Victory Results:
 100 %
Record a victory for BOTTOM ARMY  0 %
Total plays 3 - Last reported by trailblazer on 2023-10-31 10:38:00

2nd cavalry battle at Alesia (plain)

Historical Background
Scenario 3: Between August 25 and September 3: The Gallic army is starving. A Gallic relief army finally arrived and set up his camp on a hill (left Alesia). A 2nd cavalry battle takes place in the plain to the left of the oppidum : the Germanic mercenaries riders of Caesar prevail. Gallic riders finally retreated in disorder.
The stage is set. The battle lines are drawn and you are in command. Can you change history?

War Council

Gallic Army
8000 Horsemen of the Gallic relief army, more a part of the 60,000 men of the relief army. Commander (relief army) : Vercassivellaun.
• 5 Command Cards      
• Moves first (Gallic choose where to focus the attack)

Roman Army
10 000 Roman cavalry and Germanic mercenaries, plus part of the 20 000 men defending this sector of fortifications (another 20,000 men can be quickly sent as reinforcements by Caesar). Commander: Trebonius.
• 5 Command Cards      

8 Banners

Special Rules
-The Rivers (Oze, Ozerain, Rabutin) are fordable (fordable river).
-Each player plays from his board edge (noted Roman or Gallic army). We turn the board so that the edge of a player matches the (lateral) side of the board and not the usual edge (see note left, center, right - (=“gauche, centre, droite”) - on the map for this scenario). 3 left hexes = left, 3 right hexes = right, 3 hexes from the center = center.
-Occupy a (Roman) camp gives one victory banner at the Gallic player at the beginning of his turn (temporary banner).
-“Campaign mod”: play the 6 scenarios in succession and note the banners to see who wins the "campaign" (of the battle of Alésia). Add up all the banners for all (6) scenarios for this.
- Replace the Carthaginians by a Gallic army (green blocks, barbarians).


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Josiah replied the topic:
4 years 7 months ago
I didn't know which army was the bottom army. The Gauls won so I clicked the green arrow.