After two dozen plays or more on Vassal, my first face-to-face battle. I had the Date. I pulled my center front line back as they seemed a bit too exposed. Lots of sniping with bows and arquebuses to start the game and I'm on the (light) losing end of it. I defang a Cavalry Charge with Practice of Aikido and follow with a Cavalry Charge of my own. Despite losing all 3 of my cavalry units and having 2 leaders commit Seppuku, the charge and its aftermath bring me within 1 banner of victory. It has left 1 enemy Ashigaru unit with 1 block dangling near the front line. A helpful wind allows one of my foot Samurai spearmen to reach it and eliminate it. 7-3. A fun scenario, although based on the setup it seems to favor Date with 19 to 14 units, and even 1 more Samurai cavalry unit...
PS: not sure why there is a reference to a river in the instructions above...