Movement | A unit or leader that moves across a hex side with Field Works must stop and may move no further on that turn. An infantry unit may not form a square on a Field Works hex. |
Battle |
A Field Works provides protection along the forward facing hex sides. When battling out of a Field Works hex: |
Line of Sight | Free |
Note: An infantry unit, on a field works hex, may not form square when attacked by cavalry through a hex side with field works. However, an infantry unit, on a field works hex, may form square when attacked by cavalry through a hex side that does not have field works.
The battle dice terrain reductions (fieldworks on another terrain) are not cumulative!
"A Field Works provides protection along the forward facing hex sides." How does this exact work?
It works exact as the "fences" rules in Battlecry, see charts below.
(Richard Borg: 2015 - July- 30)