Tactician cards do not amend the basic rules of how an Infantry Square is played.

An Infantry Square is a defensive formation used by infantry units to counter an enemy cavalry melee attack. While an infantry unit is in square it may not move, but may be ordered to battle. While in square, the maximum number of battle dice an infantry unit may ever roll in ranged combat or in melee is 1 die. Nothing will increase the number of battle dice an infantry unit in square may roll, except when an infantry square is ordered as part of a Combined Arms Combat. An infantry square’s battle die however, may be reduced by terrain modifiers so the infantry unit in square may not have a die to roll.

An infantry square may not move.
Tactician Cards: Call Forward Reserves, Infantry Forward Leader, Inspired Infantry Leader, Leader Orders a Fall Back, Light Infantry Skirimish, will not allow an infantry square to be moved.

The maximum number of battle dice an infantry unit in square may ever roll in ranged combat or in melee is 1 die.
Tactician Cards: Battle Back Bonus, Infantry Melee Leader, Infantry Ranged Leader, will not increase the number of battle dice rolled by an infantry square.

Additional rule note, a cavalry unit may melee against the infantry square with a maximum of 1 battle die.
The Cavalry Leader Tactician card will not increase the number of dice a cavalry unit will roll when attacking an infantry square.

Additional rule note, an infantry unit in square, because it cannot move, will lose one block for each retreat hex the unit cannot complete. The Hold the Line Leader Tactician card, however, will allow an infantry unit in square to ignore all flags.

Additional rule note, an infantry square’s battle die however, may be reduced by terrain modifiers so the infantry unit in square may not have a die to roll. The Sapper Tactician card, however, will allow an infantry square to ignore terrain combat reductions, and will roll battle 1 die in melee.


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Hawkmoon replied the topic:
2 years 10 months ago
Oops Mark, I supposed I'm very tired and getting old and haven't play for a couple of weeks. Thanks for your answer.
Mark-McG replied the topic:
2 years 10 months ago
What does the final sentence on the card say?
Hawkmoon replied the topic:
2 years 10 months ago
I suppose that a Square can not be Short Supplied.