This week Tom and I decided to try some Spanish scenarios and were quite taken with the idea of a cavalry battle. Maybe we should have checked the win statistics beforehand.
Anyway, Tom took the French first and promptly instigated a cavalry charge: four French light cavalry left of centre attacking four Spanish light cavalry. When the dust settled, the four French units were still there. Of the Spanish there was no sign.
The French decided to press their luck, the lights advancing to meet Spanish heavy cavalry. This time, one French unit went down, but both Spaniards bit the dust and the Spanish right flank was no more.
Focus now shifted to the centre as the Spanish fought back, removing a second enemy light cavalry unit. There should have been more French casualties, but they chased off the attacking guerillas and disposed of a third Spanish heavy cavalry.
2:7 to Tom and only an hour played. Could I get revenge?
Switching sides, I started by bringing the heavy cavalry into the French line and advancing slowly. The Spanish heavies moved up too.
Then came the charge, left of centre again, and again came the rout of the Spanish, three light cavalry destroyed in exchange for light casualties on the French side.
The Spanish tried to counter-attack with what was left of their right wing, but were pushed back as the French re-grouped. The centre right Spanish units now moved across to tackle the advanced French force and eliminated one light cavalry.
Again thwarting interference from guerillas, the French made the Spanish pay: another three units lost.
The final act was a bold attack by General Rivas and his heavy cavalry. The French heavy cavalry withstood the charge and wiped out his command, Rivas fleeing the battlefield ignominiously.
And that was 7:2 to me and an aggregate draw 9:9.
A fun scenario. If you're playing French.