Movement A unit or leader that enters a Town/Windmill hex must stop and may move no further on that turn. An infantry unit may not form square on a Town/Windmill hex.

A unit may not battle the turn it moves onto a Town/Windmill hex.

When targeting an enemy unit or leader that is on a Town/Windmill hex:
• An infantry unit reduces the number of battle dice rolled by 2.
• A cavalry unit reduces the number of battle dice rolled by 3.

A cavalry unit ordered by a ‘Cavalry Charge’ Command card battling onto a Town/Windmill hex will not receive additional battle dice as noted on the Charge card.
• An artillery unit reduces the number of battle dice rolled by 1.

When battling out of a Town/Windmill hex:
• An infantry unit does not reduce the number of battle dice rolled.
• A cavalry unit on a Town/Windmill hex battling out reduces the number of battle dice rolled by 3. A cavalry unit ordered by a Cavalry Charge  Command card battling out of a Town/Windmill hex will not receive additional battle dice as noted on the Charge card.
• An artillery unit on a Town/Windmill hex battling out will reduce the number of battle dice it will roll by 1.

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Bayernkini replied the topic:
8 years 5 days ago
The penalty rule apply battle in and out of town.
The terrain chart should note this much clear (see foot note 5/town)

You can download a (always updated) terrain chart here
ColtsFan76 replied the topic:
8 years 5 days ago
The comment about the Cavalry charge here states units battling ONTO (which I take to mean "into"). The rules (including the revised rules) both state OUT OF. Is this a mistake or an official correction? Also, they mention "as stated on the card" which is not actually stated on the card.