Special Unit Blocks

This expansion uses the concept of special units, first introduced in the Greek and Eastern Kingdoms Expansion. When special units are present in a battle, they will be labeled on the battlefield, and the scenario instructions will specify that a Special Unit block will be placed in each special unit’s hex. The special rules will provide increased abilities for each special unit.
The Special Unit block moves with the unit. It does not count as a block that can be removed to satisfy losses. This block is not transferable to any other unit. If the special unit is eliminated, this block is removed from the map along with the last block of the unit.

Tenth (X) Legion Special Unit Abilities:

Caesar’s Tenth Legion was his personal favorite. It was a superb veteran unit that was fiercely loyal to Caesar, and never failed him in battle. Even though it was equipped as a standard Marian legion, The Tenth, possesses special abilities to reflect their elite status.
• The Tenth Legion is a heavy infantry unit (red square symbol) armed with pilum and sword. The Tenth Legion will follow the rules for Ranged Combat units, per Marius Legions Rule. The unit has a range of two hexes and will roll 1 battle die when it holds or moves only one hex.
• The Tenth Legion may move one hex and close combat with 5 dice as normal. In addition, it may move 2 hexes and not battle. The Tenth Legion still retreats only one hex.