QF Return Match
rjvonline (Allies) 6 banners (38 blocks lost)
kandras (French) 8 banners (27 blocks lost)
3.5 hour marathon. I lost this one 6-8, but I won on cumulative banners over both games 14-12. Phew. This one was very close throughout the game. I was helped at the very beginning by moving a FA back to my rear and then playing Call Reserves Forward to bring next to a leader in the central village. That FA eventually died, but, man, it caused some damage in the center, helped by 1, maybe 2, Bombard cards
I committed 2 "mistakes". The first being to finally bring my left wing forward; my opponent played Cavalry Charge and killed 2 of my units, and then we had an exchange (as I virtually sacrificed a LNCR unit to block a retreat path for a French LC and got 3 flags in all! In truth, I was also seeking to divert attention away from the BUAs until I got 5 kills and didn't have to rely on the banner for holding a majority of the BUAs... My second mistake was in my very last turn was as I messed up the order in which I battled, contrary to my intentions. I had a 4-dice ranged attack by an LT on a 1-block LN with a leader that could have bagged me 1 banner for *almost sure*, and given me a 1/6 chance for a 2nd banner if I killed the leader, but instead I went for a 4-dice melee attack on a 3-block LC that RR'ed... next to my LT and thus prevented them from firing at range at the LN, and of course the LC also RR'ed when my LT attacked it... Next turn, my opponent played Bayonet Charge and got his last banner as 3 2-block LN units were within reach.
Two great games. Thanks to Andras!