SBVT04 Mōri Battles

8 years 11 months ago #445 by Mark-McG
 Mini Tournament 04 Mōri Battles
A round robin style tournament, each player...

SBVT04 Mōri Battles

“I dreamt of worldly success once.”
― Miyamoto Musashi

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8 years 11 months ago - 8 years 10 months ago #446 by g1ul10
Replied by g1ul10 on topic SBVT04 Mōri Battles
To avoid problems I would suggest everybody to use the last version of the Samurai Battles VASSAL module.

For easy of reference I report below the links to the scenarios and the pairings

ScenarioYellow PlayerRed Player
103 Koriyama Castle (1540) - River Enokawugoshublueg1ul10
103 Koriyama Castle (1540) - River Enokawuplainscapegoshublue
103 Koriyama Castle (1540) - River Enokawug1ul10Mark McG
103 Koriyama Castle (1540) - River EnokawuCavieplainscape
103 Koriyama Castle (1540) - River EnokawuMark McGCavie
104 Koriyama Castle (1540) - SeptembergoshublueMark McG
104 Koriyama Castle (1540) - SeptemberCaviegoshublue
104 Koriyama Castle (1540) - Septemberplainscapeg1ul10
104 Koriyama Castle (1540) - Septemberg1ul10Cavie
104 Koriyama Castle (1540) - SeptemberMark McGplainscape
105 Koriyama Castle (1540) - OctoberCavieg1ul10
105 Koriyama Castle (1540) - OctobergoshublueCavie
105 Koriyama Castle (1540) - Octoberg1ul10Mark McG
105 Koriyama Castle (1540) - Octoberplainscapegoshublue
105 Koriyama Castle (1540) - OctoberMark McGplainscape
106 Koriyama Castle (1541) - JanuaryCavieMark McG
106 Koriyama Castle (1541) - JanuaryplainscapeCavie
106 Koriyama Castle (1541) - Januarygoshublueg1ul10
106 Koriyama Castle (1541) - Januaryg1ul10plainscape
106 Koriyama Castle (1541) - JanuaryMark McGgoshublue
Last edit: 8 years 10 months ago by g1ul10.

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8 years 11 months ago #452 by Mark-McG
Replied by Mark-McG on topic SBVT04 Mōri Battles
need to start playing some matches.
My upcoming weekend looks free(ish) at this stage, first in a few weeks.
So if anyone is available, drop me a email or PM to arrange a time

“I dreamt of worldly success once.”
― Miyamoto Musashi

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8 years 10 months ago #454 by Mark-McG
Replied by Mark-McG on topic SBVT04 Mōri Battles
103 Koriyama Castle (1540) - River Enokawu
Red: Mark McG 0 banners, 14 losses
Yellow: g1ul10 5 banners, 9 losses

Early loss of Mounted Samurai Archer to archery fire, and lack of command cards to withdraw.
Yellow then just proceeded to cross the river virtually unscathed whilst Red lost the other MSB.

End result, 2 Red losses, 0 Yellow losses. 3 Yellow units across the river.

“I dreamt of worldly success once.”
― Miyamoto Musashi

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8 years 10 months ago #455 by g1ul10
Replied by g1ul10 on topic SBVT04 Mōri Battles
Thanks Mark for reporting. Two first strikes and one ambush gave me a warm sense of safety, even if none of them was particularly effective. All considered, I can say I had an excellent hand of cards. Please find the log file below.

File Attachment:

File Name: SBVT4-Mark...l10.vlog
File Size:90 KB

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8 years 10 months ago - 8 years 10 months ago #456 by Mark-McG
Replied by Mark-McG on topic SBVT04 Mōri Battles
105 Koriyama Castle (1540) - October
Red: Mark McG 5 banners, 21 losses
Yellow: g1ul10 4 banners, 26 losses

This was a very close battle, with the end determined by a lucky escape for a Red MSB at the end.
Red were going pretty well, 4-2 up until a Hold & Shoot with Fire Arrows combo ripped apart the Red lines. Game could have ended right there. It staggered on another 3 card plays by each foiling the other's plans.

File Attachment:

File Name: SBVT4vsGul...Red.vlog
File Size:97 KB

“I dreamt of worldly success once.”
― Miyamoto Musashi
Last edit: 8 years 10 months ago by Mark-McG.

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8 years 10 months ago - 8 years 10 months ago #457 by Mark-McG
Replied by Mark-McG on topic SBVT04 Mōri Battles
103 Koriyama Castle (1540) - River Enokawu
Red: Cavie 1 banners, 15 losses
Yellow: Mark McG 5 banners, 14 losses

Initially Yellow gathered forces, and Red drew back out of range. Yellow then pushed up on the Right (2 fords), but were repulsed in the Centre Right. Yellow then pushed on the left and were driven back, and finally the Cavalry broke into the Centre.

Dan had some hard luck with rolls, and a particularly friendly clash occurred between the Mounted Samurai Archers, where three sequential combats caused no loss (15d no hits). Finally I did for him, and then fell immediately to an arrow shot.

This scenario seems pro-Yellow

File Attachment:

File Name: SBVT4vsCav...low.vlog
File Size:90 KB

“I dreamt of worldly success once.”
― Miyamoto Musashi
Last edit: 8 years 10 months ago by Mark-McG.

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8 years 10 months ago #458 by Cavie
Replied by Cavie on topic SBVT04 Mōri Battles
103 Koriyama Castle (1541) - January
Red: Mark McG 5 banners, 28 losses
Yellow: Cavie 6 banners, 13 losses

The Ouchi army made an initial push in the center in hope to weaken forces there and capture the command tent. The Amako forces responded with most of the action taken on by their Mounted Samurai Archers.

Battle went back in forth in the center of the field with the Ouchi's Naniginata unit containing a leader and ninja finally breaking through and reaching the command tent. The Amako's Mounted Archers were far up the battlefield and could not get down fast enough to stop the command tent from being overtaken.

Finally the Amako mounted archers pressed the Ouchi's backfield and took the final banner.

It was tough battle where a couple of successful leader checks barely gave me the edge over that 3 banner command tent move Mark made. Seems to be a good scenario to show the nuances the ninja, samurai archers, and mounted samurai archers can add to the game.

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8 years 10 months ago - 8 years 10 months ago #459 by Mark-McG
Replied by Mark-McG on topic SBVT04 Mōri Battles
104 Koriyama Castle (1540) - September
Red: Mark McG 4 banners, 14 losses
Yellow: Brent 3 banners, 15 losses

Managed to race back to the ford, and then ran out of Left cards.
Centre moved to the Left, and most of the action happened on this flank.

A critical Personal Challenge saw 4 Swords on 9d eliminate the Red foot leader, and the discard was the Left Advance card I just picked up. Eventually another came up, and 1 unit crossed the river, and a further unit retreated across.

The losses on the left were substantial, Red lost 2 units, a leader, a ninja and the leader lost to personal challenge. 2 units exited, and 1 Yellow unit destroyed.

Finally the MSB on the right moved up, and dealt 5 hits to a Yellow archer.. been saving that all game.

File Attachment:

File Name: SBVT4vsBre...Red.vlog
File Size:77 KB

“I dreamt of worldly success once.”
― Miyamoto Musashi
Last edit: 8 years 10 months ago by Mark-McG.

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8 years 10 months ago #460 by goshublue
Replied by goshublue on topic SBVT04 Mōri Battles
106 Koriyama Castle (1541) - January

Mark McG (Yellow) Banners 1 Figures 24
BrentS (Red) Banners 6 Figures 8

A strange scenario. A couple of lessons learned. Samurai mounted archers aren't effective with Cavalry Charge (didn't know that) and Hold & Shoot is far more brutally effective than Darken the Skies in Ancients due to the range 3 x 3 dice archers......and particularly if you draw two of them for consecutive slaughter, as I did here. I had Mark down to 3 banners fairly quickly, which meant that I only had to take the Command Tent. Two Cavalry Charges and an Insult redrawn with a Ninja Thief for two plays made life difficult for Mark but he defended the tent well and in the end I never took it, but the attrition inflicted on his defenders meant that I was able to take out three of his 1 figure units with a single Counterattacked Advance Centre to finish it. I wouldn't expect too many yellows to win this scenario but will be interested to see if any manage it.


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