OT2019 Round 2

5 years 2 months ago - 5 years 2 months ago #6116 by g1ul10
Replied by g1ul10 on topic OT2019 Round 2
Game 1
soul1st (Allies) 4
giulio (French) 8

The game lasted almost 2 hours and was pretty tense. Twain faced the attacker nightmare, as I always had the perfect cards to contrast his attacks. The Allies attacked the central village with well-positioned artillery and a Grand Maneuver that brought four Austrian first-line units around it, also occupying one hex. Problem is, I had forced march and plentifull of center cards in my hand. The French +1 bonus in close combat was very effective and the Austrians were repulsed. The attack on the French left faced a similar fate, as my depleted artillery resisted several assaults and was able to fire continuously on the enemy units. The last option for the Allies was the assault on the hills in the French right. Twan rightly concentrated a lot of cavalries there but rolled poorly in general and I had bombard+fire and old+again plenty of right flank cards. In addition, I also had two cavalry charge cards in my hand and Twan had none. The asymmetry of the hands of cards pretty much decided the outcome of the game.


The quality of this module seems somehow degrading and I have no idea of what's going on. We started with sync problems from the very beginning and we had to discard the played cards twice. At some point, one card disappeared from my deck. It was a section card (2 units right I think) so the problem that also others reported does not seem related to some specific card. I have the impression that the module should be redesigned from scratch... which is a daunting task given its scope.

BGG: g1ul10
Last edit: 5 years 2 months ago by g1ul10.

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5 years 2 months ago #6117 by Mark-McG
Replied by Mark-McG on topic OT2019 Round 2
there was discussion at the time the Ancients module was updated of doing the same with the Napoleonics module. At the time I thought that was overly ambitious to start two projects, and awkward timing because the Open was running.

I'm pretty happy with the new Ancients module, and it does seem like this card issue happens more often.
Nobody seems to have a solution for it, or even a good theory why it happens. So maybe a new build is the solution.

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5 years 2 months ago #6118 by Mark-McG
Replied by Mark-McG on topic OT2019 Round 2
if I can remind everyone the deadline is next weekend, 17 November. A lot of unplayed matches still.

Glory is fleeting, but obscurity is forever.

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5 years 2 months ago #6119 by g1ul10
Replied by g1ul10 on topic OT2019 Round 2

I did some further investigation. If someone else experiences other glitches with the cards, please tell me if they start to appear after some card is being flipped on its "back" side. This happens when two cards are drawn on the map at the end of a "scout" turn or if some unit goes into square. If the origin of the problem is what I suspect, then you cannot see it when playing solo.

BGG: g1ul10

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5 years 2 months ago #6121 by Mark-McG
Replied by Mark-McG on topic OT2019 Round 2
So what I have noticed is that generally when a player draws a Command card, the module reports it as;
* Mark McG French draws a Command Card
but occasionally, it drops the owner and reports
* French draws a Command Card
and in those instances, I think it copies a card already in hand.

Hard to tell, but I think it only happens in online play (which is of course most games anyway). We could test PBeM to see if it happens, but a negative result isn't conclusive without a lot (thousands) of card draws.
Wondering if it is a connectivity issue, but why just the card draw?

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5 years 2 months ago - 5 years 2 months ago #6122 by rfdoane
Replied by rfdoane on topic OT2019 Round 2
Game 2
rfdoane (French) - 5
tyler (Allies) - 8

The game began with the French establishing a line around Liebertwolkwitz and the Allies approaching cautiously to trade shots with the defenders. After a few light blows, the action shifted to the French left/Allied right. The French got pushed back to their baseline, but managed to eliminate a few units and took an early 4-0 lead. Utilizing an infantry bayonet charge, the Allies next came crashing down on Liebertwolkwitz and eliminated one of the defenders. The French left was looking very weak at this point, and the Allied attackers focused their attention on depleted units. A late cavalry charge by the French failed to knock out enough units, and a final rush by the Austrian infantry killed off two units in and around Holshausen, sealing their victory.
Last edit: 5 years 2 months ago by rfdoane.

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5 years 2 months ago #6123 by Mark-McG
Replied by Mark-McG on topic OT2019 Round 2

rfdoane wrote: Game 1
rfdoane (French) - 5
tyler (Allies) - 8

reading this as Game 2, please advise if otherwise

Glory is fleeting, but obscurity is forever.

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5 years 2 months ago #6124 by rfdoane
Replied by rfdoane on topic OT2019 Round 2
Sorry, yes it was game 2. I edited the original post to fix it.

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5 years 2 months ago #6125 by Gonzo
Replied by Gonzo on topic OT2019 Round 2
Game 2
Gonzo (French) 8 banners
Gottoman (Allies) 5 banners
Game started with Austrian Inf closing on center town. French LN abandoned and GRZ ran into town on left only to be assaulted and destroyed by French LN. 3 Austrian LN advanced but was put into Battalion Mass and all 3 eventually killed by French range fire and LN coming out of town to assault. French HC killed a Ausrian HA, but then an Allied Cav charge killed one French HC and a French LN on the left that foolishly did not square and suffered 4/4 hits. The YG on left squared, but was killed eventually by art fire. FrenchFA on that flank beat down to 1 block. French HC hiding in town also down to one block surviived multiple range fires and together they were able to kill damaged Austrian LC for last banner. Thanks to Greg for fun and close match.

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5 years 2 months ago #6126 by toganalper
Replied by toganalper on topic OT2019 Round 2
M508 - Liebertwolkwitz - (afternoon) 14 October 1813

Game 1
French Army: rick 2
Allied Army: togan alper 8

The game started as the historic version at the center and finishged at the center with not much action a t the wings the Austrinas concentrated the russina cav also to the center. The dice and card gods were definitaly against rick, and he rightfully got frustrated. Especially since he had 5 left wing cards collected in his hand. The game ended with the 2 flags at the start of the Austrian turn

Game 2

French Army: togan alper 8
Allied Army: rick 0

Rick decided to conceed having had enough frustration in the first game. So we called it for this round.

It was a great time, and a pleasure to meet and play with rick. I am looking forward to see him in the coming tournaments. Unfortunately, I do not have the logfile. Actually I am sure I save it, but just cant find it in the machine. Will post it later if I can find it.


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