Pack is shown as a British leader. Presumably, he should deploy as a Portuguese leader?

Pack was a British officer in command of the Portuguese.


Combat at Aire, Page 14. What are the identities and locations for the French leaders, if any?

There are two French leaders that are missing on the scenario map. Harispe is on the French second row 4th hex from the left and Villatte is on the French second row 4th hex from the right.

015 WATERLOO(18 June 1815)

"Impetuous British Cavalry. Any victorious British cavalry unit must advance into the vacated hex after regular or bonus combat. Victorious British cavalry must also advance the extra one hex after regular combat if one or more vacant hexes are available (Allied player’s choice of hex)".
What does this 2nd part exact mean?

The second part was poorly worded. The second hex must be toward the French mapedge. If more than one such hex is available, the Allied player chooses.

"Impetuous British Cavalry. Any victorious British cavalry unit must advance into the vacated hex after regular or bonus combat. Victorious British cavalry must also advance the extra one hex after regular combat if one or more vacant hexes are available (Allied player’s choice of hex)".
Does this rule apply for british Cavalry only or also for the "allies" Cavalry (brown blocks).

The special rule apply only for the british Cavalry units (red blocks).

Should there be a special rule for Hougomont, i.e., ignore 1 flag?

Not in the current scenario as designed.
Design Philosophy - In a subtle way, a unit on a hex with a building is less likely to have a flag rolled against it because fewer dice are rolled when attacking the unit. A rule allowing a unit to ignore a flag, when on a building hex, would tend to make a building play more like a fort.
By design, we wanted to have towns change hands and play as history reads.

202 GOLYMIN (26 DECEMBER 1806)

Count the Cossacks in the scenario Golymin (also in other scenarios, in which "off board" evading units counts as VP), as Victory Point too, because they don´t count as Victory Point if they are destroyed?

Yes, a Cossack unit will count as 1 VB when ordered to exit the battlefield in such scenarios.
Note, if units must retreat, they can´t use the retreat to leave the battlefield and must stop on board edge and loose blocks as normal, for each hex, they can´t retreat.


It is not clear if the fork in the river terrain belongs to the fordable Bevernick Stream or the impassable River Alle?

The fork is considered to be part of the impassable River Alle.

311 EGGMÜHL - Day 2 Attack on Eggmühl (22 APRIL 1809)

There are no Austrian Leaders in this scenario, is this correct?

Yes, the Austrians don´t have any leaders in this setup!

317 ST. MICHAEL-LEOBEN (25 MAY 1809)

When the baggage train block reaches St. Michael is the block removed?

Yes, the Austrians receive 2 VP and the baggage train block is removed.


"The French player gains 1 Victory Banner at the start of the turn for each town hex occupied"
Is that a Temporary or Permanent Victory Banner?

It´s a Temporary Victory Banner Objective Hex (this would be the exact wording)


What are the exact victory conditions for the hills and the rows between hills and edge?

- The French player gains 1 Temporary Victory Banner for each hill hex occupied (along the line of hill hexes).
- The French player gains 1 Temporary Victory Banner for each hex between the line of hill hexes and Austrian baseline that a French unit occupies at the start of the turn.
The only hill hex the French do not receive a Victory Banner for when it is occupied, is the lone hill hex in the French right sector.

405 HALLE (Morning) (17 October 1806)

Are both river sections a part of Saale or only one and have the 2 ford river tiles any other/additional rule to the other fordable river, because the scenario notes says only the entire river is fordable?

The entire river system of the Saale (both rows) is fordable. The shallow fords do not stop movement.
(Richard Borg: 2014 - October - 30)

411 WAREN-NOSSENTIN (Nossentin) (1 November 1806)

The river tiles are impassable, but what about the "open terrain" tiles, which represent the Lake Fleesen? Are they also impassable?

In the Waren-Nossentin scenarios, the river tiles are actually represent the start (shoreline) of the lakes. The hexes (open hexes) behind the river tiles are still part of the lake and are also considered impassable terrain
(Richard Borg: 2016- March - 15)

418 LIGNY (16 June 1815)

"The Ligny brook has no battle restrictions, but stops movement and will break charges. Meaning, a cavalry unit on or that crosses the stream when ordered by a Charge card, will not gain the additional dice listed on the card."
What does this exactly mean?

A bad phrasing here, better wording is: 
" The Ligny brook stops movement, but an infantry unit after a successful melee may take ground and a cavalry unit may breakthrough. In addition, cavalry unit ordered by a charge card, that attacks into, out of, or when it moves across or moves across on its breakthrough, will not gain the addition dice listed on the charge card.." 
Please note: This rule(s) apply only for the non bridge river hexes; The bridges use their normal basic rules!

510 MÖCKERN - French Right (16 October 1813)

The objective Victory conditions are a little bit unclear, how many hexes must be occupied and how many VP the players get.

- The Allied Player gains 1 Temporary Victory Banner at the start of the turn for occupying each town hex of Gross Wiederitzsch and Kline Wiederitzsch. The Allied Player can possibly gain three Victory Banners if all three town hexes are occupied.

- The French player gains 1 Temporary Victory Banner when no Allied units occupy any of the three town hexes of Gross Wiederitzsch and Kline. The French player starts with 1 Banner. The most the French player can gain is 1 Banner. Note, this Temporary banner can be gained and lost immediately during a turn.
(Richard Borg: 2015 - June - 09)

511 MÖCKERN - French Left (16 October 1813)

How am i supposed to field 3 Prussian Grenadier Units ? My Prussian Expansion only came with 2 and the GMT Expansion has no extra Grenadiers 

It´s a mistake in the scenario picture/setup!
The Prussian Grenadier unit on row three (in front of the other two grenadier units) is supposed to be a Foot Artillery unit.
(Richard Borg: 2015 - December- 06)

514 CHATEAU-THIERRY - (12 February 1814)

Get the French player 1VP for each bridge or only 1.

- The French player get 1VP for each bridge, he occupies.
(Richard Borg: 2015 - June - 09)

515 VAUCHAMPS - (14 February 1814)

In this scenario "Blücher" get only 3 Tactician Cards, in all other existing scenarios he get 5 TC´s. Is this a mistake in scenario notes or is it correct?

- Three is correct Blücher was in all kinds of trouble at Vauchamps.
(Richard Borg: 2015 - November - 01)

518 HOUGOUMONT - (18 June 1815)

"The French player gains 1 Victory Banner if 3 full strength British units do not occupy the British baseline"
Does this mean, that only british unit counts or also british allies (brown blocks) ?

- British allies units would also count.
(Richard Borg: 2016 - 05 - 16)

605 AUSTERLITZ - Russian Guardsmen (2 December 1805)

The setup shows 3 unit Russian Guard Light Cavalry, but there are only 2 units available (if you have the corresponding game boxes). Is this a mistake in scenario picture or is a unit missing in the any game box?

It´s a mistake in the scenario picture. The Russian Guard Light Cavalry unit on the left side of the map should indeed be a Guard Light Infantry unit. There are therefore two Guard Light Infantry units in this section of the battlefield.
(Richard Borg: 2017 - 01 - 03)

606 AUSTERLITZ - Soult Attacks South (2 December 1805)

Allies units dont retreat in this scenario. But what happens, if a (lone) Leader must retreat?

An Allied leader does not retreat in this scenario either. If a leader that must retreat it will require the leader to take a casualty check and stay in his hex, if he survive.
(Richard Borg: 2016 - 09 - 12)

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Bayernkini replied the topic:
3 years 5 months ago
Maybe you are mix 2 different things here.

1) Any ordered Anglo-Portuguese unit (regardless of strength) that exits the battlefield from the bridge hex will count as a Victory Banner for the British army. Exited leaders do not count for British Victory Banners.

This allows you to move ordered units, also with a La Grande Manoeuvre Card without stop via the bridge

2) Anglo-Portuguese units cannot exit off the bridge hex when forced to retreat due to ranged or melee combat. Units must halt or remain on the bridge hex and lose one block for each retreat hex that cannot be taken. If the unit is eliminated, the French player receives one Victory Banner.

You must stop on the bridge, if you are forced to retreat because of a flag result in battle.

Craterus replied the topic:
3 years 5 months ago
On River Coa scenario, from the basic game, allied units must halt on the bridge hex before exit, or may they exit from two hexes away or more (La Gran Manoeuvre card) ?
Bayernkini replied the topic:
5 years 8 months ago

There is a big difference in the type of units employed. If you look closely, there are LI replacing LN all over the place.

The shortcut "LI" for Line Infantry was used in the first base game edition and was replaced with "LN" with the first expansion (spanish).

So the scenario is still the same with the old shortcuts ;)
MayorJim replied the topic:
5 years 8 months ago
Here is the link where I found this...it is not in the scenario booklet...
MayorJim replied the topic:
5 years 8 months ago
There is a big difference in the type of units employed. If you look closely, there are LI replacing LN all over the place.
Mark-McG replied the topic:
5 years 8 months ago
I would tend towards the set on the GMT website, though how they are different from those in the 2nd ed Scenario book I can't see
MayorJim replied the topic:
5 years 8 months ago
I am new to CC:N and have just received the 3rd edition of this game. I noticed on GMT’s website that there are 2 scenarios posted for Salamanca (attack on French left page 11) and Salamanca (British attack on French). Which is the “correct” set of scenarios? The ones on the GMT site or the ones that came with the game?