Leadership cards are a special type of Section card that allows a player to order a Leader and any unit to which the Leader is attached, plus a number of units or Leaders in adjacent linked, contiguous hexes to move and/or battle. Units in “adjacent linked, contiguous hexes” may be in different Sections of the battlefield, so long as each ordered unit is adjacent to at least one other ordered unit, and at least one of the ordered units is adjacent to the designated Leader. In this way, a Leadership order enables you to order a “chain” or “wing” of units to move and/or battle in a coordinated fashion. A Leader may not detach on a Leadership Command card.
When a “Leadership” Command card is played, the player may choose to spend one Inspired Action token and have the units ordered by the Leadership Command card elect to perform one of the Inspired Leadership Actions as listed on the Army’s Inspired Action Reference Sheet.
NOTE: When a Leadership Command card alternative use of “Or order one unit of your choice” is ordered a Inspired Leadership Action cannot be used, but 1 Inspired Action token is still gained at end of turn.