OT2019 Round 1

4 years 11 months ago #6030 by coper30
Replied by coper30 on topic OT2019 Round 1
Hi. I tried to connect with FoxK by message, But have no response.
What must i do?

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4 years 11 months ago - 4 years 11 months ago #6031 by Gileforn
Replied by Gileforn on topic OT2019 Round 1

I can also help with him. He'll contact with you today.

Can anybody help to connect with Gonzo?
Last edit: 4 years 11 months ago by Gileforn.

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4 years 11 months ago - 4 years 11 months ago #6032 by BrentS
Replied by BrentS on topic OT2019 Round 1
Thanks Gileforn. Nemo made contact and we’re scheduled.

Last edit: 4 years 11 months ago by BrentS.

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4 years 11 months ago #6033 by coper30
Replied by coper30 on topic OT2019 Round 1
De repente mi Vassañ dejó de funcionar.
Siempre me dice "conexion perdida con el servidor" !!

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4 years 11 months ago #6034 by Simba28
Replied by Simba28 on topic OT2019 Round 1
M507 - Liebertwolkwitz - (morning) 14 October 1813
Game 1
Russian Army: Nigel Douglas (9)
French Army: Michael Stanley (5)

The French sensing an easy victory against the skittish Russian Army pushed up on the French Left flank. The Russians started to fall back in an orderly fashion and formed squares where possible. Eventually the French casualties started to mount and the entire left flank was cleared of French troops. Subervie fell with his men.
The French artillery remained silent on the hills in the Centre, while the Russians sacrificed some Cossacks on the French Right flank probing for a weakness. There was none. The French had been manoeuvring their Cavalry for a charge in the Centre and the Right flank. They seized this moment and sent their cavalry forward to devastating effect against the overextended Russian and Prussian troops, quickly despatching 3 units. Pahlen though, managed to escape back to the town of Crobern unscathed.
The Russians then counterattacked, with their own cavalry charge. Destroying what remained of the French cavalry charge. Albert also falling with his men. The Russian Lancers and Heavy Cavalry charged the still silent French artillery in the centre despatching one of the artillery units.
The French had lost. Two of their leaders Subervie and Albert were gone. The Russians were victorious and all their leaders were safe.

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4 years 11 months ago #6036 by Stanislav27
Replied by Stanislav27 on topic OT2019 Round 1
Gentlemen, I'm sorry but I have to pull out of the tournament for personal reasons. I apologize for mucking up the mathcups for Round 1. Enjoy the contest!

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4 years 11 months ago - 4 years 11 months ago #6037 by BrentS
Replied by BrentS on topic OT2019 Round 1
Round 1 - M507 - Liebertwolkitz - (morning) 14 October 1813

Game 1
BrentS (French) 9 - Nemo2333 (Allies ) 2

Game 2
Nemo2333 (French) 9 - BrentS (Allies) 6

Game 1

I played a Forward to get the artillery battery together and for Heitir to charge the Russian Horse Artillery (must be a standard opening for this scenario). I was emboldened by having a First Strike in hand. He eliminated the artillery on one roll and reduced Pahlen’s Light Cav to 1 block. Sure enough the response came with multiple allied cavalry attacking. A First Strike flag on the Lancers was neutralised by an Iron Will token and and Heritier’s Heavy Cav was eliminated but he survived to fall back to the artillery. Nemo played a succession of Scout cards he was obviously stuck with from the start, which was probably good for building his Command and Tactician hands but lost tempo as my left advanced in force. Gorkachov’s unit went into square, was eliminated by the French Light Infantry and he died on a leader check. This precipitated a rout on that flank which the allies could do very little about as I had a hand of left cards and an Elan, and it was clear from the cards played that Nemo was unfortunate not to have any good orders for that flank. The allied left attempted to switch the play by charging the French guns and infantry, an attack which was blunted by an Infantry Combat First play and the final allied unit, a Militia Lancer, died to multiple flags from a 9 dice combined arms attack from Heavy Cav and Foot Artillery. All the right cards for me, nothing Nemo could do about this one.

Game 2

Same opening move as Heritier charged the Russian Horse Artillery with pretty much the same result (except with the allies playing an ineffective Artillery Cannister and First Strike and Heritier playing a Hold the Line……3 Tactician cards exchanged in one passage of play). The artillery was destroyed but Pahlen’s unit survived intact, bloodied Heritier’s unit and was able to come back and destroy it. We both advanced on the French left and centre but the allies struck first with a cavalry charge, eliminating both Pajol’s and Suberervie’s units and getting up on the plateau and among the artillery, where the Russian Cuirassier caused carnage. I thought he was positioned to take out the whole battery and with it the game (it would have triggered the special victory rule) but the French Short Supplied him…..and from there it became a deadly grind. The French pushed into the woods on their left and there was vicious hand-to-hand fighting there in which the Russians came off the worse. I pushed more cavalry forward and sent a a 1 block Lancer in to take out the last French 1 block Foot Artillery shielded by the hills…..one hit would have won the battle (I would even have taken a flag!) but rolled an infantry symbol. With the French at 4 banners and the allies at 6 and needing just one more cav or artillery kill for the win, I threw it all at him……and couldn’t do it. Nemo played very well, shielded his vulnerable units and pushed his infantry forward on the left, collecting banners and finally Bayonet Charging to take out Gorkachov’s unit and kill him on a leader check for a well deserved victory. A 5 banner turn around when I needed one to finish it. Excellently played by Nemo.

Thanks to Nemo for two very enjoyable games. He was terribly unlucky in the first and that determined the tie.

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Last edit: 4 years 11 months ago by BrentS.

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4 years 11 months ago - 4 years 11 months ago #6038 by Stonewall
Replied by Stonewall on topic OT2019 Round 1
Round 1 - M507 - Liebertwolkwitz

Game 1 - Joe Keller (Stonewall) (French) 9 - Max (Viridovilas) (Allies) 3

The Russians dragged their 3 artillery into a line in the center and began firing. Two short supplies played against the R-FA made them drag it up into line 3 times. Max worked on getting all his cavalry moved out to where they could participate in the attack. The French moved their FA and HA up just left of Wachau into a solid line from right to left on the board, and moved the leaders onto the artillery and commenced firing at the Russian Artillery. The Allies reduced a F-FA to 1 block and a Cossack retreated it to the edge of the board, but failed to kill it. A F-HC dispatched the COS. Over time Joe's French artillery reduced the P-HA to 1 block and it retreated, and reduced the R-FA to 2 blocks.

Max decided the Allies could not win the Artillery duel and that he had to send in the cavalry. An Allied cavalry charge hit and eliminated the F-HA and FA just left of Wachau, and an HC. The French eliminated two Cav and damaged others, making it 3-2 in the Allies favor. Up to this time the dice had much favored the Allies, but at this point there was a big swing in the dice.

The Fr did not chase the retreating Allies. Instead the Fr Cav on the left (2 LC and 1 HC) struck the French right center, eliminating a P-CU and the 2 block R-FA, and reduced a R-LNCR to 1 block, making it 4-3 in the French favor. The Allies played a "Give Them the Cold Steel." The R-CU destroyed 3 blocks of the 4 block F-LC, but the battle back hit 1 block and killed Gorchakov. A 1 block R-LNCR rolled two but missed the 1 block F-LC, and the battle back eliminated the LNCR, making it 6-3 in the French favor.

Joe had many weak cards for much of the game, but great cards at the end. A 1-2-1 allowed 4 French Cav to attack again. The first two attacks were on the right side of the board. A F-LC right of Wachau killed a Cossack and a 2 block HC. Then a French HC left of Wachau killed another 2 block HC, making it 8-6 in the French favor, but this was the seventh Allied 7 artillery/cavalry eliminated, making it a French win at 9-3.

Max played a great game and I am sure he will do just as well as I did with the French.


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Last edit: 4 years 11 months ago by Stonewall. Reason: Adding Attachment

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4 years 11 months ago #6039 by Kandras78
Replied by Kandras78 on topic OT2019 Round 1
507 Liebertwolkwitz - morning (14 October 1813) [OT2019-Round One - 2nd game]
French(Tyler) 3 vs Allies(A) 6 - French resigned

Allied cavalry went on agressively to cut off Heritier's heavies. While succeeding, they suffered heavy losses. The Allied forces tried to keep up the pressure, but suffered further losses under heavy artillery fire.
Gorchakov slowly and purposefully commanded the Russian curassiers in good position for an attack. With the aid of the Allied artillery and a series of luck and good cards he managed to run down 2 batteries of the French Grand Battery on Gallows Hill.
As the Allied had a good hold on their flanks occupying the forests, the French decided to retire.

Another long engagement with a fine opponent, and awul lot of issues with Vassal. Disappearing decks and units. More cards in player hands than the deck should have... Quite frustrating.

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4 years 11 months ago #6040 by BrentS
Replied by BrentS on topic OT2019 Round 1
Kandras, without seeing the logs to identify what went wrong, there are some stumbling blocks with Vassal and this module in particular, that can't be entirely avoided but can be mitigated.

The vast majority of breakage occurs when click-dragging game elements, particularly cards, and accidentaly having other units, cards or whole decks group selected....so that they follow to the discard pile or disappear into the ether along with what you were planning to drag. This can be difficult to see because the selection outlines are not always clear. As excellent as this module is, this is also exacerbated because almost all the card functions, including drawing and playing require click-drag instead of being automated (as they are in the new Ancients module, for example).

Some suggestions for minimising these catastrophes:

- Get in the habit of clicking an empty part of the map to deselect anything you might be unaware is selected, particularly before moving cards (this becomes as second nature as saving a document as you go).

- Use the right click option on a card rather than dragging it wherever possible....e.g I think there's a discard option, rather than manually dragging from the board to the discard pile.

- Make use of the backup button any time something goes screwy, rather than trying to manually correct it, which can often just make things worse.

- If just one person's game is glitched, resynching to your opponent can get the game back on track.

Some of this may be obvious and sometimes it just crashes no matter what you do, but I think 90% of the major issues can be avoided or corrected with these steps.


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