered force still held onto the hill position. However, by early afternoon, the wary Delaborde could see that his position was being outflanked and quickly moved his forces back to a second defensive position to the south.
The stage is set. The battle lines are drawn and you are in command. Can you change history?


Set-Up Order

Forest 7
Hill 17
River 7
RiverBend 5
Town 2


Battle Notes

British Army
• Commander: Wellesley
• 6 Command Cards
• Optional 5 Tactician Cards
• Move First

Line Infantry Light Infantry Heavy Cavalry Foot Artillery Horse Artillery Leader   Line Infantry Light Infantry Light Cavalry Leader
5 1 1 2 1 2   2 1 1 1

French Army
• Commander: Delaborde
• 5 Command Cards
• Optional 4 Tactician Cards

Line Infantry Light Infantry Light Cavalry Foot Artillery Leader
4 2 2 1 2


5 Banners

Special Rules
• The two hill hexes on the French baseline are Victory Banner objective hexes for the British player. If a British unit occupies an objective hex at the start of the British player’s turn, the British player gains a Victory Banner. As long as the unit remains on the objective hex it will count as a British Victory Banner (the French position has been outflanked). If it moves off or is eliminated, it no longer counts (Temporary Victory Banner Turn Start).
• The entire river is fordable.

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The Iron Duck replied the topic:
1 year 3 weeks ago
A tough one for the French. Playing as the French I moved up my other infantry so my army dominated the hill and I awaited the British onslaught. My opponent played a Grande Manoeuvre card and three British (with Wellesley attached) and one Portuguese line infantry assaulted the left and centre left of the french line. Despite inflicting some heavy casualties on the Portuguese and redcoats my line was pushed back. I attempted to shore it up by bringing across an infantry unit from my right but this unit was decimated by British artillery then finished off by advancing British Light infantry. Back on the French left advancing Portuguese Light infantry and and Portuguese cavalry reinforced Wellesley's faltering assault and despite French cavalry attempting to dislodge British on the hill defeat loomed for the French resulting in an allied victory 5 to 2. But the Iron Duck lives to fight another day. Quack, quack.
axeltyler6 replied the topic:
1 year 10 months ago
The French artillery forced one British Line infantry to retreat, but Gen Wellesley led the rest of the Allied Line on the right half of the battlefield to engage the French on the hills. (I do like an opportune "Bayonet Charge.

The Allied infantry finished off the battered French Light infantry and took out a Line unit, Gen Delaborde retreating to the safety of the Light cavalry. However, the Portuguese cavalry harried the French horsemen who retired to the hill at the rear.

On the Allied left, Gen Fergusson advanced to the river with a Line infantry. The French Light cavalry promptly trotted across, but the infantry formed square to hold them off.

The fighting continued on the (Allied) centre-right, with another French Line unit falling, but the Allies losing both a British unit and a Portuguese one. 3:2 Despite attacking uphill.

The Portuguese cavalry completed their demolition of their French counterparts, taking Gen Delaborde into the bargain.

Voice Teleservices
Pevans replied the topic:
1 year 11 months ago
It turns out one of my new gaming group, Tom, is familiar with Memoir '44 and wanted to have a go at one of the more involved C&C games. I suggested Napoleonics and we met up last week to start at the beginning. It was great to be playing with the physical game again (but this does mean I don't have the screen captures to give a turn-by-turn account).

Tom chose to play French first - they may be heavily outnumbered but they're in a good defensive position. His first moves were to move the Light cavalry out to the sides and advance Light infantry left (French left) of centre. The Allies countered by advancing the Portuguese on the right flank: the Light cavalry under General Trant thumped their French counterparts while the Light infantry damaged their opposite numbers.

The French artillery forced one British Line infantry to retreat, but Gen Wellesley led the rest of the Allied Line on the right half of the battlefield to engage the French on the hills. (I do like an opportune "Bayonet Charge".) The Allied infantry finished off the battered French Light infantry and took out a Line unit, Gen Delaborde retreating to the safety of the Light cavalry. However, the Portuguese cavalry harried the French horsemen who retired to the hill at the rear. (The score is 2:0 to the Allies.)

On the Allied left, Gen Fergusson advanced to the river with a Line infantry. The French Light cavalry promptly trotted across, but the infantry formed square to hold them off.

The fighting continued on the (Allied) centre-right, with another French Line unit falling, but the Allies losing both a British unit and a Portuguese one. (3:2) Despite attacking uphill, the Portuguese cavalry completed their demolition of their French counterparts, taking Gen Delaborde into the bargain. (That's 5:2 and a decisive win for the Allies.)

Switching sides for the re-match, I was - as usual - struck by how different the battlefield looks from the other side (something you don't get with Vassal).

The Allies advanced in the centre and their left with just the Portuguese cavalry moving forward on the right. The French stayed on the central hills, the artillery taking the odd pot-shot at the British infantry.

Working their way through and between the woods, Gen Wellesley led three Line infantry units towards the French forces. The French didn't fancy standing around to be peppered by the Brits' superior musketry, so the two Line infantry in front of the advancing enemy came off the hills to engage them in melee. The resulting fight saw one British unit eliminated, Wellesley retiring to the artillery behind, and another badly damaged. (That's 1:0 to the French.)

While the fighting continued in the centre, Portuguese units advanced on the (Allied) right while Gen Fergusson's left-flank infantry started crossing the river and the British Light infantry moved up to engage the French Light infantry on that end of the hills. French Line infantry moved onto the hills next to the Lights and, together, they blew away the British Light infantry. (2:0)

The French Light cavalry engaged the Portuguese horsemen under Gen Trant and, this time, the victory was to the French sabres, Trant falling with his men. (4:0)

And the French Line in the centre destroyed another British Line. (5:0 and it's all over.)

I was helped this time by some friendly dice (4 dice, 4 hits to wipe out the Portuguese cavalry and then getting the Leader roll as well). So we re-set the board and Tom had another go as the Allies.

This time, the Allies advanced on both flanks, not in the centre. In particular, the British Heavy cavalry got into the action. Advancing across the river, they gave the French Light cavalry a bloody nose and then settled onto the hills to avoid the muskets of the French infantry. (And gain a banner on the following turn for holding the objective: 0:1 to the Allies.)

Meanwhile, on the Allied right, Gen Trant brought the Portuguese cavalry to the hills on the edge of battlefield where they engaged the French Light cavalry. The French came off better in the initial exchange, though Portuguese Line and Light infantry were moving up to support the cavalry.

General Delaborde led Line and Light infantry left off the central hills to take on the Portuguese. The Portuguese won the cavalry fight (1:2), but the remaining horsemen were promptly gunned down by the French infantry, Trant again falling with his men. (3:2)

Supported by the muskets of the Light infantry, the French Line under Delaborde eliminated the Portuguese Line that had advanced with the cavalry. (4:2) And then both charged the retreating Portuguese Light infantry, taking them out as well. (5:2)

Well, something of a baptism of fire for Tom, but he was getting to grips with Napoleonic tactics (and strategy) by the end. And he clearly enjoyed the experience enough that we've pencilled in another game next time he's available.
Bayernkini replied the topic:
3 years 1 month ago

How do the French win this?

Similar questions come up already a couple of times in different similar scenarios.
So the only and best answer is,
play against a few "expert" players. There are some around here (playing on Vassal).

One of the main reasons, i noticed in my active time, many unexperienced players "must do anyhow" if they played a command card.
E.g. If they play "Bayonet Charge", they MUST do a charge and they are surprised, if any other player use such a card to regroup his units only.
If you understand what i want to say. But maybe any expert player with better english speaking, can this explain a little bit more
NightOwl3 replied the topic:
3 years 1 month ago
I don't know how the French win 54% either. But I have not played this scenario before. Perhaps the French have to crush the Portuguese first which would give them 3-4 of the 5 needed. I don't know.

I pulled up just out of range and started hitting his light INF. I held a Cav Charge and a CAV leader card, which meant I needed to set the CAV up for a breakthrough. After his CAV attack failed due to my tactics cards, I played Cav Charge for good results. At that point I started working my way down the French left with my Portuguese units. I left the square that I was beside and took the left red hex. On the next turn I used the Cav leader tactics card to roll four dice on his leader. I got him to win the game. I had really good tactics cards yet again. British win 5-0. How do the French win this?
LARS replied the topic:
3 years 6 months ago
An excellent and exciting scenario, British win 5-2. It would have been closer had not Wellesley drawn two Unit Reforms to rally Crawford and Nightengale. Fane’s British lights were devastating.
Pevans replied the topic:
3 years 8 months ago
My gaming buddy Evert knows several CnC games, but not Napoleonics. o introduce him, I thought we'd start at the beginning. I drew the British and felt quietly confident, looking at the relative sizes of the forces.
As I manoeuvred the British left flank across the river, Evert got a good half of the French forces onto their left flank and attacked the Portuguese units.
A continuing sequence of tactic and left flank cards, plus some good dice rolls, saw Evert punish the Portuguese as my lack of right flank cards stopped me responding effectively. The one British line infantry that got into the fray was promptly obliterated by a lucky roll.
My one success was finishing off one French light cavalry as Evert won 5:1. Ouch!
Mark-McG replied the topic:
5 years 4 months ago
Scenario Special Rule
• The entire river is fordable.
Alexander Konovaltsev replied the topic:
5 years 4 months ago
Could anyone help with the following question. In the rulebook it is clearly desribed that units can not move through the river without a bridge or passing. Does it mean that in Rolica scenario left flank of the British forces should stay behind the river? Thanks in advance.
MayorJim replied the topic:
5 years 5 months ago
I think you are missing a leader, (Trant) with the Portuguese cavalry in your initial set up?
Stanislav27 replied the topic:
6 years 9 months ago
I have written a lengthy, dramatized account of the battle here:

Final Result:

First Battle of Roliça: Stanislav (FRANCE) 5 Victory Banners vs. 2 Victory Banners Mikkel (BRITAIN)

Second Battle of Roliça: Stanislav (BRITAIN) 2 Victory banners vs. 5 Victory banners Mikkel (FRANCE)

Overall result: 7-7 draw

It was two very exciting iterations of the first scenario of C&C: Napoleonics (though only the one above has been immortalized so far), and we both thoroughly enjoyed it. Somehow, it was also fitting that two seasoned C&C: Ancients generals would end their first conflict in the Napoleonic wars in a draw. Interestingly, both battles featured very different ideas and execution. Whereas the key to my own victory as the French was to exploit the mobility and shock value of my cavalry against the weaker Portuguese elements, Mikkel focused on the Frenchmen’s superior melee capabilities by charging the British centre. In the end of our second battle, I only snatched the necessary 2nd banner for the draw by using my Portuguese troops to seize one of the objective tiles.

All in all, this game is amazing, and the tactical choices and possibilities are incredibly fun and engaging, capturing the historic period in thrilling manner without being overly complex. Needless to say, I can’t wait for more!
Napoleons Triumph replied the topic:
7 years 4 days ago
A Battle Report for Rolica (French First Position)
Freeloading-Phill replied the topic:
13 years 4 months ago
Played this last night against Badger.

As the French I, of course left the hill and attacked. :blink:

I had 2 Counter Attackes to start and figured that as he responded to my attack I could counterattack and keep driving forward.

Alas he had very little centre response.

The battle probably turned early when my Light Cav on the flank attacked the Portuguese Line only to have them first strike and get 4 cav hits!!:ohmy:

After that there was a bit of back and forth with the Brits edging ahead 5 to 3.

I did get Wellesley though.:P
