Counter Attack: Issue the same order that your opponent just played. When countering Section cards and Inspired Leadership cards, the right section becomes left, the left section becomes right. When countering Leadership Any Section, your orders must be in the same section your opponent chose. (2 cards)

NOTE: You cannot use Counter Attack on a First Strike card.

May I "Counter Attack" the "I Am Spartacus" command card?

Yes. You will roll dice equal to your command, which could mean you would roll more or less dice than your opponent.

May I Counter Attack a Counter Attack card?


My opponent used an Order Heavy Troops card to order 1 unit because he did not have any Heavy units and I played the Counter Attack card, may I order heavy troops equal to Command or do I have to only order 1 unit?

You may order heavy units equal to your Command. The player playing the order heavy troops card must order heavy units if he has one or more heavies on the battlefield. Only if he has zero heavies can he order a unit of his choice. The counterattacking player -is he bound by the same protocol -he must order heavies if he has one or more heavy units on the battlefield, and may only order one unit of choice if he does not have any heavy units.

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