Victory Results:
 50 %
Record a victory for BOTTOM ARMY  50 %
Total plays 4 - Last reported by FreeloadingPhill on 2016-11-29 14:49:39

Historical background

The two Tank Opening Action scenarios 19 and 20 are non-historical battles, expressly designed to gradually introduce you and a friend to the basics of WWI Tank warfare. Scenario 19 features two British Mark IV WWI tanks, one male and one female, while Scenario 20 adds a German A7V tank to the unit mix.


Starting Assets

  Command Cards Combat Cards HQ Tokens Reserve Artillery Rifle Units Machine Gun Units Mortar Units Bomber Units  
Germans 5 2 6 4 x x x x  
British 5 2 6 4 x x x x Move First  


Victory Medals: 5

  • 1 Medal for each soldier unit eliminated.
  • Note, a British tank, when eliminated, is worth 2 Victory Medals.
  • The British forces gain 1 Temporary Victory Medal at the start of their turn, when a British tank occupies any hex on the other side of the German front trench line.
  • The British forces are racing against time. The German player may take a Victory Medal, instead of taking two command cards, when playing a “Recon” command card.

Special Rules

  • British player does the No-Man’s-Land shelling roll.

Setup Remainder

  • Place 1 Tank Silhouette token on each British Mark IV tank.
    As the British player you may also need a couple of Bogged Down  markers. Set these markers next to the deck of command cards.
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