Round 2 -
VIK03 Ashdown 871
Mark B/RiverWanderer (Saxon) 5 banners, 14 blocks lost
John D/EZPickins (Viking) 1 banner, 25 blocks lost
Æthelred rushed back from his prayers and was just in time to lead a Boar's Snout into advancing Viking Auxilia which had set up to deter the Saxon archers. The Vikings responded with a Warrior unit that had been supporting the Auxilia. When the dust settled, the Vikings were down the Warrior unit and 2 Auxilia against a Saxon Medium Infantry. Bacsecg had come up provide reinforcements and, ignoring his vulnerable position, now chased towards Saxon Auxilia gathering on his left flank. Despite being outnumbered, his Mediums took many Saxon blocks and, though failing to convert any to banners, did at least manage to retreat to the safety of the rear.
Now history re-asserted itself; Alfred raced for the heights, his lead units arriving there just as the Vikings opposite him mounted an attack. This Viking attack did not go so well as Bacsecg's, in part suffering from the absence of a leader. Doubling down on their attack, the Vikings lost a Warrior unit in battle-back, leaving an Auxilia unit vulnerable. The Saxons, by now concentrated with Alfred around the contested hill top, made one last melee attack, dispatching the depleted Viking Auxilia to claim their fifth banner and victory.
Thanks to John for a good game, the four Saxon 2 and 1 block units remaining on the board are testimony to several lucky escapes and the power of Æthelred's prayers.