A player’s reserve artillery unit does not have any figures, instead it is represented by a reserve artillery token, in a player’s play area. The number on the reserve artillery token represents the strength of the army’s reserve artillery. The strength of an army’s reserve artillery token is detailed in the scenario notes.

  • A player’s reserve artillery is not a battlefield unit and therefore can only be ordered to perform ranged combat.
  • An ordered reserve artillery battery, when it battles, does not have any range or line of sight restrictions.
  • A reserve artillery unit can be ordered when playing an “Artillery Bombard” tactic command card and may target any enemy unit or any hex anywhere on the battlefield.
  • A reserve artillery unit can be ordered, by using one order from a section command card, unless the section card only issues orders to battlefield units.
  • When ordered by a section command card, the enemy unit or the hex being targeted must be in the same section as the section card being played.
  • A reserve artillery battery may not normally be targeted in combat by a battlefield unit or the opponent’s reserve artillery.

Key Rule - When the reserve artillery battery is ordered, it is always the first unit to combat.

Reserve Artillery Ranged Combat

When the reserve artillery is ordered, the use of the targeting template is required. The player ordering the reserve artillery places the targeting template, on a hex with its arrow, pointing towards the opponent’s baseline.

To determine in what hexes the reserve artillery shells will land, a number of targeting dice are rolled. The number of targeting dice rolled is equal to the number of HQ tokens spent. The maximum number of HQ tokens that may be spent is equal to the strength number on the reserve artillery token in a player’s play area.

For example: the reserve artillery token has a strength number of 4, the player may spend up to 4 HQ tokens and for each HQ token spent, the player will roll one targeting die.

Roll the targeting dice and match the number rolled with the hexes around the template. Set each targeting die on its matching hex. Any dice that rolled the same numbers are also considered “On Target”, as well as shelling the surrounding hex.

To determine the result of the reserve artillery combat, battle die are rolled for each hex with one or more targeting dice and for the On Target hex.

Start with the On Target hex, the hex that the template was placed on and roll 1 battle die for any targeting dice that were determined as being on target.

For example, 4 targeting dice are rolled and the numbers rolled are 1 - 4 - 4 - 6. Place the targeting dice on the proper surrounding hexes. Because two targeting dice rolled number 4, two battle dice are rolled on the On Target hex, as well allowing hex number 4 to be shelled with two dice.

After the On Target hex is resolved, start with the hex 1 on the template, going clockwise around the template roll 1 battle dice for each targeting die on these hexes. Determine hits and retreats for each hex before resolving the next hex.

When no unit or wire token is in a hex, you need not roll the battle dice for these hexes.

Reserve Artillery Hits and Retreats

For the On Target hex, one hit is scored for each burst symbol and Deadly Dice side rolled. In addition, one or more soldier symbols rolled may score a hit after applying terrain protection modifiers: see the Terrain rules section for terrain protection modifiers.

For the hexes around the template, one hit is scored for each burst symbol rolled. In addition, one or more soldier symbols rolled may score a hit after applying terrain protection modifiers: see the Terrain rules section for terrain protection modifiers.

For each hit scored, one figure is removed from the unit. When the last enemy figure is eliminated in the unit, place a Victory Medal on your Victory Medal Card. If more hits are rolled than the number of figures in the enemy unit, these additional hits have no effect.

Collect one HQ token for each HQ symbol roll.

A flag rolled does not cause a hit, but may cause the unit to retreat. After all hits in a hex have been resolved and casualties removed, retreats are resolved: see the Retreat rules section. Some terrain will allow a unit to ignore one or more flags: see the Terrain rules section for terrain effecting flags.

Reserve Artillery Creating Shell Craters

When three or more targeting dice roll the same number, a shell crater is placed on the On Target hex, unless the hex already has a shell crater token. When the battle dice are rolled for the On Target hex this combat, all terrain protection is ignored and all dice symbols rolled will count.

For example, 4 targeting dice are rolled and the numbers rolled are 1 - 4 - 4 - 4. Place the dice on the proper surrounding hexes. Because three targeting dice rolled number 4, it is a devastating direct hit to the On Target hex and a shell crater is placed on the hex. Three battle dice are then rolled on the On Target hex, as well as allowing hex number 4 to be shelled with three dice.

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Mark-McG replied the topic:
2 years 6 months ago
The chance of triples on 3 dice is 6 in 216. (2.8%)
Rolling at least triples
on 4d it is 126 in 1296 (9.7%)
on 5d it is 1656 in 7776 (21.3%)

from personal experience I can tell you it happens
MDog replied the topic:
2 years 6 months ago
From all rules and forum comments I've read, the same number rolled from 3 dice must appear, and the chance of that occurring is next to nothing.
Mark-McG replied the topic:
7 years 9 months ago

Draco Paladin wrote: Is the reserve artillery unit a single unit that can only be ordered once on a players turn, or if you are able to order units in more than one sector, can it be ordered once per sector?

it is a single unit.
"A player’s reserve artillery unit does not have any figures, instead it is represented by a reserve artillery token, in a player’s play area. "

Conceptually you could have more than 1 Reserve Artillery units in a scenario. Hasn't ever happened in a scenario, but if you had two Reserve Artillery units, a 5 & a 4 strength, you could order the 5 in one section and the 4 in another with a multi-section card like Recon in Force (and a huge number of HQ tokens). Would cost 1 order for each unit.
Draco Paladin replied the topic:
7 years 9 months ago
Is the reserve artillery unit a single unit that can only be ordered once on a players turn, or if you are able to order units in more than one sector, can it be ordered once per sector?
Mark-McG replied the topic:
8 years 2 months ago
looking at the FAQ,the actual literal wording is correct. Has to be 3 dice of the same number. Example 3 (or bottom Left diagram) gives such an example, and indicates NO cratering.

lowroller replied the topic:
8 years 2 months ago
The rules say that "When three or more targeting dice roll the same number, a shell crater is placed in the On Target hex.'

This is very clear, and by strict reading it means that a roll of 1-3-3-5-5 would NOT cause cratering, as no 3 dice rolled the same number.

However, after an initial faulty memory of the rule, we loosely interpreted it as 3 On Target dice cause cratering, which means that this roll WOULD crater the hex.

Should we follow the strict wording, or is our interpretation the actual intent?