scrum4you Player 1 (Vitellian) 5
Kartigan Player 2 (Othonian) 4
Othonian pushed the pace early with lights and ranged attack. Vitellian responded by advancing left flank and the players exchanged mostly ranged attacks somewhat effectively. Both players formed their lines and engaged in melee on the left. Vitellian got three banners in one turn with two 4-block attacks (lucky! 1/6 chance each!) together with taking out a weakened cavalry. Othonian played Double Time to bring the center of lines together, punched a hole in the Vitellian line and claimed his first banner. Vitellian counter-attacked with his left center and weakened Othonian units. Othonian counter-counter-attacked and claimed his second banner. Vitellian played Order Mounted, brought his widely-separated MC and Leader together in the center, and claimed another banner. At this point, Vitellian was ahead 4 (MC/M/H/M) to 2 (H/H). Othonian immediately claimed two banners on a weakened medium and a full-strengh heavy using his leaders very effectively. This tied the game 4-4, from a 3-0 start! But Vitellian used cavalry to chase down a weakened Medium to claim a 5-4 victory.
scrum4you Player 2 (Othonian) 5
Kartigan Player 1 (Vitellian) 3
Vitellian pushed lights up early and began ranged attacks from the very first move. The opponents continues ranged and melee attacks for a few turns with zero hits. Both sides formed lines by turn 4. A Vitellian line command brought the lines 2 apart and the two sides continued trading ineffective attacks. Vitellian played Darken the Sky that yielded 31 dice thrown but continue the poor shooting. At this point, 67 total dice thrown had yielded 5 blocks lost and no actual retreats! An Ohonian line command brought most of the lines together. Attacks and battle backs finally started to connect. Two 4block rolls took the first banners of the game: two Vitellian heavies and a Vitellian leader. Down 3-0, Vitellian went on the offensive on his left flank, advancing two heavies and an auxilia for melee. They quickly wiped out two weakened mediums and one full-strength heavy (with a 4block roll), bringing the score to 3-3 in dramatic fashion. A brave 1block heavy with leader took out two of those units. Othonian then played Clash of Shields which he had been hoarding. He quickly took out a weakened medium and the 1block heavy, ending the game at 5-3 in 7 turns.
Summary: two close games with scrum4you getting lucky rolls at key points.