Round 2 Game 1
Azzy Vs. Rand
Azzy - Eumenes - 6 Banners
Rand - Craterus - 3 Banners
Eager to close ranks, Craterus' army breaks forward with two Line Command cards played in a row. This leaves Craterus himself exposed to withering fire from archers and his unit is destroyed by a follow-up cavalry attack. This attack also damages two auxiliary units, but the battle back takes its toll on the cavalry of Eumenes. After a further cavalry charge, the center of Craterus' Army surges against the main line of the enemy. A well-timed counter and hot dice destroys two medium infantry and a heavy infantry, leaving Neoptolemus isolated and alone in a victory for Eumenes.
Round 2 Game 2
Azzy Vs. Rand
Azzy - Craterus - 3 Banners
Rand - Eumenes - 6 Banners
Craterus starts his advance in the left flank, but is thwarted by an all-out mounted charged by the cavalry of Eumenes, who leads the charge on the right flank. In the first melee, Craterus is cutdown, reducing the command of his army by one card. two auxiliary and a medium cavalry are also heavily damaged. The counter by Craterus' remaining general, Neoptolemus, destroys Eumenes' medium cavalry unit, but it costs him two auxiliary and heavily damages a medium cavalry of his own. Eumenes is then chased down and killed, removing a card from his command. Light skirmishing on the left finishes off Craterus' former unit and the remnants of Eumenes' cavalry withdraws as the infantry on both sides march towards each other. Neoptolemus overextends one of his medium infantry units, which is cut off and destroyed by infantry led by Alcetus. A momentum advance then destroys Neoptolemus' own unit and ends the battle.
Big thanks to Azzy for two exciting battles, both were incredibly close and extremely fun. Good luck to him in the rest of the tournament.