This scenario looked interesting due to the fact that the Prussians could gain VP for getting off the board on the French left. Since I was strong there compared to Judd’s forces I thought I might have a shot at getting some off the board. However, there was the Funckengarten in the way, and Judd’s light troops. Sure enough, Judd got his light units over there quickly causing problems for me. An attack of Funckengarten and the French left only weakened my forces with no real hope of exiting the board.
Meanwhile, Judd seemed to be massing his troops in the middle. I knew that might mean a bayonet charge. I got a few troops up on the ridges. Sure enough, Judd hit me with that card, but I did not break. I was able to return some fire that stopped him. He then ran out of center cards, and I was able to pepper him with volleys and cannons. He was disorganized and had to fall back a bit. Some of his troops ended up in the town of Halle on the French right.
I kept the fire up hitting his troops on a regular basis. One the French right the hottest territory was the woods northeast of Halle. It traded hands 3 times. He was really weak there and I planned to charge down with my light Cav and hope to get two kills. However, as we broke for the night he had several Cav units within striking distance of my center line. There was also one weak unit in the line as well. We had a week between playing again, and I kept thinking: “He has the Cavalry Charge for sure.”
Sure enough his first play for the second night was just that. My line broke and there was no real hope of winning at that point.
This scenario had a lot of drama to it. The battle for the Halle Woods was the best part for me. One mistake I had was thinking I could exit the board so quickly. It might have worked, but should have planned it more carefully. I also learned that if Inf units just sit in towns, they still have a good chance of being slowly worn down by Art. That strategy was working, but the French Cavalry saved the day! Just like the actual battle no less.