Broken Ground
Movement: No movement restrictions for foot units, except war machine units, which may not enter a broken ground hex. A mounted unit must stop when it enters a broken ground hex and move no further on that turn.
Battle: A foot unit may battle the turn it moves onto a hex with broken ground. A mounted unit may not battle the turn it enters a broken ground hex.
Close Combat: When your unit battles an enemy unit on a broken ground hex or your unit is on a broken ground hex and battles out, it will roll a maximum of 2 dice in close combat.
Range Combat: When your unit targets an enemy unit on a broken ground hex with range combat it will roll its normal battle dice, when your unit is on a broken ground hex and battles with range weapons it will battle with normal dice. battle with normal dice.
A Command card that adds additional dice in battle will modify the maximum number of battle dice that may be rolled.
Line of Sight: Broken ground does not block line of sight.
Movement: A unit must stop when it enters a forest hex and move no further on that turn.
Battle: A unit may not battle the turn it moves onto a forest hex. Light infantry, light sling infantry, light bow infantry, auxilia infantry and warrior infantry units are the exception. These units may move onto a forest hex and still battle.
Close Combat -When your unit battles an enemy unit on a forest hex or your unit is on a forest hex and battles out, it will roll a maximum of 2 dice in close combat.
Range Combat -When your unit targets an enemy unit on a forest hex with range combat will roll a maximum of 1 die.
A Command card that adds additional dice in battle will modify the number of battle dice maximum that may be rolled.
Line of Sight: A forest hex will block line of sight.
Movement: No movement restrictions.
Battle: All units roll a maximum of 2 battle dice if battling an enemy unit that is uphill in Close Combat.
Foot units roll a maximum of 3 battle dice when battling an enemy unit that is downhill, and when battling from one hill hex to another hill hex. Mounted units roll a maximum of 2 battle dice when battling an enemy unit that is downhill, and when battling from one hill hex to another. A Command card that adds additional dice in battle will modify the maximum number of battle dice that may be rolled.
Line of Sight: A hill hex blocks line of sight to units behind a hill hex.
A unit on a lower level has line of sight onto the first hill hex and vice versa.
A unit a lower level does not have line of sight through one hill hex onto a second hill hex with a unit and vice versa (i.e. a unit at a lower level is not able to see, or be seen, if at least one other hill hex is in between the two units).
Line of sight is not blocked between units on the same hill looking across hill hexes all at the same level (the units are considered to be on a plateau).
Movement: A Seacoast hex is impassable terrain. Moving, retreating, evading or escaping onto a Seacoast hex is not allowed.
Battle: Not applicable.
Line of Sight: A Seacoast hex does not block line of sight.
Normally river hexes are treated as impassable terrain.
Fordable River
(specified in scenario instructions)
Movement: A unit must stop when it enters a fordable river hex.
Battle: A unit may battle the turn it moves onto a fordable river hex.
Close Combat -When your unit battles an enemy unit on a fordable river hex or your unit is on a fordable river hex and battles out, it will roll a maximum of 2 dice in close combat. A unit may still make a Momentum Advance after a successful Close Combat.
Range Combat -When your unit targets an enemy unit on a fordable river hex with range combat it will roll its normal battle dice, when your unit is on a fordable river hex and battles with range weapons it will roll a maximum of 1 die.
A Command card that adds additional dice in battle will modify the maximum number of battle dice that can be rolled.
Line of Sight: A fordable river hex does not block line of sight.
Movement: No movement restrictions.
Battle: A Rampart provides protection along the two forward facing hex sides.
Close Combat: When attacked by an enemy unit across a hex side with a rampart, the defending unit disregards one sword symbol and may disregard one flag rolled against the unit. Note that the defending unit does not receive rampart protection when the enemy unit is not attacking across a hex side with the rampart (normally this is from a hex directly to the side or directly behind the two rampart protected hex sides).
Ranged Combat: A unit attacked through a forward facing rampart hexside may disregard one flag rolled against it.
Note: mounted units receive no protective benefit from rampart.
Line of Sight: A rampart hexside does not block line of sight.
Fortified Camp
Movement: No movement restrictions.
• Close Combat: A unit defending on a fortified camp hex disregards one sword symbol and may disregard one flag rolled against it.
• Ranged Combat: A unit defending on a fortified camp hex may disregard one flag rolled against it.
Note: mounted units receive no protective benefit from fortified camp hexes.
• A fortified camp hex offers this protection against attacks from all sides.
• A unit on a fortified camp hex rolls one fewer battle dice than usual when it battles.
Line of Sight: A fortified camp hex blocks line of sight.