Rally: Roll dice equal to Command. For each unit type or leader symbol rolled, one unit of the appropriate type in or adjacent to a leader’s hex is rallied (replace a block in the under strength unit). Rallied units are ordered and may move and battle. Elephant and chariot units may not be rallied. If you do not have any leaders, issue an order to 1 unit of your choice. (1 card)

NOTE: Units may not gain more blocks than they had to begin with, but units may regain more than one block if they have lost more than one. Leader symbols can be used to rally any type of eligible unit. A unit already at full strength with or adjacent to a leader can never be rallied, regardless of the die roll. Therefore only units which actually “regain” a block are considered ordered when rallied. All leaders on the battlefield may be used to rally under strength units.

EXAMPLE: A leader is attached to a medium infantry unit with two blocks. He is adjacent to a friendly light unit and elephant unit that have each lost a block. The rally dice are rolled, and the results yield two leader helmets and two heavy unit red  squares. Each helmet result can be used to replace one lost block of any eligible unit type. The player chooses to replace both lost blocks in the medium infantry unit and none in the light unit. The medium infantry unit is rallied and may be ordered to move and battle, but the light unit is not rallied and may not be ordered. The elephant unit cannot be rallied. Luckily, the player has another leader that is adjacent to two heavy units that have each lost two blocks. The player applies one red square result to each adjacent heavy infantry unit, replacing one lost block in each unit. Both heavy infantry units are rallied and may be ordered to move and battle. The player had the option of applying both red square results to only one heavy infantry unit; however, wanting to order both units, he restored just one block to each.

Does this mean a unit adjacent to leader when a rally card is played that does not have any blocks rallied is not ordered?

Correct. Only a unit that has one or more blocks rallied back are ordered. A rallied unit may gain more than one block when rallied, but the unit may not gain more blocks that it originally had. In addition, units that are at full strength cannot be rallied (no blocks to rally back) therefore the unit may not be ordered.

On the rally card, does the player choose ONE unit to rally, either a unit with a leader in the hex or a unit adjacent to a leader?

No. All your leaders on the battlefield may rally units when the rally card is played. The unit that is being rallied has to have at least one lost block and be in the leader's hex or adjacent to a friendly leader's hex on the battlefield. One block is brought back and placed with a unit for each unit symbol rolled. Note a leader symbol will rally any unit type. A unit may not gain more blocks that it originally had.

On the rally card it says "for each unit type rolled" what does this mean?

Only units that have lost a block may rally back a block(s). The unit that is rallied must be in the leader's hex or in a hex adjacent to a leader. A green unit type symbol rolled, means any green circle unit will rally. A blue unit type symbol rolled, means any blue triangle unit will rally. The red unit type symbol rolled, means any red square unit will rally (except an elephant or heavy chariot unit). Note a leader symbol when rolled, will rally one block type of your choice.

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