Match 2
Player 1 (Niger) – JohnS – 3 banners won
Player 2 (Severus) – Scrum4You – 7 banners won
The game started with both sides trading ranged fire. Niger retreated to be mostly out of range on the hills. The game continued slowly until Niger boldly attacked with MC on an exposed LB on Severus' frontline. Severus took the bait, surrounded the MC and destroyed it, at the cost of having units up against Niger-occupied hills. Severus finished the assualt with units attacking Niger's front line on the hills with both sides taking hits.
Severus then advanced a force of MC/HC on left flank. Niger responded with Mounted Charge, attacking the lead MC and an exposed A in the middle. The A was knocked down to one block, the now wounded MC retreated to his baseline, and Niger's MC's bonus CC yielded a second wounded Severus MC that had to retreat. Severus' left flank attempt had been effectively blunted.
Severus played CounterAttack to bring his healthy flank cavalry into effect and took out Niger's MC, then advanced on a Niger L that was weakened and evaded. At this point, Severus had 2 MCs and one A down to 1 block, but Niger had weakened L and MC against their baseline and under threat from healthy Severus cavalry.
Niger played a nice Leadership Any and advanced off the hills to threaten the weakened Severus units and a H. He took out the H with one roll, and the weakened A, which tied the score at 2-2, but the MC evaded and lived.
Severus played Spartacus and activated H/MC/LB/Leader. He wiped out the L and MC pinned on their baseline, making it 4-2. Niger attacked the left flank of Severus' line hoping to catch up. Each side lost one unit. Severus played Order Heavy to attack pieces between the lines with an H and an HC coming in from the back, and wiped out an M with a lucky roll. Niger tried to get one more banner by moving an LB in range of 2 MCs with one block, but ranged combat missed. Severus played another Order Heavy and finished off an H with another lucky roll. This ended the game at 7-3.
An unusual game in that there was never any major infantry line engagement. Interesting scenario and good play by JohnS made this very enjoyable.