Round 5

6 months 2 weeks ago #68584 by Mark-McG
Round 5 was created by Mark-McG
C&C Ancients Open Tournament 2024
Round 5

Round 5

"I will either find a way, or make one."
attrib to Hannibal Barca

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6 months 2 weeks ago - 6 months 2 weeks ago #68623 by Gileforn
Replied by Gileforn on topic Round 5
Match 1

RiverWanderer (Antigonus) 2 banners won

Gileforn (Eumenes) 7 banners won

That was a good game with lucky rolls to Eumenes. Not too much cards on the left, but right flank was very good at attacks. Antigonus light cavalry and elephant were quickly destroyed and double time finalized a game

Match 2

Gileforn (Antigonus) 4 (7) # banners won

RiverWanderer (Eumenes) 2 # banners won - concede

It was also game with lucky rolls for Antigonus. Situation can be changed at every moment, but after battle back a MC and a leader were defeated and Mark prefer to concede.

Anyway it was well played by Mark and hope he will have more luck next time.

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Last edit: 6 months 2 weeks ago by Gileforn.

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6 months 2 weeks ago #68680 by John S
Replied by John S on topic Round 5

Hello. I am having trouble using the e mail from this site. Until I can figure it out, could you contact me via my e mail so that we could setup a day and time for our match.

Thank you,


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6 months 2 weeks ago #68871 by Lornlane
Replied by Lornlane on topic Round 5

Hello. I have written to you by email.

Thank you,

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6 months 2 weeks ago #69179 by lunacab
Replied by lunacab on topic Round 5
Kartigan, please email me at
I cannot see a way to contact you.

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6 months 2 weeks ago #69255 by scrum4you
Replied by scrum4you on topic Round 5
EZPickins, I'm your next opponent, but I don't see a contact email in your profile. Please contact me.

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6 months 1 week ago #69695 by David I
Replied by David I on topic Round 5
In the rule book regarding elephant rampage there is this: "Roll two dice for each adjacent hex with a unit or a lone leader. During a rampage, your opponent rolls for hits on your units, and you roll for hits on his units. A hit is scored when the symbol rolled matches the unit type. A leader helmet will eliminate a lone leader. If the leader is not hit on the rampage roll he must evade. All other symbols are ignored."

I take it this means that retreat flags are to be ignored in this situation. Is that the accepted interpretation?

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6 months 1 week ago #69949 by BrentS
Replied by BrentS on topic Round 5
Yes. Ignore everything except matching colour symbols.
The following user(s) said Thank You: alecrespi, David I

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6 months 1 week ago #70084 by John S
Replied by John S on topic Round 5
Match 1

John S (Antigonus) # banners won 6

Lorelane (Eumenes) # banners won 7

Nikolay scored the first kill with ranged fire in the center. From there the main battle was fought on the Antigonus's right flank. The battle was going well for me as I was leading 6 to 3 and I was pressing on both flanks. But I had no card for my left to finish off a 1 block AI. I could only try and kill off the Hvy Cavalry which was down to 1 block. My 4d attack failed to get that red symbol and a 7 to 3 win slipped away. A timely DOUBLE TIME with only 2 infantry cutoff one of MC and killed it. My HC evaded from a 5d attack with no damage but my Hvy Cavalry with Antigonus chose to stand against a 4d attack. I gambled as I had no cards for my right to try and close out the battle there. Well, my cavalry was wiped out and my leader fell too. Now it was a 6 to 6 game. I could only advance with my HI in the center and hope for another turn as I finally drew the left card I needed. But that 1 block Hvy cavalry that I failed to kill a few turns ago took out a 2 block MI and it was over. My right flank was the issue as I lost 5 banners over there.

Match 2

Lornlane (Antigonus) # banners won 3

John S (Eumenes) # banners won 7

There was plenty of ranged fire early with both sides causing some damage. Then the battle proper opened on the right. I killed off two weakened AI with one MC and a MI. But Antigonus struck back with MOUNTED CHARGE. It took three attacks with a total of 13 dice before my MC was killed (along with my leader) but not before it took out the HC and got 2 hits on a MC. I then lost a MI to the elephants. Things were not looking good for my left. I am able to kill off a weak MC on my left and then play I AM SPARTACUS, but I can only order 1 heavy and one light. I order the elephant on my left and it smashes two HI which gives me a 6 to 3 lead -- hmm, seems like I have been in this situation before. Then my HC on my right survives two attacks and in my next turn wipe out a 1 block MI to win. Certainly, the very lucky elephant attack which killed two HI was huge.

Well played by my opponent and it was a fun match although I must review the elephant rules before I play another scenario with them. Lol.

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6 months 1 week ago - 6 months 6 days ago #70369 by beckerdo
Replied by beckerdo on topic Round 5
OT2024 Round 5 Game 1
Alister (Eumenes) # 4 banners won.
beckerdo (Antigonus) # 7 banners won.

To start, some light ranged combat. No easy elephant taunting. Eumenes moves the line forward with two Line Commands. Antigonus replies with a Mounted Charge. One Eumenes medium unit falls. Antigonus medium cav is killed. A second Antigonus Mounted Charge leads to two more blocks and more casualties.

Eumenes commits his heavies to the left flank. A bare survival. A few more replies and Anitgonis leads 5 banners to 3. Eumenes rallies the troops, but casualties are still mounting. Antigonus attacks and kills the second elephant. Now 6 banners to 4. After more back and forth, the Antogonus left moves the light cav on the left and kills a weakened light for the Victory 7-4.


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OT2024 Round 5 Game 2
Alister (Antigonus) # 2 banners won.
beckerdo (Eumennes) # 7 banners won.

Eumenes protects the right elephant, but Antigonus gets a hit on the right elephant. Antigonus advances his right elephant, but the Eumenes lights rearrange to protect the pachyderms. A long day of minor combat ensues as the flanks attempt to get hits and the heavy centers attempt to advance.

Eventually Eumenes overcomes Antigonus' left flank, but Antigonus replies to push back Eumenes' left also! A Eumenes light is able to roll double reds and kill the advancing elephant, but the Eumenes flank leader is killed with a failed leader check. Although the block count is 21 to 25, Eumenes' left is able to withstand the cav onslaught and win 7 banners to 2.


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A good opponent, good games, and I would like to see Alister again!
Last edit: 6 months 6 days ago by beckerdo.

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