With the battle of Eylau out of the way, Evert and I reach scenario 8.
Evert starts with the French, so my first job is the Mother Russia roll. I was able to add a block to the Light infantry in the town and to the Line infantry to their left (for simplicity, I'll use left and right as they are in the picture rather than from each army's point of view). I added two more Cossacks to cavalry centre left at the front of the Russian troops and fieldworks to the lefthand artillery unit on the right.
As the French forces advanced, the Cossacks (centre left) attacked en masse, hoping to do some damage to the enemy's Light cavalry. They succeeded (and forced one Line infantry into square), but took a mauling, two units biting the dust (but there are no banners for Cossacks).
The French then made a rapid move in the centre, their Foot artillery taking the two hills in the centre of the battlefield and Line infantry seizing part of Bevernick town. The French Grenadiers also infiltrated through the woods on the left edge of the battlefield. {A "La Grande Manoeuvre" card gave Evert a commanding position in the centre and a useful bit of outflanking.}
Russian troops pounded the French in the town. They hung on for a while, but were eventually eliminated. {Making the score 2:0 with the banner for the other part of the town.}
Exchanges of fire around the battlefield saw the Russian Line infantry in the centre take casualties, one unit falling. {2:1}
Then the French attacked all along the line. On the left, Light cavalry forced the Russian Line on the hill into square and they were then overrun by French Line. In the centre, fine shooting eliminated the Russian Light infantry in Bevernick and, on the right, General St Cyr's Light infantry attacked and destroyed the artillery behind the field works. {Some lucky dice and the score's suddenly 1:4 as I lose the banner for the town.}
Russian infantry advanced on the right to drive St Cyr back, while their Light cavalry took on the French troops on the left. It was in the centre that French Light (on the hills centre-left) fell to the Russian infantry though. {2:4}
In a bold move, French Light infantry took Bevernick again, but were immediately destroyed by the Russians around the town. {3:4}
Nothing daunted, full strength French Line units took over the whole of Bevernick while the Grenadiers seized Langwiese on the left. The Russians tried to throw the French out of Bevernick, succeeding in part, but losing the artillery in the process. {A second "La Grande Manoeuvre" was very useful for Evert and he got the artillery on a "Battle back". That's 3:5, but the French gain two more for the towns they hold to make it 3:7. Just one more needed for a French win.}
Secure in the towns, the French infantry blazed away at the surrounding Russians, eliminating a Light infantry before the Russians conceded the field. {That's a "Give them the Cold Steel" card and a 3:8 win for Evert.}
Wow! Evert made great use of the Grande Manoeuvres (I should probably have left units in the towns - easy if we were using the garrisons rule) and that Cold Steel put the seal on it. I was thrashed and I can't see that I'm going to do better than that as the French.