OT2024 Round 5 Game 1
Alister (Eumenes) # 4 banners won.
beckerdo (Antigonus) # 7 banners won.
To start, some light ranged combat. No easy elephant taunting. Eumenes moves the line forward with two Line Commands. Antigonus replies with a Mounted Charge. One Eumenes medium unit falls. Antigonus medium cav is killed. A second Antigonus Mounted Charge leads to two more blocks and more casualties.
Eumenes commits his heavies to the left flank. A bare survival. A few more replies and Anitgonis leads 5 banners to 3. Eumenes rallies the troops, but casualties are still mounting. Antigonus attacks and kills the second elephant. Now 6 banners to 4. After more back and forth, the Antogonus left moves the light cav on the left and kills a weakened light for the Victory 7-4.
OT2024 Round 5 Game 2
Alister (Antigonus) # 2 banners won.
beckerdo (Eumennes) # 7 banners won.
Eumenes protects the right elephant, but Antigonus gets a hit on the right elephant. Antigonus advances his right elephant, but the Eumenes lights rearrange to protect the pachyderms. A long day of minor combat ensues as the flanks attempt to get hits and the heavy centers attempt to advance.
Eventually Eumenes overcomes Antigonus' left flank, but Antigonus replies to push back Eumenes' left also! A Eumenes light is able to roll double reds and kill the advancing elephant, but the Eumenes flank leader is killed with a failed leader check. Although the block count is 21 to 25, Eumenes' left is able to withstand the cav onslaught and win 7 banners to 2.
A good opponent, good games, and I would like to see Alister again!