We played as a 2-a-side figure-based version of the game. A 6-2 win for the Americans. Seemed unlikely as the militia in the central redoubt broke and ran after its first casualty, the rifles started falling back and the British stormed into the central redoubts. The British sent a frontal assault at Breed's Hill but these were repulsed with heavy losses. Unluckily for the British assault on Breeds Hill, the Americans held a fistful of Right Flank cards plus a useful Line Volley and some shooting bonuses from their Combat Cards. Aided by the supporting Rifles in Charlestown the British Regulars and Light Infantry were smashed and running. My team mate on the American right was on fire! The tradeoff was the sacrifice of my troops on the American left and centre who were fleeing their redoubts, fences and stone walls in numbers, taking heavy casualties but not breaking. A mix of British Grenadiers and Regulars swarmed over the redoubts and fences whilst my American survivors all now sat on the base-edge reforming into a mutually supporting mass. Some concerted shooting (and lucky dice!) finished off a Grenadier unit but many of my units were down to 1 block. Luckily, the Boys from Breeds Hill just wiped the floor on the American right and victory was ours. Unluckily for the British, their right flank of 2 Light Infantry units and artillery only received one move for the game, which probably spared the American left from being wiped out. Great game.