Victory Results:
 60 %
Record a victory for BOTTOM ARMY  40 %
Total plays 10 - Last reported by Mark-McG on 2020-12-30 00:27:41

Koriyama Castle 1540

In October, although rebuffed on a number of occasions, Akihisa renewed the offensive, burning the remaining buildings outside the castle. Mori Motonari still believed he could prevail and decided to risk a general engagement, but before he marched out he sent a small force to each side of the valley to set up an ambush. The Amako army under the command of Misawa Tameyuki advanced straight at Motonari. When the two forces met, the ambush force was given the signal and emerged from hiding and the Amako army broke in panic.
The stage is set, the battle lines are drawn, and you are in command. The rest is history.


Set-Up Order

Forest 6
Hill 7
River 2
Curved River 3


Mori Samurai (Red)
Move First
6 Command Cards
3 Dragon Cards
5 Honor & Fortune

Ashigaru Archer Ashigaru Yari Samurai Archer Samurai Naginata Mounted Samurai Archer Infantry Leader Cavalry Leader
3 3 2 2 1 1 3

Amako Samurai (Yellow)
4 Command Cards
2 Dragon Cards
3 Honor & Fortune

Ashigaru Archer Ashigaru Yari Samurai Archer Samurai Naginata Mounted Samurai Archer Infantry Leader Cavalry Leader
1 4 2 1 3 2 1

5 Banners
• 1 Victory Banner for each unit or leader eliminated.

Special Rules
• The River Tajii is impassable.
• Each player deploys one Ninja figure.


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Mark-McG replied the topic:
3 years 5 months ago
Ideally Yellow needs to withdraw, but without Centre cards, that gets problematic.