A 7-3 win to the Americans. The long rifles fired, damaged the British artillery and retired. The British advanced and shot and surprisingly routed a long rifle unit. The Americans retired all the militia and light infantry with a Steal a March card and formed a solid battle line across the hills. The British advanced on the left pushing the highlanders and some regulars forward. An all-out assault saw the Americans lose a couple of units but the British lost both Highlanders, a general carried away in rout and both units standing next to him. The 16th Dragoons tried a mounted charge which caused damage but did not throw the victorious American right back. The Dragoons were fired upon and lost 2 bases. A long shot from a rifle unit caused a retreat and the Dragoons were reduced to 1 base as they retreated and then failed the rout test. 7-3 and the British left was entirely wiped out.