Game 2
005 Talavera (28 July 1809)
Mark McG (French): 7 banners
Joe (Allies): 5 banners
Follow on match after Game 1 which I lost 3-7 as the Allies. Played in 2 sessions, and Session 1 was pretty quiet, and at the break, after 4 turns the French were back to their starting positions without loss. Brits had a few dings, but nothing major. Score was 0-0.
French had a drought of Right cards, which is the flank Joe won on in game 1, and glut of Left cards, which looked unpromising.
In the end Joe attacked on the French left, which suited me and the French cavalry started advancing up the Right. This was met by the British cavalry, who were out of their league. The French Heavy cavalry charged up the centre to attack the artillery across the brook. I'd actually just read that cavalry couldn't get across Portina Brook up to the Cerro de Medellin, and the HC proved it here failing to get a single hit and taking 3 hits in return. They were lucky to escape with their last block. French led here 3-1.
With the British driven back on the French, and chased off the Right, it came down to the centre, with the Brits huddled on the Cerro. Leading 5-1, it was trying to position for a Forced March that could take the game cheaply. It wasn't to be, with an Infantry Combat First welcome, and a Bayonet charge response collecting 2 banners. 5-3
The French then managed to polish off a Brit LN on the crest, and MacKenzie survived the Leaer check that would have ended it here.
British artillery then found a target at the back for another banner, 6-4
A second Forced March up the centre failed to drop a Briti LN, and the responding Bayonet charge took the LN away, 6-5
It was then up to the French infantry to hit 2 artillery on 9 dice, which they got on the last possible roll. Some strange dice here, losts of CAV and ART, and then strings of INF together.
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