Open Tournament 2021 Round 4

Player 1 Game 1 Game 2 Points Player 2 Game 1 Game 2 Points
stephent 4 6 2 RiverWanderer 6 0 1
Gonzo 6 6 3 Gileforn 1 4 0
Kandras78 6 1 1 gotigerssc 2 6 2
EZPickins 2 6 1 rjvonline 6 5 2
GomJabbar 1 6 1.5 Michał-Wasil 6 1 1.5
scipio1zama 2 2 0 jfardette 6 6 3
FoxK 2 2 0 jaboskov 6 6 3
g1ul10 2 6 1 Mark-McG 6 3 2
Kral Moon  2 1 0 Rand 6 6 3
toganalper 6 2 1 Burnabybob 3 6 2
Scipio 4 1 0 David I 6 6 3
Maxjoezach 3 0 0 gheintze 6 6 3
Craterus 4 6 1 soul1st 6 5 2
Scenario: 011 Salamanca (Attack on the French Right) (22 July 1812)   
Deadline: 25-January-2022      


Player Rnd1 Rnd2 Rnd 3 Rnd4
stephent 3 5 8 10
Gonzo 1 4 7 10
RiverWanderer 2 5 8 9
gotigerssc 2 4 6 8
Kandras78 3 4 6 7
rjvonline 2 4 5 7
jfardette 3 4 4 7
jaboskov 1 4 4 7
GomJabbar 0 3 5 6.5
Michał-Wasil 1 2 5 6.5
Rand 1 2 3.5 6.5
Gileforn 2 3 6 6
EZPickins 3 5 5 6
Mark-McG 2 3 4 6
David I 0 1 3 6
g1ul10 1 4 4 5
Burnabybob 1 1 3 5
gheintze 0 2 2 5
scipio1zama 2 3.5 4.5 4.5
FoxK 2 3.5 4.5 4.5
toganalper 1 2 3.5 4.5
Kral Moon  1 1 4 4
Scipio 1 2 3 3
Craterus 1 1 2 3
soul1st 0 0 1 3
Maxjoezach 2 2 2 2


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Rand replied the topic:
2 years 3 months ago
Round 4 Game 2

Rand – Allies – 6 Banners
Kral Moon – French – 1 Banners


The first few rounds allow 7 British Line Infantry to cross the river, with the vanguard taking up positions in the hills overlooking Calvarisa de Ariba. Ranged fire between both armies leaves two French Infantry destroyed and a French artillery pushed back to the baseline. With the French center in danger, the French Left Flank under the command of Ferey tries to reposition itself to aid in their comrades’ plight. However, a ‘La Grande Manoeuvre’ played by the Allies allows the Guard Grenadiers to check Ferey’s redeployment and for a British Field Artillery to move up to the front lines. On the French right, Foy leads a French Light Infantry to reinforce the French center, damaging a British Line Infantry. On the British counter, Foy is killed and his unit destroyed, and the Guard Grenadiers lumber forward to engage the French Left flank, who are caught trying to redeploy to the center of the battlefield. A cavalry charge takes the French Light Cavalry across the river and smashes into Brock’s Heavy Cavalry, killing Brock and pushing the heavily damaged into the woods. A follow-up attack almost destroys the second Heavy Cavalry. On the British right flank, the Light Cavalry forces a French Infantry into square where they are sitting ducks for the Guards. A further melee attack by the Guards destroys the French field artillery for the victory.


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soul1st replied the topic:
2 years 3 months ago
Craterus vs. Soul1st

Round 4 Game 1

Soul1st – British – 6 Banners
Craterus – French – 4 Banners

During the first turns the British attacked with their Grenadier Guards on the right, supported by some Line Infantry. The British managed to capture four banners at the cost of two banners. The Guards were depleted after this attack so they retreated towards their line. The French were in hot pursuit, transferring troops from their center to their left. The British did the same, reinforcing their weak right. The French almost broke trough, capturing two more flags. The British got lucky and killed the French General Foy and his light cavalry.

Thanks Craterus for another exiting game.

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Rand replied the topic:
2 years 3 months ago
Kral Moon vs. Rand

Round 4 Game 1

Karl Moon – British – 2 Banners
Rand – French – 6 Banners

Aggressive movement on the first few turns by the British on the Right Flank ends with a ‘La Grande Manoeuvre’ play. This pushes the Guard Grenadiers and a British Line under Campbell into the French positions. The French counter with a ‘Élan’ that activates three French Infantry on their left, though poor dice rolling and a first strike by the Guards fails to inflict many causalities on either side. The British are hampered through the next few turns by their accuracy, and with the French rolling hot, both Guard units are destroyed along with the British Calvary being pushed back. A French Field Artillery and a Line are destroyed, while fighting breaks out in the Center. The British in the center gain the hills but roll poorly and the French counter with a combined arms attack that destroys the British Field Artillery. Further fighting pushes the British off the hills with heavy damage. A bayonet charge by the French destroys a British Line Infantry on the French Left Flank, and Campbell is killed, giving the French a 6 to 2 victory.

Thanks to Carl for the game and I wish him good luck in the rest of the tournament.


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Craterus replied the topic:
2 years 3 months ago
Round 4.

1st match:
Allies: Soul1st, 6 banners
French: Craterus, 4 banners

2nd match:
Allies: Craterus, 6 banners
French: Soul1st, 5 banners

gotigerssc replied the topic:
2 years 3 months ago
Game 1:
Kandras78 (British) 6 banners
gotigerssc (French) 2 banners

My left flank completely folded and did not put up much of a fight with Ferey retreating off the board - the two units I claimed from that section were shot at from the center. I was then losing 2-4 with heavy pressure coming down from the center so I tried maneuvering around and taking opportunistic shots but it only delayed the inevitable.

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Game 2:
gotigerssc (British) 6 banners
Kandras78 (French) 1 banner

My hand started out with no true direction so I did some feints on each flank to try and throw off the French about where I would be advancing, but ultimately focused heavily on the center. I took the hill at one point but was then pushed back to the river and only after playing a Rally card was able to bring the units forward again. My dice rolls and cards were really good as I either always rolled a flag or a hit on every roll and Andras had no such luck. My RL were deadly and did a lot of damage as well. 

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jaboskov replied the topic:
2 years 3 months ago
Game 1: FoxK (Allies) 2 - 6 jaboskov (French)
After the Allies pushed on the French right to good effect, the French was able to leverage their advanced center position to eliminate forward units (with some very lucky rolls).

Game 2: FoxK (French) 2 - 6 jaboskov (Allies)
Most of the action occurred around Chapel on the French right. A series of advances and counterattacks left both sides needing to consolidate and reposition. The Allies were able to eliminate a French unit on the left before their larger attack did serious damage. 

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rjvonline replied the topic:
2 years 4 months ago
Round 4 - Return game

Renaud (French) - 5 VP

John (Allies) - 6 VP

A very tight game. As the French I managed a defensive battle exactly as I wanted it in the first 3/4s of the battle. I positioned my artillery on the hill and basically shut down the French left while having some amount of success sniping at the British GG. Most of the action therefore was on my right, and I also managed well, although I lost focus twice (like choosing the wrong unit to attack, and denying another unit the chance to) and that likely cost me victory down the line as I would killed another unit (LT at 1 block that I could have fired with 5 dice...). And then my luck ran out. Credit to John, for the second game in a row, he used LGM (on a CA) to get in the thick of it, but this time he was not one VP from losing. He moved his intact GG unit forward (along with other units on my right) and the GG in particular made a killing while I had no cards to to defend properly and little in the way of die roll success (my FA in particular scored no hits on the cavalry attacking it twice out of 7 dice, only inflicting flags...). Finally, I had a great roll against the GG, reducing them to 1, but then no card to follow up. In the next turn, John's double attack on a weak LN killed it, just but one turn before I could have gotten rid of the GG... Well done, Justin, and a lot of bollocks too. These British GG are monsters.
Michał-Wasil replied the topic:
2 years 4 months ago
Gomjabbar French  1 
Michał-Wasil Allies  6

Short Game. Bloody Cavalry and RHA made the day. Infantry clear the rest. No chance for French to even conunterattack. 


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David I replied the topic:
2 years 4 months ago
Game 1:  Scipio O ( Allies )   4   David I ( French)    6
Game 2 : David  I (Allies )     6   Scipio O (French)  1

In the first round the Allies advanced rapidly in the centre with Forced March, answered by a deep raid of the lone French cavalry to dispatch Allen on the back rank. Cavalry charge from the Brits eventually saw the French horse eliminated but three  of the four British horse units on that flank were now depleted. The forward French light outside the Chapel was forced into square by Brock's heavies and then shot to pieces by accurate musketry from the centre. The British advanced further in the centre onto the Calvarisan hills but were met by a bayonet charge with an  excessively bloody result  ( 9 blocks taken against 2 lost to battle back ). Campbell's infantry on the hill countered superbly destroying a 3-block line and then, inspired, almost knocked out a full-strength Light unit which was forced to retreat.  Campbell was exposed but the battle would likely have continued to rage had not the French had a second bayonet charge which saw the French 4:3 and in control of the heights with severely weakened Brits below them. La Grande Manoeuvre rescued the situation in the centre but a plucky French infantry unit forced the Rifles out of the Chapel and installed a garrison. The Rifles were then picked off by artillery fire 5:3. The exact events thereafter are not clear but the final banner score was French 6 to Allies 4.

The second game was a bit more of a grind with a gradual creep forward onto the stream by the British in the centre and garrisoning of the chapel. Ferey's units on the left moved onto the hills but were unluckily subjected to a bayonet charge from the grenadier guards which fortuitously dispatched his  foot artillery and his Lights. Elan was unlucky to order only two units which allowed only a foray against the Lights on the bridge who squared up and an inconclusive melee on the far left against the Guards. Cavalry charge from the Brits was outrageously successful destroying the infantry unit which had just attacked the Guards with a perfect roll, capturing a solitary Ferey and then on the other flank knocking the light cavalry down to 1-block with 3 out of 4 dice hitting.  Allies 4:1. Things were looking grim for the French and a death or glory Forced March in the centre was beaten back by rifle and artillery fire over two rounds claiming another banner before an assault on the left claimed the last.

Thanks to Scipio for his genial acceptance of my work schedule and his tolerance of my rather exaggerated good fortune in both of these games. Cards and dice were very kind to me. 


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gheintze replied the topic:
2 years 4 months ago
Game 2
MaxJoezach (Allies) 0 Banners 19 blocks lost
gheintze (French) 6 Banners 6 blocks lost

On the First French turn, I played Bombard to move my artillery units to the hills. The British then used Bayonet charge to attack the artillery to little effect. The French played a series of Assault Center cards to repel the British and pick up 3 banners. In the meantime, the British Heavy Cav also charged the French Light Cavalry on the right, but were unsuccessful. The French Cav circled and cut off the HC retreat route and the French infantry decimated the unit -- the leader was killed while trying to escape.

The British made a last ditch effort to charge the French infantry on the right, but the French cav again cut off their retreat route and the 6th banner was won.

FoxK replied the topic:
2 years 4 months ago
1 Game
FoxK (French) - JoeB (British) 2:6

2 Game
FoxK (British) - JoeB (French) 2:6
Mark-McG replied the topic:
2 years 4 months ago

gheintze vs MaxJoezach -- Game 1
gheintze (Allies) 3 Banners 19 blocks lost
MaxJoeZach (French) 3 Banners 31 blocks lost

After some initial positioning and ranged fire, the French cavalry charged forth on their right. Unfortunately, the British had many cards on that side, including Cavalry charge and managed to pick up 2 quick medals and severely damage another infantry unit. There was no rest for the French however, as the British then charged (with Bayonet Charge and forced march) in the center. The French artillery that had set up on the hills was eliminated in 1 turn, followed by two other infantry. The French countered in the middle to get 3 medals, but then the heavy cavalry in combination with an infantry on the hills on the French right took on the last two units needed for the victory.
writing this up as
gheintze vs MaxJoezach -- Game 1
gheintze (Allies) 6 Banners 19 blocks lost
MaxJoeZach (French) 3 Banners 31 blocks lost
Burnabybob replied the topic:
2 years 4 months ago
Burnabybob (Allies) 6 banners
TolganAlper (French) 2 banners

The game started with a British attack on their left Flank, which resulted in the British taking a 2-1 lead. The British followed up with an attack in the center, hoping to keep the French pinned down. But the French used the hills and river to their advantage to repulse the attack. Results could have been worse had the French gotten better die rolls, but they managed to tie the game at 2-2 in any case. The latter part of the game saw the British attack on their right flank with the vaunted Guards Grenadier units, supported by light cavalry. The British rifle light infantry were lethal throughout the game as well, using their superior range to inflict heavy losses on the French. The game could have gone either way, but dice favored the British on this day.
jfardette replied the topic:
2 years 4 months ago
In game 2, Jim Fardette's British were able to keep steadily increasing pressure on MIke Stanley's French, and 4 units with only a single block remaining hid out in the backfield. Mike launched a Grand Maneuvre to place them all in jeopardy but the British countered and the dice were unkind to Mike. A 6-2 finish that was much closer than that.
Jim Fardette (British) - 6
Mike Stanley (French) -2

gheintze replied the topic:
2 years 4 months ago
rematch will be on Tuesday
gheintze replied the topic:
2 years 4 months ago
gheintze vs MaxJoezach -- Game 1
gheintze (Allies) 3 Banners 19 blocks lost
MaxJoeZach (French) 3 Banners 31 blocks lost

After some initial positioning and ranged fire, the French cavalry charged forth on their right. Unfortunately, the British had many cards on that side, including Cavalry charge and managed to pick up 2 quick medals and severely damage another infantry unit. There was no rest for the French however, as the British then charged (with Bayonet Charge and forced march) in the center. The French artillery that had set up on the hills was eliminated in 1 turn, followed by two other infantry. The French countered in the middle to get 3 medals, but then the heavy cavalry in combination with an infantry on the hills on the French right took on the last two units needed for the victory.
stephent replied the topic:
2 years 4 months ago
Log file hopefully attached 

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stephent replied the topic:
2 years 4 months ago
Allies stephent: Banners 6, blocks lost 22
French RiverWanderer: Banners 0, blocks lost 30
Battle started with both sides rearranging their centre, and the British Cav moved forward to the Pela Garcia. Ranged skirmishing between and the British RL and French Lt, with the French Lt falling victim to British Lt and Superb Infantry Training (1-0). French played elan, damaging the British Lt with ranged fire and the LC attacked the British HA on the river – three flags are cancelled by Hold the Line Leader and then they were destroyed by Counter Attack (2-0), with the British Cav now across the river. The British Force Marched in the centre, crossing the river here. Exchanges of ranged fire continued, with another French Line destroyed (3-0). The French began to bring their left towards the centre. British launched assault centre up onto the ridge, with Call Forward Reserves bringing the FA adjacent to the Chapel. French replied with Attack Centre, using ranged fire to heavily damage the two British units on the ridge with the third French Line meleeing and advancing beyond the ridge – the GG met them with Cold Steel, French Infantry Combat First rolled three flags – all ignored and the French Line were destroyed (4-0). British Cav Charged on their left, forcing an isolated Line into Square. The French attempted to relieve the pressure on the Centre and their right with assault left, but were repulsed by the GG, with the loss of a Line (5-0). British bombard destroyed the squared French line for the final banner (6-0).
Thanks to Mark for a great game, as always he played well but never had the cards to deal with the British ranged fire and ability to rotate units in this scenario: total block count was nearly equal for most of the game but the British were able to rotate units back behind the ridge (by the end of the game there were 6 depleted British units sheltering in the leeward side, compared to only two similar French ones).
rjvonline replied the topic:
2 years 4 months ago
renaud/rjvonline - Allies - 6 banners, 6 blocks lost
John/EZpickins - French - 2 banners, 22 blocks lost

Despite my hand being increasingly focused on the French left, it all happened on the French right  and continued the streak of Allied wins.

It didn't look good very early on when French LT fire removed 2 blocks from my Lights in the farm, but 2 cavalry charges, Elan and Rally helped me hold and kill many French units on the right, starting with the isolated French leader that one of my HC units, bravely, but perhaps foolishly, nabbed. 

In a last desperate move John swung 3 LN units and 1 FA unit against my left using Grand Maneuver, but I was able to get my last kill after I played the Rally card and activated both my LT and HA back to full strength.

I'm sorry to report that Richard Sharp and the 95th Rifles were slaughtered by one French volley (3 hits out of 3 dice) while crossing the river.

Thanks to John for a good game. which was more lopsided than it had any reason to be.

Return match tomorrow.

jfardette replied the topic:
2 years 4 months ago
Mike Stanley and I were able to finish the first leg of the battle. Mike had the attacking Brits, I had the French.

The game started off with the British seizing the center, but the dice on both sides were cold and no units were killed until well into the middle part of the battle, after the French used a grand maneuver card to reset their right flank. Things came to a crashing end though, with two British Assault Center cards that killed to French line in about the least effective way possible (many Battle Back casualties before finally succumbing).  A French Counterattack bagged 3 units plus a leader to take the initiative away. Some French lights tracked down a lone British block for flag 5 and then Yahtzeedthe Rifle Lights in a town to end the game with a bang.

Rematch coming this Sunday.

Jim Fardette (French) - 6
Mike Stanley (British) -2


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Still not sure if this is how to do the vlogs, but at least it let me attach something.
Mark-McG replied the topic:
2 years 4 months ago
Game 2
Mark McG (French): 3 banners
Giulio (Brits): 6 banners

French had a great hand from the start, and never really struggled to find a card to play. Brits did some hand management with 2 Scouts as the first cards, and then started off down the Left flank. French cavalry intercepted, and traded off 1 French LC for a Brit HC, and damaged to other HC. 
From there it declined rapidly, with the annoying Brit LC on the right that just couldn't be hit, and the Brit LT working through Chapel del Pena to the hill to be joined by the HA. The French counter went badly and a 4-1 down I was worried. The GG was closing on the French right, but the French left just fell apart. Eventually they mustered enough to eliminate the LT and a LN before collapsing. 

Not seeing many French wins in this scenario

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RiverWanderer replied the topic:
2 years 4 months ago
Game 1
Mark B (British): 6 banners
Steve T (French): 4 banners

Opening saw both sides consolidating for a confrontation in the centre. The British gained first advantage with combined Rifles and Light actions dispatching a French Light Infantry unit near the chapel. The French responded with a powerful bayonet charge that pushed back the British Lights and swept two infantry units away, including the Rifles.

The British centre had been considerably weakened but the French had been dented enough to encourage some caution. British Light Cavalry swept across the centre to challenge a French line near the chapel. With a unit in square, this provoked the French to bring their sole cavalry unit into play; sure enough, the British LC was swept away, the French declining a risky breakthrough to take cover on the central hills with their artillery.

"Now, Brock, now!"; with the French right clear, the main British cavalry force charged forward, forcing a second isolated Line into square. French infantry now reorganised to strengthen the around centre, their first square decamping to safety. The British cavalry assault had to continue and luck was with them, the French cavalry and an artillery falling victim over a couple of turns.

Meanwhile the French left had been tentatively advancing whilst weakening the British Grenadier Guards with long range artillery. Now came the time to close; the British attempted to weaken the oncoming wave but a timely retreat kept the French in good order for their massed Bayonet Charge. The weakened British Grenadier Guard unit was dispatched, whilst the other fell back weakened but escaping a second melee.

With banners now at 4:3 to the French, the British needed a good turn and it came in the form of a Fire & Hold.  Two powerful volleys weakened and then destroyed the French Line under Ferey, with the leader check taking a second banner. Two remaining attacks focussed on the French square, taking the final banner and the game.

Thanks to Steve for a close-fought game. Round 2 is scheduled for next week.

Final position:

Log file:

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Mark-McG replied the topic:
2 years 4 months ago
Game 1
Mark McG (Brits): 6 banners
Giulio (French): 2 banners

A very ordinary starting hand slowly came good after sequential Elan card plays, with everything pointing me up the Centre. The Brits bayonet charged the vacant hill and laid waste to all behind it (at least that is the official report). One of those attacks that determine the battle, even if it lingered a little just to clean up the remnants.

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toganalper replied the topic:
2 years 4 months ago
Attached please find the logfile for the game 1 of toganalper vs Bob

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toganalper replied the topic:
2 years 4 months ago
Game 1

ToganAlper (Allies) 6 Banners

Burnablybob(French) 3 Banners

Tge allies started with an attack on the left trying to get the lonely LC. Then proceeded to the right flank . After the first push they movced back organized and attacked as a full line. Most the battle took place initially in the Allies left flank. Then movinh to the center. In the last turn the French atttack was able to get 2 more flags.To mke it 3:6.
Looking forward for the next game.