Victory Results:
 33 %
Record a victory for BOTTOM ARMY  67 %
Total plays 3 - Last reported by SimSportPlyr on 2025-01-15 20:20:35

Historical Background
After the battle of Cunaxa, the Ten Thousand chose Cheirisophus and Xenophon as leaders. Xenophon lead an “organized retreat” of 1,000 km through Carducia and Armenia toward the Black Sea, constantly harassed by the armies of the King and native tribes, using part of his men to create a small cavalry force and a body of archers to meet the tactis of the enemy. He reported the whole expedition in his Anabasis.
One passage of the Anabasis describes the crossing of river Centrites. Approaching the river, with the Carducians at their heels, Xenophon found that the satrap of Armenia had occupied the farther bank, and that the ford along the road was too deep for the men to hold their shields and protect themselves from the Armenian arrows. The situation was desperate, but the next morning some men found a better ford higher up the river, and to it they marched followed up by Armenians and Carducians on both sides. Cheirisophus began to cross, while Xenophon with a large body made a feint to move back to the lower ford. The Armenians set out in haste for the lower ford, allowing Cheirisophus to gain a foothold on the other shore. Xenophon retraced his steps and made preparations to follow. The Carducians, perceiving their opportunity, began to attack the Greeks. When most of the troops were over, Xenophon charged the Carducians and dispersed them. Then, before they could recover, he retired quickly to the river and crossed.
Six thousand Greeks reached Trapezus, on the Black Sea. A few years later they participated to the Spartan victory at Coronea. Alexander the Great would read the Anabasis and follow Xenophon’s advice: “Persia belongs to the man who has the courage to attack it”...
The stage is set. The battle lines are drawn and you are in command. Can you change history?

War Council

Armenian/Carducian Army
(use Barbarian/Carthaginian blocks)
Leader: unknown
4 Command Cards     

Greek Army
Leader: Xenophon
6 Command Cards 
Move First

The Armenian/Carducian player wins if he destroys the Baggage Wagon or 4 units of a given class (light or heavy).
The Greek player wins if he leads the Baggage Wagon, 4 heavy units and 2 light units to the Armenian side of the river.

Special Rules
Baggage Wagon rule is in effect. It represents the baggage, wounded and women of the Ten Thousand.

The Armenian/Carducian player owns the two baselines: the Armenians (green blocks) retreat/evade toward the upper one, the Carducians (brown blocks) toward the lower one. He sits
on the Armenian side.

The Greek baseline is the river Centrites: Greek units retreat/evade toward the river, upward if attacked by the Carducians, downward if attacked by the Armenians. If the retreat leads to non-fordable river hexes, blocks are lost as in the normal baselines. The Greek player sits on the Carducian side.

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henry54 replied the topic:
2 years 2 months ago
It also raises some questions for me. I would appreciate it if you could inform me on gb Whatsapp if you find the answer. Your assistance will be greatly appreciated.
The-Admiral replied the topic:
4 years 6 months ago
I am not sure I understand the Greek victory conditions. Is it this?
When a Greek unit crosses the river it adds to the victory total. If it is subsequently eliminated would it detract from the victory total? Do the three units already over the river count towards the total?