Campaign Rules

7 years 8 months ago - 7 years 8 months ago #3861 by Bayernkini
Campaign Rules was created by Bayernkini
1. Starting a Campaign:

Take the numbers of reserve tokens assigned to your Camp, as indicated in the Campaign Sheet.

These tokens form the backborne of your Strategic Reserve Pool, from which Reserve Units might be called up during the course of the campaign.


The Standard Reserve Roll:
After a scenario is set up, but before receiving your Command cards, roll 2 dice to see what Reserve units, if any, your High Command are willing to allocate you for the upcoming battle.
For each unit symbol rolled, you may choose to exchange a Reserve Token from your Strategic Reserve Pool for a unit of the type just rolled.
A flag beside with a unit symbol, allows an upgrade of this unit type.
For each Cross saber, you may place a 2-sided fieldworks, without the costs of a reserve token.
A double flag initiate special scenario improvement.

Scenario Specific Reserve Roll:
The result of the reserve roll might be different in some campaigns/scenarios.
So the result of a roll may restrict the access to only a few or one specific unit.
The campaign / scenario notes will state it.

NOTE: You must carefully consider whether you want to call up the unit you just rolled or not. On one hand, you might never get another roll like this – and the chance to call up and deploy the matching unit that comes with it; but on the other hand, you will only have a limited number of Reserve Tokens to swap for unit symbols rolled during the course of the entire campaign!

If you choose to use one of the Reserve Tokens still in your Pool to call a unit up, you must immediately discard this token and make one of the following actions:

1. Deploy your Reserve unit directly onto the battlefield:
Choose a unit that matches the symbol you rolled and immediately deploy it on a vacant hex of your Baseline (first row of hexes on your side of the battlefield). This hex may contain a passable terrain. If there is no free space in first row, you cant setup the unit direct, you can only choose option 2.

2. Deploy your Reserve unit in your Staging Area:
Place the Reserve Token face up in your Staging Area and put a figure that Matches the symbol you just rolled on it to remember the unit type of this Reserve Token.

The Staging Area is the on the edge between the stars of the players side. This Reserve Token represents a unit that is assembling in Reserve and awaiting an order to deploy on the battlefield in a future turn.
This unit may be ordered with a normal command card and start on a free hex of the players baseline. The unit count as moved, and the baseline is the first moved hex (so artillery may not battle, if ordered by this way).
If you order the unit with a section card, it must enter the battlefield through a vacant baseline hex in that specific section.

NOTE: If such a unit comes not into game, the player may save the reserve token (only token, not the unit) and can use it in later campaign games.

3. WINNING A Battle
Once a battle ends, there are a number of simple but important bookkeeping procedures that must be followed before moving on to the next Campaign scenario.

Campaign Sheet
1. Write on the Campaign Sheet the number of victory points you and your opponent just won, including any Special Objective Victory Points.
2. Write on also any Special Objective Victory Points, that you get for comply any spezial scenario tasks.

Victory Event Rolls
After each next battle in campaign is set-up, but prior to any other activity (like Reserve rolls ….) do the following.
Each player rolls 2 dice plus 1 die for each battle won up to this point in the campaign (including the battle just won, if appropriate) and apply
following results:


Once the final scenario of a campaign has been played, Victory Points are tallied as follows:
Add all the Victory Points (including special VP) for both players.

Equal Points: Both players have failed in their mission, and are relieved from command by their respective headquarters.

Up to 3 Victory Point advantage: The advantage is yours to press on. You have achieved a Minor Victory!
Note: 1 Great Campaign Victory Point, if playing a Great Campaign.

Greater than 3 Victory Point advantage: The enemy is in complete disarray. You have achieved a Major Victory!
Note: 2 Great Campaign Victory Point, if playing a Great Campaign.

Twice or more than the opponent´s VP: Congratulation, you have achieved a Decisive Victory, obliterating your opponent and
forcing him to surrender!
Note: 3 Great Campaign Victory Point, if playing a Great Campaign.

You can play more smaller Campaigns and add the result (Victory Points)
together to a Great Campaign.
After ending a single campaign, each player get a number of Great Campaign Victory Points, dependent on the result of the single Campaign.
See the section “4 Winning the Campaign” above.

My dice are the hell!
Last edit: 7 years 8 months ago by Bayernkini.

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7 years 8 months ago - 7 years 8 months ago #3862 by Bayernkini
Replied by Bayernkini on topic Campaign Rules
Because i have soon more time to play and design scenarios, i working on simple campaign rules (similar MM44) for CCN.
I would offer it step by step here, so all ideas of other players may be implemented ;)

And i would offer a first "ULM" campaign in another thread next also, this would contain 4 scenarios,
- Wertingen, Günzburg, Haslach-Jungingen and Elchingen :)

Ulm Campaign thread is here now

My dice are the hell!
Last edit: 7 years 8 months ago by Bayernkini.

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7 years 8 months ago #3866 by Mark-McG
Replied by Mark-McG on topic Campaign Rules
A simple form of campaigning is to play the scenarios of a campaign (e.g. 3rd Coalition, Peninsular War, 5th Coalition etc) in chronological order, each player keeping the same side.

A running track of banners is kept for the entire campaign, with a Command Card difference handicap bonus for the player in the scenario with fewer Command Cards. For example, the Combat at Aire scenario has the British with 6 Command Cards vs the French with 5, the French get a extra banner to their score because of the Command Card disparity.

My Peninsular War campaign vs Brent.

Shamelessly stolen from C&C Ancients

Glory is fleeting, but obscurity is forever.

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7 years 8 months ago #3868 by keithabarker
Replied by keithabarker on topic Campaign Rules
I had a few campaign ideas based on Glory which might be of interest...
The following user(s) said Thank You: Bayernkini

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7 years 8 months ago #3870 by Bayernkini
Replied by Bayernkini on topic Campaign Rules
A summary of the "Order of Operations"

My dice are the hell!

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7 years 8 months ago #3874 by Bayernkini
Replied by Bayernkini on topic Campaign Rules
Ok, a few little changes, and attached a first PDF issue into first post ;)

My dice are the hell!

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7 years 8 months ago #3876 by keithabarker
Replied by keithabarker on topic Campaign Rules
It's getting more and more interesting.

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7 years 8 months ago #3884 by Bayernkini
Replied by Bayernkini on topic Campaign Rules
Well, Alessandro created a new download folder "Campaign"
you will find all my rules, markers and campaigns (also future updates) there now

My dice are the hell!

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7 years 4 months ago #4363 by Mark-McG
Replied by Mark-McG on topic Campaign Rules
Having had a little experience now, there are are a few aspects to this I want to comment on;

1. The objectives - Special Objective Victory Points needs to be defined better. I understand now that it is hexes that relate to geographic victory banners, but there are some that I'd question. A Permanent banner point for example, or an exit point. I'd suggest a list of Objectives per scenario in the campaign briefing. I haven't enough experience to say if the objective VP are a balancing mechanic or not.

2. Victory Event rolls - the winner gets to roll more dice, causing the loser to take extra losses. This would seem to further disadvantage the loser, which seems like the opposite of a balancing mechanic. Whilst the effect is a single block, the ramifications can be significant. As an example, in the last game, Michael lost 1 cavalry block from a LC at the rear. In the game, the French cavalry broke through, and rolling 4 dice, got 3 hits to eliminate it, and thus score a banner.

Moreover, the logic of the retained losses from the earlier battle doesn't match the historical circumstances. The first battle, Wertigen was fought between Murat's corps and Auffenberg’s corps. The second battle, Günzburg matches Mahler's division from Ney's VI corps is facing the force under dÁspre guarding the north bank. So there is no continuity between the engaged forces. So why would losses carry over?

3. The Reserve rolls add a bit of variety to the scenarios, and the only potential problem I can foresee is if the reserve placement upsets the dynamic of the scenario. Adding infantry reserves to a cavalry corps for example.

Glory is fleeting, but obscurity is forever.

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