The Barbarian army will field Barbarian Light Chariot units in a number of battle scenarios. This new unit type is included on the Reference Cards.


Barbarian Light Chariot Barbarian Light Chariot

Unit Class: Light Mounted (green circle with white border)
Blocks: A Light Barbarian Chariot unit has 3 blocks.
Movement: A Light Barbarian Chariot unit may move one, two, or three hexes and battle.
Ranged Combat: N/A - A Light Barbarian Chariot unit may not use ranged combat.
Close Combat: A Light Barbarian Chariot unit may either stay in position or move one, two or three hexes and Close Combat an adjacent enemy unit hex with 2 (or 3) battle dice (see below). A Barbarian Light Chariot scores one hit for each unit symbol and sword rolled. A barbarian chariot unit at full strength Close Combats with 1 additional battle die and may ignore one flag rolled against it.
A Barbarian Light Chariot unit, at full strength, will Close Combat with 1 additional battle die. Instead of rolling two dice, it will roll three. The unit will lose the Close Combat bonus die after its first block is lost, but this only takes effect when the unit is either attacked again by an enemy unit or is ordered to battle during its own side’s turn.
A Barbarian Light Chariot unit may Momentum Advance onto the vacated hex, after a successful Close Combat, and may make a bonus Close Combat.
Evade Close Combat: A Barbarian Light Chariot unit may always Evade.
Retreat: A Barbarian Light Chariot unit retreats 3 hexes. Elephant & Camel flag rolls will cause a Barbarian Light Chariot unit to retreat 1 additional hex for each.