Victory Results:
 50 %
Record a victory for BOTTOM ARMY  50 %
Total plays 2 - Last reported by Andygor on 2021-08-04 21:56:29

Historical Background
…Commius and the rest of the leaders, to whom the supreme command had been intrusted, came with all their forces to Alesia , and having occupied the entire hill, encamped not more than a mile from our fortifications. The following day, having led forth their cavalry from the camp, they fill all that plain, which, we have related, extended three miles in length, and drew out their infantry a little from that place, and post them on the higher ground. The town Alesia commanded a view of the whole plain. The besieged run together when these auxiliaries were seen; mutual congratulations ensue, and the minds of all are elated with joy. … [80] Caesar, having stationed his army on both sides of the fortifications, in order that, if occasion should arise, each should hold and know his own post, orders the cavalry to issue forth from the camp and commence action. There was a commanding view from the entire camp, which occupied a ridge of hills; and the minds of all the soldiers anxiously awaited the issue of the battle. The Gauls had scattered archers and light-armed infantry here and there, among their cavalry, to give relief to their retreating troops, and sustain the impetuosity of our cavalry... After fighting from noon almost to sunset, without victory inclining in favor of either, the Germans, on one side, made a charge against the enemy in a compact body, and drove them back; and, when they were put to flight, the archers were surrounded and cut to pieces. In other parts, likewise, our men pursued to the camp the retreating enemy, and did not give them an opportunity of rallying. But those who had come forth from Alesia returned into the town dejected and almost despairing of success. [81] The Gauls, after the interval of a day and after making, during that time, an immense number of hurdles, scaling-ladders, and iron hooks, silently went forth from the camp at midnight and approached the fortifications in the plain... Vercingetorix ... gives the signal to his troops by a trumpet, and leads them forth from the town. Our troops, as each man's post had been assigned him some days before, man the fortifications; they intimidate the Gauls by slings, large stones, stakes which they had placed along the works, and bullets. All view being prevented by the darkness, many wounds are received on both sides; several missiles, are thrown from the engines. But Marcus Antonius, and Caius Trebonius, the lieutenants, to whom the defense of these parts had been allotted, draughted troops from the redoubts which were more remote, and sent them to aid our troops, in whatever direction they understood that they were hard pressed... [83] The Gauls, having been twice repulsed with great loss, consult what they should do; they avail themselves of the information of those who were well acquainted with the country; from them they ascertain the position and fortification of the upper camp. There was, on the north side, a hill, which our men could not include in their works, on account of the extent of the circuit, and had necessarily made their camp in ground almost disadvantageous, and pretty steep. Caius Antistius Reginus, and Caius Caninius Rebilus, two of the lieutenants, with two legions, were in possession of this camp. The leaders of the enemy, having reconnoitered the country by their scouts, select from the entire army sixty thousand men, belonging to those states, which bear the highest character for courage... They appoint over their forces Vergasillaunus, the Arvernian, one of the four generals, and a near relative of Vercingetorix. He, having issued from the camp at the first watch, and having almost completed his march a little before the dawn ... he marched hastily against that camp which we have mentioned before; and, at the same time, the cavalry began to approach the fortifications in the plain, and the rest of the forces to make a demonstration in front of the camp. [84] Vercingetorix, having beheld his countrymen from the citadel of Alesia , issues forth from the town; he brings forth from the camp long hooks, movable pent-houses, mural hooks, and other things, which he had prepared for the purpose of making a sally. They engage on all sides at once and every expedient is adopted. They flocked to whatever part of the works seemed weakest. The army of the Romans is distributed along their extensive lines, and with difficulty meets the enemy in every quarter. [85] Caesar, having selected a commanding situation, sees distinctly whatever is going on in every quarter, and sends assistance to his troops when hard pressed. The idea uppermost in the minds of both parties is, that the present is the time in which they would have the fairest opportunity of making a struggle... The principal struggle is at the upper lines, to which as we have said Vergasillaunus was sent. The least elevation of ground, added to a declivity, exercises a momentous influence... [86] Caesar, on observing these movements, sends Labienus with six cohorts to relieve his distressed soldiers... He himself goes to the rest, and exhorts them not to succumb to the toil; he shows them that the fruits of all former engagements depend on that day and hour. The Gauls … by the immense number of their missiles they dislodge the defenders from the turrets: they fill the ditches with clay and hurdles, then clear the way; they tear down the rampart and breast-work with hooks. [87] After renewing the action, and repulsing the enemy, Caesar marches in the direction in which he had sent Labienus, drafts four cohorts from the nearest redoubt, and orders part of the cavalry to follow him, and part to make the circuit of the external fortifications and attack the enemy in the rear.... Caesar hastens to share in the action. [88] His arrival being known from the color of his robe, and the troops of cavalry, and the cohorts which he had ordered to follow him being seen, as these low and sloping grounds were plainly visible from the eminences, the enemy join battle. A shout being raised by both sides, it was succeeded by a general shout along the ramparts and whole line of fortifications... The besieged, beholding from the town the slaughter and flight of their countrymen, despairing of safety, lead back their troops from the fortifications... Embassadors are sent to Caesar on this subject. He orders their arms to be surrendered, and their chieftains delivered up. He seated himself at the head of the lines in front of the camp, the Gallic chieftains are brought before him. They surrender Vercingetorix, and lay down their arms...
(Caes. Gal. 7.79-88, Translation from

War Council

Gallic Army
Leader: Vercingetorix
Take 5 Command Cards      
Move First

Athenian Army
Leader: Caesar
Take 6 Command Cards 

10 banners

Special Rules
Julius Caesar Rule is in effect

Entrance of reinforcements (Gallic player): eight units are set onto a baseline hex on the Gallic side of the battlefield and may be ordered by playing a 'Leadership' card. Two Gallic leaders may be placed with any of these units (3 medium cavalry, 2 auxilia infantry and the 3 medium warriors). By 'Inspired Right Leadership' card and 'Leadership Any Section' card, the force enters in the right section of Gallic player. This set on counts as the first hex of movement for a unit this turn.

The Gallic forces are racing against time: Alesia's popolation and besieged Vercingetorix's Army suffer from lack of food. At the start of fifth turn of Gallic player, and for all next turns, before placing an order, the player must roll a Battle dice for each unit is in hexes of Alesia's oppidum or nearest camp. Score 1 hit for each die matching the unit’s symbol. Ignore all other symbols, retreat flag included.

Occupying the 2 hexes of the oppidum of Alesia and 3 hexes of the Gallic camp gives 1 victory banners to the player that occupies more hexes at the beginning of his turn (majority temporary banner). The Gallic side controls Alesia at the start of the battle, so place one Victory banner on the Gallic Medal Stand.

The Rivers are fordable.

2 broken ground hexes represented ditch hexes. Any unit that enters it must stop and cannot fight this turn (infantry or cavalry). War machines cannot enter. A unit in a trench When your unit battles an enemy unit on a ditch hex will battle with normal dice, if your unit is on a ditch hex and battles out, it will roll a maximum of 2 dice in close combat.

Some rampart hexes are 'on hill' so You have to treat them as hill hexes for movement and battle: all units roll a maximum of 2 battle dice if battling an enemy unit that is uphill in Close Combat. Foot units roll a maximum of 3 battle dice when battling an enemy unit that is downhill, and when battling from one hill hex to another hill hex. Mounted units roll a maximum of 2 battle dice when battling an enemy unit that is downhill, and when battling from one hill hex to another.

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bene70 replied the topic:
3 years 2 months ago
  I am very happy you enjoyed it!
Andygor replied the topic:
3 years 6 months ago
Our club really liked this scenario! We play it quite often! But we have reduced the number of dices for units attacking hexes of camps on the hills to one!