205 Eylau Plateau Russian Rearguard (7 February 1807)

11 years 5 months ago #982 by alecrespi

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11 years 4 months ago #1062 by Bayernkini

The French win a Sudden Death Victory, if a French unit occupies any Eylau town hex at the start of its turn

Q: Counts the church hex to the Sudden Death town hexes too?

My dice are the hell!

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11 years 4 months ago #1075 by alecrespi
A: Yes, the church also counts since its effects are the same as a town.

Alessandro - Website Admin

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11 years 2 months ago #1126 by Epaminondas
Is that a official statement from the designer? Because I would think the church doesn´t count. Three reasons: First tacticaly a church isn´t the same think as a town, because the roads used by the supply train go through the dwelling and not through the cemetery. Second the russian player has the ability to foster the defense of a city hex but not a church hex (or should a player with a saber mrr put a city plus field works tile in the place of the church). Third in both the other Eylau battles the buildup areas are labeled: Windmill,Eylau and Church suggesting that Windmill and Church are different from Eylau. Just my opinion. :huh:

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11 years 2 months ago #1127 by Bayernkini
The Website is official and we do nothing into FAQ here, if it is not official ;)

My dice are the hell!

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10 years 3 months ago #1391 by nekengren
I was intending to use this for the upcoming HMGS Recon Orlando April 2014 tournament.
The play balance report was roughly even.

after playing this with Ken 4 times the French won handily each time. Pretty strong French it seems to me.
Going to look through the other scenarios for something a little more balanced.

neal ekengren

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9 years 8 months ago - 9 years 8 months ago #2086 by Michalxo
Viridovilas found out, that his print (I can't have a look at mine print now) lists 2 Russian LC and no militia units.
That means, this scenario has to be fixed in vassal - and here as well.
Russian MI -> LC (2 LC are next to each other).

Nicely spotted Viridovilas. Could you please fix it Bayernkini?
Thank you very much :)
Last edit: 9 years 8 months ago by Michalxo.

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4 years 6 months ago #6187 by castanos
Russian victory 7/6!. Although my first thoughts when playing the scenario were it was almost impossible for the Russian to win because the weakness of his left flank, it turned out to be gold mine in terms of VP. Russian light cavalry performed several hit and run maneuvers and at last they pinned two french squares on the plateau. The french tried to be patient and don't make mistakes, but the two squares result in a burden too heavy to deal with.

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3 years 6 months ago #6882 by LARS
The French had this scenario all but won and then got a bit overconfident leading 5-2. Trying to force their way forward in the center, the French played a LGM card to move 4 Line units in proximity of the Russian line... right into a bayonet charge by the Russian Grenadiers. That evened things up very quickly as the French center dissolved. French hung on to win 7-6 as both sides struggled to win the last banner without losing one.

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1 year 7 months ago #8042 by Pevans
I thought this looked a fairly even fight, but the stats say it's a French victory 75% of the time. I guess that sudden death win makes a difference.

Playing the Russians, as I am, could be hard work then. Hopefully, the Mother Russia roll would bolster my forces. I was able to add a Cossack unit on the extreme left and another centre-right with the Light cavalry (I'm using left and right as shown in the pictures, not as the Russians would see it), bring a Line infantry up to full strength (next to Bagration, centre-left) and add fieldworks to the two forward artillery units.

The first action saw the Russian cavalry in the centre attack the French Light cavalry in front of them in a pre-emptive strike. The result was both sides' cavalry taking heavy casualties without anything conclusive (the Cossacks were eliminated, but there are no victory banners for them).

The Russian artillery was damaging French infantry units as they advanced in the centre and right. The French cavalry on the left attacked, putting two Russian Light infantry into square. In return, the Russian guns removed a French Light infantry, under General Desjardin, on the right, the General scampering to safety. {First blood to the Russians and the score's 1:0.}

The Russians brought more infantry forward to the hills on the right to support their artillery while the guns on the left drove the French Heavy cavalry back from the squares. However, this left a clear field of fire for French muskets and artillery to take out one of those squares. And advancing in the centre removed the Russian Line on the end of the right-hand hills, French Horse artillery taking their place. {The score swings the other way to 1:2.}

Russian Grenadiers responded to the French attack in the centre and eliminated a Light infantry, while another was destroyed by musketry from their Russian counterparts across the frozen lake on the right edge of the battlefield. {And it swings back to me 3:2.}

In response, the French Horse artillery destroyed the Russian Line under their muzzles on the hills on the right. {Evert's lucky die roll makes it 3:3.}

The French cavalry on the left resumed its attack, a second Russian infantry unit going into square. However, this put the cavalry under a lot of Russian gun muzzles and they started taking casualties. French Line infantry moved up to support the cavalry and overran the first square. {3:4}

The Russian guns removed the Light cavalry from the left attack while the Heavy cavalry retreated to a hill. {4:4}

Damaged by the French Horse artillery, one unit of Grenadiers in the centre was finished off by advancing French Line infantry while the French Line on the left overran a second square. {4:6}

The final move was French Line infantry on the left and in the centre combining to finish off the battered Russian artillery centre-left.

I thought I was doing okay there, but took too many casualties as the French advanced. Evert was able to retreat several units that had been reduced to a single block and put fresh troops into the fight, which is always useful. The question now is how well he can do with the Russians.


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