New Game Mechanic (Expansion 1)

13 years 2 weeks ago #6635 by alecrespi
Spanish Guerrilla Action

When the scenario’s...

New Game Mechanic (Expansion 1)

Alessandro - Website Admin

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4 years 4 months ago #6636 by pmiranda-napoleonics
The intro text says "to nullify the French player’s Command card", but further down the text says "to stop all French orders from being issued". Say the French player intends to play "Rally", and the guerilla action is successful. Is "Rally" just ignored and discarded, or are the units rallied but not ordered?

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4 years 4 months ago #6637 by Mark-McG
pretty sure the Command card (and associated Tactician card) are cancelled basedon this Borg reply

Rule Clarifications - Guerrilla Action - EPIC & La Grande Battles

Because our group here in the Orlando Fl. area has been playing a number of EPIC & La Grande Battles scenarios with Spanish units, the following rule amendments and clarifications will help make your EPIC & La Grande Battles game play experience better.

Clarifications - Spanish Guerrilla Action - EPIC & La Grande Battles

• Only one Guerrilla Action counter may be played on the French player’s turn in an attempt to stop one French Command card being played. If one French Command card is stopped, the second Command card is still played.

• In a 6 and 8 player EPIC scenario and in a La Grande Battles scenario, when a Guerrilla Action is successful and a French Command card is canceled, because the Corps commander did not receive a Command card (it was intercepted by the Guerrilla action) the Corps commander may roll for initiative.

• In a La Grande Battles Napoleonic scenario, a multi-section Command card (Recon in Force, Coordinated Advance, Flank Attack and Forward) is given to a Corps commander and therefore may be stopped by the play of a Guerrilla Action counter. As the rule is written, a Guerrilla counter that a Corps commander holds may only be played in an attempt to nullify a Command card played by his opponent in his section.

• In an EPIC Napoleonic scenario, a multi-section Command card (Recon in Force, Coordinated Advance, Flank Attack and Forward) cannot be stopped by the play of a Guerrilla Action counter. Basically, a multi-section Command card in an EPIC scenario is not given to a player and therefore is not played in one section. To keep the rule the same for all EPIC player versions (2, 4, 6, and 8 players) a multi-section Command card cannot be stopped by the play of a Guerrilla Action counter.

Rule Correction

EPIC Napoleonic Expansion #6 Rules - La Grande Battle Corps Command Stars Page 13 - First Column top of page - original text reads “draw one Command card or draw one Tactician card”, the “or" should read “and”

Correct Text - Important Note 2: When a player does not order any units and/or leaders to March Move, the Corps commander may draw one Command card and draw one Tactician card at the end of the turn.

What this means, is when playing a La Grande Battles scenario and the Corps commander does not use the Corps Command Stars to March Move units, the player will draw one Command card and one Tactician card. Note at the bottom of a Scout, Leadership and Elan Command card it also instruct a player to draw a Tactician card at the end of the turn. It is therefore possible that a player would draw two Tactician cards at the end of the turn.

Generals Marshals & Tacticians Command Deck - Gaining Guerrilla Action Counter

When playing a battle with the 90 card deck of Generals Marshals & Tacticians Command cards the rules on how to gain additional Guerrilla Action counters are revised as follows: During a battle a player (standard scenario), CIC or a Corps Commander (EPIC & La Grande Battles) may acquire one additional Guerrilla Action counter each time he plays a Scout Command card. With the following restrictions:

• Instead of drawing two Command cards at the end of the turn, the player only draws one Command card and one Tactician card.

• The 3 Corps Command Stars may not have been used to March Move units.

• Also in an EPIC and La Grande Battles scenario, the player must also have at least four Spanish units in his section(s) to gain a Guerrilla Action counter.

Hope this help, thanks.

Enjoy! Richard Borg

Glory is fleeting, but obscurity is forever.

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4 years 4 months ago #6638 by Mark-McG

When a Guerilla Action cancels a French player's Command card, the Command card is treated as a card that issues no orders. Some points therefore to consider are:

The Spanish player should not play a Counter-attack card on his next turn because the opponent's Command card just played issued no orders.

When a Guerilla Action cancels a French player's Elan Command card, the reshuffle of the Command card deck and discard pile still takes place because reshuffle has nothing to do with cancelation of orders.

The Rally Command card wording could cause some concern, however, a successful Guerilla Action will cancel the rally dice roll and the ordering of any units.

Again the important point is that a successful Guerilla Action cancels the orders on a Command card.

Richard Borg

Glory is fleeting, but obscurity is forever.

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1 year 1 month ago #10490 by Garcia
From the FAQ:
Guerilla Marker
If a French player’s command card is canceled with a successful Guerrilla Marker, may the canceled Command card be counter attacked by the Spanish player?
The Spanish player may play a Counter Attack Command card and use the canceled Command card.
(Richard Borg: 2015 - July - 16)
The following user(s) said Thank You: RiverWanderer

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1 month 4 weeks ago #12494 by RiverWanderer

From the FAQ:
Guerilla Marker
If a French player’s command card is canceled with a successful Guerrilla Marker, may the canceled Command card be counter attacked by the Spanish player?
The Spanish player may play a Counter Attack Command card and use the canceled Command card.
(Richard Borg: 2015 - July - 16)

I believe this is the most up to date answer. See here for more info regarding contradictory statements on this topic.

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