Round 1 - M507 - Liebertwolkwitz
Game 1 - Joe Keller (Stonewall) (French) 9 - Max (Viridovilas) (Allies) 3
The Russians dragged their 3 artillery into a line in the center and began firing. Two short supplies played against the R-FA made them drag it up into line 3 times. Max worked on getting all his cavalry moved out to where they could participate in the attack. The French moved their FA and HA up just left of Wachau into a solid line from right to left on the board, and moved the leaders onto the artillery and commenced firing at the Russian Artillery. The Allies reduced a F-FA to 1 block and a Cossack retreated it to the edge of the board, but failed to kill it. A F-HC dispatched the COS. Over time Joe's French artillery reduced the P-HA to 1 block and it retreated, and reduced the R-FA to 2 blocks.
Max decided the Allies could not win the Artillery duel and that he had to send in the cavalry. An Allied cavalry charge hit and eliminated the F-HA and FA just left of Wachau, and an HC. The French eliminated two Cav and damaged others, making it 3-2 in the Allies favor. Up to this time the dice had much favored the Allies, but at this point there was a big swing in the dice.
The Fr did not chase the retreating Allies. Instead the Fr Cav on the left (2 LC and 1 HC) struck the French right center, eliminating a P-CU and the 2 block R-FA, and reduced a R-LNCR to 1 block, making it 4-3 in the French favor. The Allies played a "Give Them the Cold Steel." The R-CU destroyed 3 blocks of the 4 block F-LC, but the battle back hit 1 block and killed Gorchakov. A 1 block R-LNCR rolled two but missed the 1 block F-LC, and the battle back eliminated the LNCR, making it 6-3 in the French favor.
Joe had many weak cards for much of the game, but great cards at the end. A 1-2-1 allowed 4 French Cav to attack again. The first two attacks were on the right side of the board. A F-LC right of Wachau killed a Cossack and a 2 block HC. Then a French HC left of Wachau killed another 2 block HC, making it 8-6 in the French favor, but this was the seventh Allied 7 artillery/cavalry eliminated, making it a French win at 9-3.
Max played a great game and I am sure he will do just as well as I did with the French.